Switched from Atom to Vim. What plugins do you use for vim, Sup Forums?

Switched from Atom to Vim. What plugins do you use for vim, Sup Forums?


vim-airline -> nice status bar
vim-commentary -> comment uncomment w/ vim motions
vim-easytags -> tag file & syntax highlighting
vim-signature -> mark enhancements
vim-surround -> useful shortcuts for matching brackets/parentheses/etc
vimtex -> latex plugin


And just like that your morph vim into a monster it wasn't intended to be.

Pro tip op, you will most likely use vim for remote use and then you will most likely be using vi so you won't be having any access to your plugins.

Either get used to vanilla vim or switch to Emacs if you want a proper text editor with proper "plugins"

I like my monster.

>you will most likely use vim for remote use
What the hell does this even mean? Do you know what his use is? I use it as my main text editor, which I don't do remotely. If I really need to use vi, I can get by. But why would I care if I'm using it as a text editor? Just stupid logic here.

OP here. If I'm using it as my main editor, what's the problem with making it feel like home?

Drop all this shit. use Kate instead.

I tried all existing editors and Kate was the best by far.

>Just stupid logic here.

You setup all your dependencies based on these "plugins" and when ever you have to edit text or doing anything out of your hideous creation of a text editor you will fumble to get anything done.

Yeah if you don't plan to be versatile you can have an abomination at home. But if you actually want to be mobile in your use of a text editor it's best to not have dependencies for thinks not needed in a text editor that were mutated for something not intentionally planned to have.

>mostly remote use
Use nano

I use vim as a daily text editor, and have no idea wtf this guy is talking about. With that said vim isnt a clunky piece of shit like atom is, and you should try to break your habit of gunking up your text editors with garbage addons, op.

>it's best to not have dependencies for thinks not needed in a text editor that were mutated for something not intentionally planned to have.

lol, and you think emacs is better in this regard? You're delusional.

>you should try to break your habit of gunking up your text editors with garbage addons, op.

So we agree?

No, if you're going to extend a text editor it should actually have sensible support for extending it's use.

Emacs has that, vim doesn't. Everything with vim that is extended is an abomination patch work.

>Muh vimscript

i cant wrapy my head around emacs

where do I input commands?

I just want to use org-mode

most of what you want from plugins is probably already in vim. auto complete, snippets, file manager, spell check, etc is all there already.
try and use vim without plugins first, then only use them if you really need to.

good job of ditching that bloated electron piece of shit btw

>where do I input commands?

The keyboard.

rainbow (lisp)

Before installing any plugins, configure your .vimrc to suit your needs. E.g.
>set list listchars=tab:»\ ,trail:·
to show tabs and trailing whitespace (replace characters to those you wish)
>set timeout timeoutlen=3000 ttimeoutlen=50
to change the timeout from the default.
Etc. Chances are, many things can be done in vanilla vim, and yet some don't even bother to configure. I've read posts by neovim drones who complained of vim "lag", not realizing they could change the curses timeout.

Commands are usually done in succession.

C-c C-o C-r seems like a crazy command but once your realize there is a tempo to follow it becomes more natural than you might think. It's really not that hard and actually flows quite nice. Especially when you notice the movement commands can be used in other areas of GNU/Linux like the command line. C-a, C-e, C-b, C-f, C-k, C-d, M-d are all basic emacs movements keys that you can use in the command line now to navigate. Try em out.

Emacs means Escape Meta Alt Controller Shift. So that are the keys you use to issue commands. It's really more simple than what people meme about.

i just want to learn emacs and make it my operating system but it seems so fucking hard and if you ask any questions people treat you like an idiot

It's really not. It's also self documented so once you learn the help commands (C-h) you can figure out whatever you need.

If you first start emacs just use c-h you will go through the tutorial.

Remap your control key to capslock and just dive in. No need to add any packages until you are comfortable with the vanilla install then you can customize to your hearts content.

Only commands you need to know at first are:
C-f (forward a space, similar to l on vim)
C-b (backwards a space, similar to h on vim)
C-p (previous line, similar to j on vim)
C-n (next like, similar to k on vim)

This are basic movment keys that you mainly will use when editing. If you want to move around quicker there are
C-a (move to beginning of line)
C-e (move to end of line)
M-f (move forward one word)
M-b (move back one word)
C-/ (undo)

You might think those are weird counter intuitive bindings, but if you learn those you can use them on your command line too. All of them.

There are others of course but those are the basics of just using emacs to start getting comfortable.

C-g is the global oh fuck button to cancel any commands and get back to a nutrual state. Similar to hitting esc esc esc (like tapping your shoes three times to get home)

If you get a bunch of buffers on your screen and you just want one C-x 1 shows just your current buffer.

