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Technology #639
NFS Alternatives besides Samba
/dpt/ - Daily Programmmmmming Thread
What went wrong
Note taking on desktop
What's a concise...
Be a decade ago
NVIDA recently updated its End User License Agreement without any advance warning...
open facebook
How often do you use these?
Is he the comfiest tech reviewer?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
So, now that is over how does one pirate some good old fashion mp3s
Hey Sup Forums, my cousin bought me a new mouse, logitech g602. Thoughts on it?
It is now Day 8 of absolute silence from Hiro regarding the ad fiasco...
/fag/ - Friendly Apple General!
Does anyone here ironically use BSD?
If this is the wrong board please let me know where to go
Not to mention its making AMD’s Radeon GPU...
8GB is more than enough
Windows 10 devs should be castrated
Merry Christmas, Apple!
Since C is for small brain niggers, what's the programming language for the white man?
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
This girl thinks Python is a cute programming language
XPS 13 or 15? I need a new laptop so I'm using some Christmas money and savings
Game & Work laptop shopping
Just got gigabit fibre
How much space does Sup Forums allocate for their memory swap/page?
Why does Sup Forums hate this man so much?
Bathtubs use up enormous amounts of water! It's only fair your water company starts charging bath tub manufacturers
Amazon Alexa
Is a WM really better than a DE?
How do I lock myself out of my android phone for x amount of time?
Can you code in C++ without caring about manually allocating memory?
I want to die
Is pic related the best messaging app as a compromise between normie friendly and security/non-botnet?
Is there anything wrong with java for making games in 2018?
Try to install linucs
What year was this picture taken Sup Forums?
Grasp objects in a secure way
John Mcafee private phone
ITT we list outdated technology that is extinct or going extinct, and rightfully so:
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Support net neutrality
What is the point of this person?
I'm so fucking done with women Sup Forums. My gf wanted a new laptop, so I got her a brand new Thinkpad for christmas...
To learn in 2018?
Custom Android roms
What you are listening to Sup Forums?
RSI/Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Get Haven, get control
Scam emails
How can I convince my niece to stop wasting her money on this shit?
Hard drives
The current state of wangblows 10
Take open source code
True freedom from systemd
Merry kurisumasu Terry, wherever you may be ;_;
What's a laptop?
/wt/ - Watch Thread: Merry Christmas Edition
Anyone here has a 3d printer? what do you use it for...
Merry Christmas, Sup Forums
Mfw make -j16
Indians in tech
So, was Santa good this year?
As a Microsoft employee anything
Hello Sup Forums can anyone of you tell me what pin is the positive and a which ones the negative
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Commands are all called stupid bullshit unrelated to what they do
Thoughts on faceid? creepy botnet or neat gimick?
Need to be able to make .doc files for work and openoffice .docs look fucked up when opened in word
Is this a viable option?
What went wrong?
What did you guys get for Christmas
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
C is objectively the best programming language in the world. Many will try to replace it...
How can 144hz monitors exist if electricity is only 60hz:
Press back
Reminder of why this project is important
Find closest in list
This is better than Linux Mint
NVIDIA GeForce driver deployment in datacenters is forbidden now
Vapes are technology. What are you gentlemen vaping with?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
In their Mozilla Trust Initiative blog they cited New York Times and The Guardian as example of fake news spread by...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why don't you use the botnet to your advantage instead of crying about it?
How do I get a programming job in one year or less? Starting completely from the bottom
Do CPU's have moving parts? Such as tiny switches or whatever?
Is there anything wrong with this besides "muh bezels" and the camera in low light?
He thinks GPL'd sofware is a good idea
New Computer Help?
LineageOS - 1st birthday
What's a good, free VPN? I tried Proton but after the trial expired it wont work now...
Install Linux Mint for the wife
What's your opinion on vivaldi? Does it spy on you?
Why do girls use apple products?
Is this the perfect OS?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Does Sup Forums have any emergency protocols? Provide as much or little info as you are comfortable
I sort of understand bitcoin but what the fuck is ethereum? How do you build applications on top of a blockchain...
