This is basically paying someone to wiretap your house right?

This is basically paying someone to wiretap your house right?
Are any companies actually working on smart-home shite that takes privacy concerns seriously?

Funny you think every cell phone, printer, smart TV, smart fridge and other IoT devices don't already do this. Not even counting computers with Intel ME.

>This is basically paying someone to wiretap your house right?
Yes just like buying a phone

>Are any companies actually working on smart-home shite that takes privacy concerns seriously?
No because there's no money to be made from it

>implying i don't destroy my camera and mic and only use a bluetooth headset to make phone calls
>implying i haven't already purchased a purism librem 5
>being complacent with corporate/government spying


I have a Google Home. I have it play a lot of german polka, speak in tongues to it, sometimes pop off pistol blanks, and ask google weird stuff like "How much torque does it take to unscrew your dick head."

No cops yet. Whoever is monitoring me must be really uncomfortable though.

way to allow your privacy to be invaded for gimmick 'benefits'

it's not even a good speaker... you can enjoy listening to hanson's mmmbop on your shitty ass speaker while i have a legit receiver and sound system with my flac media collection on my freenas

wallmounting a touchscreen powered by a raspberry pi to pick songs was a kickass decision too

but yea... you decided to pay for google to know even more about you. you're a smart person

Oh no google will know how lonely I am

Smarter about his money than you for sure.

seems like a giant waste of money to me desu

>This is basically paying someone to wiretap your house right?

do you know what a mobile phone is ?

And guess what, most people just don't care

I use prepaid sim cards. Not sure how much of a protection that is though.

90% sure my printer doesn't have a microphone or camera. And I don't use smart products at the movement for that very reason.

not at all

>printer drivers send computer make/model/specs to printer OEM
>printer sends every print job to OEM
>OEM can cull website history, IP address, geolocation, etc from all of this information
Also, have you disassembled your printer down to the circuit boards to see if it really does NOT have a microphone? Or are you just taking the OEM at their word? The same OEM who would just as soon track which way your nuts swing at any given time.
The only way to avoid this shit is to literally live off the grid.

lol why are u hiding something?? xD!1

Yeah or get a google home as a present and have a smartcast TV so you can just tell the home to play music and it plays it over the receiver

>Alexa, archive thread

>people falling for this bait

IoT is an amazing technology if you can build your own offline local network by combining different open-source standardized components from different vendors.

What we have now is 5-6 walled gardens that call home for every little task and refuse to accept any compnents not certified by the original manufacturer.

>and refuse to accept any compnents not certified by the original manufacturer.
As opposed to the theory that you should accept anything that comes down the wire and let Microsoft Defender sort out the ones that aren't on the current Partners List.

>Are any companies actually working on smart-home shite that takes privacy concerns seriously?

No because their business people forgot to take burning money 101 in school