Again just a few basic movment keys to get started, it's worth looking into. After switching from vim it is a lot more natural even though it seems foreign.

Meta (M) is usually Alt, but if for some reason it doesn't register you can use Esc as Meta.

And in the previous post its C-h t to get to the tutorial.

Also, this is now a Emacs thread

im going through the tutorial

when do i get to the point where emacs is my OS

once your comfortable with the basics getting around. Switching between buffers (C-x b and/or C-x C-b) and basic navigation workflow then you can start diving into the rabbit whole of all the supported packages M-x packages-list-packages

So i would say if you tried and put in the effort to learn it, about a week or two you could set up a comfy system that you enjoy working with.

How extensible is it? Tell me more!

I really do think I love you

All of this is good. Consider using "M-x describe-key" and "M-x apropos" as additional help commands

When you understand why EXWM and simulation keys are really neat

Its very extensible, pretty much anything you want to do you can really do it in Emacs. There is a culture around Emacs to never leave it. So really, you can go as deep as you want to.

I only go as far to check emails, use org-mode for organizing all my tasks, and ledger-mode for my finances. Also I just M-x shell quite a bit. Plus the general text editing. So I haven't personally gone super crazy with what Emacs can offer, but it surely is a powerful platform.

Just dig in, have fun, explore, and get comfy.

To piggy back off this, if you dont know what a command does.... Say C-f, you can type C-h k and then type the command you want to understand C-f and it will give you a description of that command. and then C-x 1 to return to primary buffer.

I only use a small amount.


And a few language specific plugins.

I find that these add a few niceties but doesn't change anything too much from stock so its not a big deal if i dont have the plugins on another machine or something.


Eh, the command line use varies with terminal type. I think 90% of that would be overridden in terminal emulators. I still use ^e and ^a regularly as a dedicated vi user though.

You can run a fucking shell or any other command from it, what do you even need plugins for?

I use emacs to write (because finding org-mode was like a religious experience for me). Having the real and the graphical line movement (C-n and C-p) be the same is more of a time saver than you'll ever realise.


Emacs people, what non-GNU-Emacs implementations aren't tens of megabytes in size but are compatible with emacs packages?

I can't help you on that front, but even the basic install on linux (at least the one you get from apt-get on debian) isn't small either.

The emacs-nox package(s) on my distro is like ~20mb, I basically know nothing about emacs but I know that I will not be using 10+mb of editor features especially since I just want to try evil mode again.

Common sense tells me that emacs is mostly an elisp interpreter and some default packages so any implementation should mostly be competible with the language and NOT the specific package but I am not optimistic on that front.

I'm still a virgin, never learned either Emacs nor Vim, can only use Nano, which is easier to learn?

I love emacs except for its autistic rsi keybindings. I remapped nearly everthing. I frequently use and installed evil. What makes emacs great is it philosophy of extensibility: everything can be inspected and changed (even at runtime) and is documented. No need to open the browser. It just such a beautiful concept. Elisp code is sometimes pretty slow though.

There is xemacs the only viable alternative to gnu emacs. Its dying though.

Vim isn't hard but has several deep obscure things that you don't need but make your life easier. a lot of the commands are completely unintuitive (unless you come from ed somehow) and vimscript is torture. Side benefit: every system has vi and for navigation it's a pretty great control scheme. Transfers well.

Emacs is pretty weak and annoying til you start learning all the builtin functions and abusing modes and writing your own functionality into it. If you like lisps this can be fantastic but elisp is basically the worst lisp ever. Guilemacs when?

My plugins as it stands now
call plug#begin('~/.vim/bundle/')
Plug 'idris-hackers/idris-vim', { 'for': 'idris' }
Plug 'shougo/vimshell.vim'
" Plug 'scrooloose/syntastic'
" Plug 'ngn/vim-apl', { 'for': 'apl' }
Plug 'adimit/prolog.vim', { 'for': 'prolog' }
Plug 'calebsmith/vim-lambdify'
Plug 'luochen1990/rainbow'
", { 'for': ['scheme', 'html', 'lisp', 'clojure'] }
Plug 'jpalardy/vim-slime'
Plug 'dietsche/vim-lastplace'
Plug 'eagletmt/ghcmod-vim', { 'for': 'haskell' }
Plug 'raichoo/haskell-vim', { 'for': 'haskell' }
" Plug 'valloric/youcompleteme', { 'do': 'make' }
Plug 'junegunn/limelight.vim'
Plug 'Shougo/vimproc', { 'do': 'make' }
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plug 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin'
" Plug 'tiagofumo/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight'
Plug 'Quramy/tsuquyomi', { 'for': 'typescript' }
Plug 'leafgarland/typescript-vim', { 'for': 'typescript' }
Plug 'jason0x43/vim-js-indent', { 'for': 'typescript' }
Plug 'justinmk/vim-syntax-extra'
Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
Plug 'elixir-lang/vim-elixir', { 'for': 'elixir' }
" Plug 'slashili/alchemist', { 'for': 'elixir' }
Plug 'LnL7/vim-nix'
Plug 'hsanson/vim-android'
Plug 'ujihisa/repl.vim'
Plug 'vim-scripts/paredit.vim'
call plug#end()