Whats your testing variable name? for me its "dupa" which is "ass" in polish. most of my friends use it too
Itt jokes only nerds will understand :)
Downloads Folder
Flash finally died
Linux at college
Why use Linux if you're not a sysadmin?
What's the best time to buy a replacement battery...
Am i a loser for using this?
Christmas Presents
Mom found the virtual cumbox
Tor meltdown
ITT: Stupid shit Sup Forums believes
Get comf
Why so many anons on Sup Forums swear by mini and mid towers and what's your height
Reminder that even if you are sad and want to kill yourself just remember that you are loved...
Are these still a meme?
Should I try Solus?
Why is python2 still a thing
Post overrated reddit technology
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
LASIK or PRK lads?
He thinks that Google doesn't believe in white genocide
Bill Gates here, AMA
CloverOS GNU/Linux reaches 1000 commits
A Jamal stole my MacBook Air this morning
This browser is created and maintained by the team behind Pale Moon...
1440p, 144hz monitors
How do i get that hype for learning programming again Sup Forums??
Should i get this or a macbook?
Arch fags
Sup Forumsuide thread
/pmOS/ - postmarketOS General
Canonical cucks are doing it again
What's the programmer version of drawing furry porn on patreon?
Touch screen > nipple
Get used macbook pro 2015 for cheap
How do you handle your passwords?
Arch grub bootloader
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Well Sup Forums, is it good or is it trash?
Sir, I'm going to need you to unlock your phone and laptop
ITT: People of tech who you hope suffer a career threatening and potentially life threatening injury
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #25
Post obsolete tech you want to see return
How do they compare?
So Sup Forums reached new levels of kikery
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Let's play a game: Guess the distro
What are the benefits of running Windows 10 over Debian, Manjaro, Ubutnu, openSUSE, Arch, Gentoo...
Chinese Fake ware thread
Terminal fonts general
Rust vs Haskell
Wait Wait Wait
IPhone 8 and X are so much more powerful than any Android phone, it’s kind of ridiculous
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Class action lawsuit filed against apple in CA
Install Android on Lumia:, Speccy Thread
CrossOver 17 Lets You Run Microsoft Office 2016 on Linux
Your browser
Best budget phones with cameras that are actually good?
Give me one reason not to buy an iMac if I want a 4K or 5k display
Mouse: High DPI without "Gaming" Look?
Script blockers breaking Sup Forums
Do you think Volta will deliver?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Be me
What was Sup Forums like before social media really took hold of the internet?
Oh-oh, looks like your fuel economy is suffering. Let's just disable 2 of your pistons to bring it back up to spec
I noticed 4chin users especially in Sup Forums are rich NEETs supported by their mummys
Most processing power according to geekbench, Antutu, 3DBench, GFXBench, bitcoin mining and real world tests
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Post you are internet speed
How do mods on Sup Forums delete threads? Do they go directly into the database and delete a thread?
How are normies so retarded?
Why do some people act like Apple slowing down phones with degraded batteries is a bad idea?
Looking for Drawing Tablet
When I opened up Firefox instead of loading up my homepage it loaded up a copyright notice from TWC...
What is the most smart/efficent system for keeping your house warm in winter?
It's nearly 2018
6 years of """"""""""updates"""""""""""
Is this good?
What is a good visual tool for keeping track of memory management in C++...
Is he /our guy/?
Hardware auth tokens
Nginx or apache web server Sup Forums?
Why are all the Indians in my CS grad classes bad at programming?
Hey anons
I just started using Ublock Origin. Is it OK to leave it on easy mode?
Best addons/builds
Post your cases
How to fix the iphone generation
Why Unreal Engine 4 performance sucks so much? Every fucking game:
Okay so I'm back Sup Forums I was the guy who was making the image-board for fun, currently I've gotten it to work...
*blocks your freedom*
Fucking brick waiting to happen. Discuss
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What's it like to switch from Win7 to Linux?
Magewell Pro Capture Quad HDMI Video Capture Card
Sup Forums-approved blogging software
Mechanical Keyboard General - /mkg/ - Thread For Posting Keyboards
Computers will never be this comfy again
Which option did Hiro choose in the end?