Take a wild guess of what I do


How is elisp the worst lisp out there since it has now lexical bindings? And yeah, I also prefer scheme.

Switch to emacs.

You can. The tools are there for a reason. it's just that when you learn how vim works you can become an omega-wizard, but you don't have to.

Pretty much, can clearly see which ones I would prefer not to have there (typescript).

it's not a lisp 1

There is also cl which is also not a lisp 1. And I think you are complaining on a very high level. Imagine an emacs that would be configured through vimscript.

Anyone else of the opinion that vim shows its age a lot more than emacs, despite them both being old as fuck?

Vim has no good gui frontend. Thus no variable fontsize.

vim is heavily based around ancient editors going back to the 60s. I think ed is still a perfectly valid (and standard) text editor if the implementation can handle modern filesizes so vim seems modern enough to me.

gvim can do it just fine

Why is gvin not popular and sometimes even despised?

I don't know? I never really used it. I don't know why anyone would despise it though, it's just vim with a window around it. I think a lot of people's workflow probly revolves heavily around tmux or screen though and thus it does not improve their use.
>t. vim-nox user

CommonLisp was a mistake. The standard covers more pages than most languages for something that should be simpler than C.

I'd prefer scheme to configure emacs if I had a choice. I'm not much of a fan of vimscript but it's what I have to use unless I go to write my own editor.


Don't use plugins

I'm not really happy with some of those, maybe I'll go back to the vi-improved.org way, but I needed a quick setup for python recently:

" Snippets
call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet.vim')
call dein#add('honza/vim-snippets')
call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet-snippets')

" Jedi-vim engine for deoplete (Autocomplete)
call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim')
call dein#add('davidhalter/jedi')
call dein#add('zchee/deoplete-jedi')

" Autolinter
call dein#add('neomake/neomake')

" UI additions
call dein#add('scrooloose/nerdtree')
call dein#add('majutsushi/tagbar')
call dein#add('flazz/vim-colorschemes')
call dein#add('vim-scripts/VOoM')
call dein#add('ryanoasis/vim-devicons')

" Editor additions
call dein#add('scrooloose/nerdcommenter')
call dein#add('jiangmiao/auto-pairs')
call dein#add('tpope/vim-surround')
call dein#add('vim-scripts/mru.vim')


>it's not a lisp 1
What a trivial complaint. With macros, you can turn a lisp 1 into a lisp 2 and vice versa, and the only real practical difference is whether you can have both a list function and variable or you've got to name your variable lst instead like you've got a vowel shortage. That's like preferring vanilla ice cream because it's got two "l"s lined up all neat like.

emacs is gay

If you want to make it look more like home, use it vanilla and whenever you feel it's lacking something, google up for a nice plugin that would make up for it. Don't turn it into a generic Sup Forums desktop thread tool you won't understand.

vim-airline !
> an omega-wizard
Wish I could, but I fell for the succubus meme and I now have a girlfriend :(

Can you show me such a macro?

Install spacemac, it just werk.



Vim is like a knife.
It's not a chainsaw.
Nor is it a shotgun.
It's been here for ages because it's super available, simple and versatile.
Not because it's an answer to any possible question.

Bloated af.

why is emacs "smart" indentation so consistently brokenly wrong?

How do you copy from one vim instance to another?

Is "Vis" superior?

I went from VSCode to Emacs in the last week - and haven't looked back.

I tried vim before but I didn't like it so I went back to VSCode, but recently I was bored and took a dive into Emacs, and after spending a little time with the tutorial and googling some shit and editing my init.el file, it truly is the best editor out there.

I can see how the commands seem daunting at first, but you just have to stick with it and it becomes muscle memory.

But if you don't like playing around in config or init files, I would warn against using vim or especially Emacs and just stick with atom.

Try out magit and org-mode.


I want to try something different but good.

Vis or Kakoune?


No. Something (N(eo))Vi(m)-like

Nothing too big!

" Programming stuff.
Plug 'roxma/nvim-completion-manager'
Plug 'autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }
Plug 'Shougo/neco-vim'
Plug 'artur-shaik/vim-javacomplete2'
Plug 'Rip-Rip/clang_complete'
Plug 'Shougo/echodoc.vim'

" Functionality
Plug 'mhinz/vim-grepper'
Plug 'mhinz/vim-signify'
Plug 'mhinz/vim-rfc'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Plug 'sjl/gundo.vim'
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plug 'majutsushi/tagbar'
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plug 'tpope/vim-characterize'
Plug 'tpope/vim-eunuch'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'tpope/vim-unimpaired'
Plug 'sbdchd/neoformat'
Plug 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
Plug 'mattn/gist-vim'
Plug 'MarcWeber/vim-addon-local-vimrc'
Plug 'kennykaye/vim-relativity'
Plug 'racer-rust/vim-racer'
Plug 'roxma/nvim-cm-racer'

" Syntax
Plug 'octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight'
Plug 'udalov/kotlin-vim'
Plug 'shiracamus/vim-syntax-x86-objdump-d'
Plug 'vim-scripts/proguard.vim'
Plug 'raymond-w-ko/vim-niji'
Plug 'beyondmarc/glsl.vim'
Plug 'guns/vim-clojure-static'
Plug 'kchmck/vim-coffee-script'
Plug 'hail2u/vim-css3-syntax'
Plug 'vim-scripts/ebnf.vim'
Plug 'elixir-lang/vim-elixir'
Plug 'jimenezrick/vimerl'
Plug 'tpope/vim-haml'
Plug 'vim-scripts/haskell.vim'
Plug 'vim-scripts/jam.vim'
Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
Plug 'OrangeT/vim-csharp'
Plug 'vim-scripts/JSON.vim'
Plug 'groenewege/vim-less'
Plug 'tpope/vim-markdown'
Plug 'juvenn/mustache.vim'
Plug 'programble/ooc.vim'
Plug 'petdance/vim-perl'
Plug 'uarun/vim-protobuf'
Plug 'vim-scripts/rfc-syntax'
Plug 'vim-ruby/vim-ruby'
Plug 'rust-lang/rust.vim'
Plug 'cespare/vim-toml'
Plug 'keith/swift.vim'


Vim is super useful to learn because many computers will have it built in. So let's say you ssh into some shit, you'll likely have vi. Definitely not Emacs by default.

But I found Emacs easier with the plugin business, but at times it can be horrendous figuring out how packages work. Sometimes you'll spend more time on the package than actually typing, so I usually avoid packages lest necessary or it sounds cool (multiple cursors is fantastic).

(E(Macs)) u(ses) lisp (so you can use (all the parentheses(you want)))

Use emacs.


Don't be a fucking retard. This is like those dumbshits that keep adding a library for every single feature in Javascript.

99% plugins are things that can already be done with vanilla Vim. If you want to fill it with plugins, just switch to Sublime or whatever.

Look at this airline is extremely bloated, and has literally nothing that can't be done with :set statusline

I'm a fan of the set statusline config style and usually want that clean as a whistle.

Yes, my vim takes 200ms to start up. Unbearable bloat, really.

Jesus christ. Even my Sublime opens faster than that.

And airline starts lagging your cursor once you have a lot of big buffers.

I know, can you imagine waiting 2/10ths of a second? Why even live? Never experienced cursor lagging.

How's issuing commands without delays?

Can you hit "o o" without the whole system locking up to try and process the action?

>Pro tip op, you will most likely use vim for remote use and then you will most likely be using vi so you won't be having any access to your plugins.
scp your vimrc over, oh wow that was hard

Yes, there is no lag. If there was, I'd change whatever caused it.

Is knowledge of vimscript a perquisite if you want to edit your .vimrc -- and to extend vim in general? Because I keep It's is a nightmare to work with.

no, .vimrc is basically just the command mode interface automatically run.


This is why emacs is superior. Don't listen to these vimshitters.

>Yes, my vim takes 200ms to start up
Jesus christ.
I'd hang myself while it loads. HATE lags and visible waiting.
>044.022 000.002: --- NVIM STARTED ---

200ms is imperceptible. Jesus, you guys are autists.

you slow in the brain

The only reason I even know aboult lightline is because airline made my vim so slow, I was literally waiting for it to open.

Is there something that has VIM-plugins but is not envumbered by all the legacy stuff?

Ideally something like Vis but with plugin support.

Yeah I have magit, helm and company mode, both very nice, I've yet to try org mode but I've heard good things.

You can google something like "magit" or "Emacs magit" and there is a wiki page explaining how to install it and the basic use.

The only plugin I use is latex live preview WORD KEKS BTFO