So with cryptocurrency crashing can we expect to see a decrease in AMD GPU prices?
Community-owned ISPs
I made a Sup Forums browser for the desktop: anyone interested?
"The Mozilla Information Trust Initiative"
What happened to Terry?
Stop using Google and Google accessories
Home Server Thread
Unices Thread
Online Identity General
Anyone else watch this autist?
T-this is an instant buy at this price point, right? Doing my first AMD build, and preparing for the future...
Should I buy the LG V20 or the Essential Phone, Sup Forums?
ShareBlue hacked
Normie tech advices
Tfw you feel for the 12GiB RAM meme
Lads, I’m having a password management crisis
Why is hiro using this imae on the main page?
Fuck developers
Previous thread: >>63960884
Lets be real here...
I got one of these fucking terror machines for christmas im terrified to even turn the thing on
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Can somebody clarify something for me
Rust vs Go
Is there a decent e-mail client for PC that isn't slow as fuck?
/gg/ - Gentoo General
Why is Debian with openbox so /comfy/?
Why aren't you working on your own startup
I just caved and bought/ordered this bad boy for my gaimes
Still no ARM desktop processors
Fuck this shit, nothing works, css keeps breaking
How do I self teach myself a CS degree in one year or less by myself
Drop iphone x
Welcome to XDA thread for SUPER INDIA ROM 5.6
Windows hate thread
Galaxy Note 8
Why the fuck is my cpu at 100% on absolutely random programs?
Google doesn't throttle Nexus or Pixel devices
Laptop + eGPU is the future
Alright Sup Forums
Why? Because mlp is "manly"? Well tough luck! NEWS FLASH!! Gender roles aren't the law. Neither are stereotypes...
Why are Apple products so shit?
Data Hoarding #2
Best drawing free software?
My friend gave me her MacBook Pro to repair, she tried restoring the OS, but it kept failing
Sup Forums approved linux distro
/wt/ Watch Thread
Sup Forums please help I dun goofed
Join us, user! We like to talk about computers!
Help me pls
Sup Forums is /mlp/ - Sup Forums meta
Why the FUCK doesn’t Sup Forums default to HTTPS already...
Calling out shills now gets you banned
As soon as I get my Y700 I’m gonna remove the shitty air filter and the anti-glare film...
So, what should I do to disable the botnet ability of windows 10?
How does Intel plan to compete? AMD just dethroned Intel as the top choice for desktop processors
Anyway to get legit windows 10 for free? This is going on bootcamp on my work computer so no cracks...
Minimal Install Games
Offical linux cannot do thread
Finally stop distro-hopping
Well, Sup Forums?
No iPhone X thread?
Apple LITERALLY admits to slowing down their phones
How do we bring them back?
2560x1440 isn't 2k, stop calling it that. Where the fuck did this even come from...
Only in the UK is paying for a service as bad as this considered acceptable
Tabs or spaces ??
/bst/ Battlestation thread
DT 990 - does it really have a good bass?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Thoughts on Java + OpenGL? I'd be using JOGL, not LWJGL
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How do I calculate the average of two numbers?
What was wrong with Objective-C?
How do I fix this?
Two tabs open
Windows 10 pro for less than 100 bucks?
Well reactOS daily builds can now run dolphin and windows virtual machines
Why doesn't Hiro care?
Libreboot is getting a new release!
Anybody have any experience installing Linux on older laptops to make them usable again...
Here’s something I’ve noticed about Apple vs android
Also. minor note...
I had a Thinkpad x60 for a little bit
/wdg/ - Web Development General
I want a setup like this. talk me out of it
Do you anons agree with him?
ITT: Beautifully designed tech/gadgets/appliances
What are the best 13" laptops out these days in your opinion?
How does it feel knowing that she codes better than you?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Wouldn't it be much more sensible to bundle all the dependencies together with the main package...
Context: a lot seem to call "programs" "apps" now. even windows os refers to them a lot as "apps" now...
Why do people still use Windows 7?
Mozilla is evil incarnate
Tfw fell for the refurbished desktop meme
VMware or VirtualBox?
How likely is it that we're living in a simulation?
I've always wondered which one is the better OS not in terms of features or what programs run on each...
Case fans
Lua appreciation thread
IToddlers woke up & sued
So I just read about the storage read and write speeds on the Samsung S8 and iPhone X
Complains about people buying a $1000 Facebook machine
True story
What is your favorite tech youtube channel?
*saves gnu-slash-linux*
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #24
Android is great if you’re poor and a student...
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Should i do it?
This is it Sup Forums. I am going to complete the circle and install Ubuntu 16...
Turn off javascript
Ha hahaha now all you retarded 32 bit cpu holdouts will be forced FORCED to upgrade to 64 bit like decent human bieings...
Curly brace on the same line or next line?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Unlocked phones
Name a more aesthetic laptop. Go on, I dare you
Why are booth babes not a thing in tech anymore? It would make me way more likely to buy a product
I dunno why I help people with computers anymore
So I got an iphone X for Chirstmas (early cause leaving on trip)...
Any of you guys drink coffee?
Not an apple shill but wtf Sup Forumsuys this cute latina girl from school just posted this
Consumption while coding
Linus Cuck Tips will die on your lifetime
Is the lack of a headphone jack a problem to you? Any cheap workarounds?
Why couldn't GAHNOO/Loonix get the Single Unix Specification?
/dpt/ - Daily Programmmmming Thread
Why is Windows 10 so bad?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Unix philosophy hate thread
I just installed Manjaro and abandoned Windows 10 forever. This wasn't difficult...
Bill gates will die in your lifetime
Icloud unlock
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Fell for the 1440p meme
Recover Formatted Flashdrive
/w7g/ - Windows 7 General
Hi I'm moot le mootkins I will sell the only thing I did right on my entire life to some shady chink to exploit it and...
Is VR a good investment for 2018?
Can you guys help me pick a name for my soon to be pc repair company?
Enter conference room for Linux sys admin job interview
2018 will be the year of the linux deskt-
Just won W520
What's preventing wider adoption of Linux by the normies?
Nine Inch Nails ARG
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Vivalvi browser? I'm using it and so far it's bretty nice
Botnet Awareness
What's the point of UEFI?
Android Ram Usage
How do I get the love of my life back using hacking
Ubuntu 17.10 Downloads Pulled Due to BIOS Corruption
Microsoft Edge supporting WebM
What anti-virus software do you currently use?
Can we start banning Apple shill cucks? You get like 40 Applel threads a second. Fucking Mactoddlers
ITT post fags that you never understand
How far we've come since then... Do we even deserve Gorhill?
Almost 2018
Is there any good IDE/Text Editor for Web Development?
Looking to buy minidisc player but don't know what to buy and if it will work in linux or not...
If you can't see the source code then it must be a botnet!
Low budget Nvidia GPUs are finished
Can Sup Forums help identify which model of smartphone is this?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Women can't into technology
What is your hacker name?
"Technology sites"
I drilled my motherboard and after putting a gpu in it turn on, then turns off, nothing to screen...
It’s a foot long, one-and-a-half inches wide and covered with — to the uninitiated — strange gold markings
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Fucking apple
So my house is full of these nasty bright LED light bulbs which are harsh on my eyes...
SSDs for around $18 a piece
How true is this
Tfw I fell for the VA panel meme
Convince me not to buy an used 980ti
Are the Ukranian/Russian ads showing back up for you Sup Forumsoys?
Which one for max performance, Sup Forums?
Comfy as fuck
Story time
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Not a screenfetch thread
Stop using harmful software Sup Forums
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Help with security
Now that the dust has settled and we have had a chance to look at the best iPhone (X) versus the best android (Samsung...
What will you do when you get your Android gf Sup Forums?
How do you explain to your girlfriend that your PC uses a Linux operating system?
Tech Pornography Thread?
Show me your best examples of brainlet "programming", Sup Forums...
Everyone who posts something nice about Comcast™ in this thread will have 1 MB deposited into their Comcast™ account
This is a browser
Perfect notebooks don't exis
Could we get a Tor specific thread? I've seen it mentioned often but think it deserves a discussion thread of its own
Screenfetch thread
It's time to sell, r-right?
Mfw 8gb patrician
WTF Facebook?
Finally doing this...I feel clean. Renewed...
Apple just got chinked
What are the rumors on the next Ryzen lineup?
/pmOS/ - PostMarket OS General
When was the last time you used Windows? what did you do?
Hey Sup Forums is it possible to make Lubuntu really minimal ?
The wait is over. The perfect phone is here
Sup Forums designs a secure smart phone
I need a new AV
Meanwhile, in Los Angeles
Hey Sup Forums for some reason my iphone locked up and I can't use it...
What last minute technology gift should I get my wife for Christmas?
Malware ads, infection rumors and the future
New CarFactory(Car);
What do I do guys? Me and dad just got into the crytpo game yesterday and we already lost $25...
UMatrix/Noscript (brainlet query)
Are your pants ready for Magic Leap?
Fluent design
End of an era
Am I crazy for wanting to get a base iMac Pro for casual home use and gaming?
Will windows 7 still be safe to use after 2020...
Omg, VLC has a Santa hat! ^.^
Arch or gentoo?
Youtube alternative when??
Is the patent on the public domain now? Can we get better readers now?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
You're crying about DDR4 ram prices skyrocketing right now...
Minimal as fuck
Did legacy captcha just die?
/wt/ Watch Thread
Rage thread? Rage thread
Wait for DDR4 to become cheaper
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How expensive are Mid/Low computers in your country?
Jobs & stuff again
Okay so I'm back Sup Forums I was the guy who was making the imageboard for fun...
Why aren't you using the best image manipulation program, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Want to reduce my reliance on google
Compact cameras
How many MegaPixels does the eye have?
Applefags WILL defend this
ITT: Shit software
Nah fuck off cunt
Is there a version of this out there without a cosmic assload of botnet...
Why are you waiting for a new phone when perfection is already here?
We can’t tell who the shills are anymore...:
What DE/WM are you using Sup Forums? and why?
Here's the deal, where are you cucks getting PS free?
Tfw androidlets will never know this feeling
Why don't we have more ARM laptops and desktops?
/ltg/ - Linux Tablet General
/hiroshima/ - Hiroshima exodus refugee camp
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Forums whats the FOSS version of spotify?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Paying $100+ for a video card from 1998
Why the fuck isn't lineage os on oreo yet?
Charging Port "on the side" = GOOD
Speccy thread
Why don't you like SystemD?
/comfy/ programming languages
Is there similar thing to raspberry pi 3 but more powerful and can run retropie...
Dogfish SSD
How do I get Windows 10 for free or cheap?
Why did he actually leave Microsoft? Didn't he love what he did?
Any recommendations for stereo amplifiers/receivers?
Does this Hiro Malware crap affect mobile users on apps like Clover or dashchan?
Girls who code
How do I create my own CPU?
Why do some people say HTTPS Everywhere is deprecated?
Sup Forums what is the best Java IDE?
British Internet Thread
So, Sup Forums, what amount did you chose?
Whats the best software for making music?
Is it even possible to hide from the NSA...
Jesus fucking Christ
/comfy/ General - Christmas Edition
Only 0.5% of android devices are running the latest version
How much time should I spend programming a day if I wanted to be pretty/really good in, say, a year or less...
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Fractal Design Define R6
Programming jobs, how are they?
If all files can be expressed in binary...
Remind me again Sup Forums why we hate Pajets so damn much?
Why did fail so hard?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Can I still recover anything off this hard drive?
Proprietary file system
Raijintek Morpheus II
How plausible is running Windows 7 in 2018 and why should anyone use it over LTSB or even 8.1?
Security Cameras & Mail Theft Prevention
Annual reminder to educate your family members about free software on this upcoming holiday dinners
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #23
Why would anyone switch from Windows to Linux?
Literally /ourphone/
Planned obsolescence is a myth!
We are currently on Day 3 of the malware ad issue. Hiro has tweeted, although its about something completely different...
Unsupported captcha
Disk Cloning
*steals focus several times when starting in the background*
Japmoot Vs. The archive(s):
/hsg/ - home server general
Server thread
Girlfriend can't pick presents to save her life
Report in
Witch Linux based OS would you consider to be the most stable ?
*nix Shells Benchmark
What distro did you begin with?
Stuck with windows 10 since I'm unable to downgrade back to windows 7 and everytime I do my pc force locks me out and...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
My wife is attempting to divorce and I'd rather be a homeless person with no income rather than a person with income...
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk + Cybersecurity General
Have you ever thought of creating distributed imageboard software that makes shit cost 0 dollars?
How do we keep the coffee shop nu males and women out of tech Sup Forums? They are ruining everything...
Friendly reminder that Logan is nothing but a fucking snake...
Fully finished Star Citizen WILL bring your "enthusiast e-peen" hardware to it's knees
Post your taskbar Sup Forums
Sup Forums horror or outragous stories
What do you ACTUALLY do with you're 800$+ phone?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Give me an honest reason why you don't use windows 10 and are still using windows 7
Day 4. After the malware fiesta which UO saved us from, gookmoot has now fucked the archive!
It's over
I want Ubuntu but no systemd. How do I do this?
Gearbest hacked
Windows 10
Now what the fuck is that? Have I been hacked? How is that allowed? If it is...
I might lose my job over this but you guys need to know
Why can't everyone just buy a fucking Mac and iPhone?
I wonder if that shill posting walls of pasta and amd marketing slides has killed himself
*blocks your productivity*
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
P versus NP problem
Wanna build a gamer PC to give games another try
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
The R6 is finally coming. It has an optional tempered glass side, as was to be expected. It has a vented PSU shroud...
Hahahaha McDonald's Advent calendar security sucks just got a lot of free food
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU+Linux thread
Which is the best e-reader for manga/comics...
Don't know why but i bought one of these single key keyboards at an autists garage sale but i don't know what to do...
Why is Gnome such a laggy piece of shit?
Comprehensive speed test with multiple demanding apps and MULTIPLE benchmarks
Is Sup Forums financially responsible?
Aluminium mouse pad
No one man should have all this power
BASIC Programming Langauges
Tech Greentexts
How many computers do you have?
Tfw Sup Forums too poor to afford this beauty
Sup Forums life hacks
So from my understanding this is what a minimalist Sup Forums umatrix looks like
Need an alternative
Lets talk about this magical device Sup Forumsoyim
Who else owns this beauty?
Are encrypted messengers worth it? What are you using and why?
Even GloFo has a denser process than Intel
Why is this allowed? how can we stop the fairy coin meme for we can take back our gpu's?
Hey Sup Forums im making my own imageboard which is open source on github...
Laptop for school
I love RegEx so much
Programming Challenge
If you don't know how to solder you shouldn't be on Sup Forums
ITT: we pretend we're on XDA
Are Chrome users literally retarded?
Your browser
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Do ifags really still buy the iShit in 2017?
Thanks Samsung!
Apple admits it slows down iPhones
What are some neat things you can do in cmd?
In your personal opinion, would you rather have 1440p144hz, or 4k60hz? If you want to ramble on your reasoning...
Finally, an explanation why betas own an Android and Chad owns an iPhone
Tech gore ITT
Googled the address of my therapist on my phone
Why aren't you running Ubuntu, the best distribution, Sup Forums?
Download speeds after net neutrality
Sup Forums on OptiPlex?
Am I blind or is there no way to have multiple threads open at the same time in a tab format like in mimi...
IJustine doesn't make good tech videos
Magic Leap ... the mysterious company that's developing their AR product since 2011 and have raised more than 1...
ITT: software trying to be human
Fuck Gnome
Why is Sup Forums always constantly bitching about Pajeets?
Why are people still using Android Studio and when Xamarin exists?
Why does Sup Forums think Raspberry Pi's and Arduino's are for babbys?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad general
What are some of the best distros approved by the FSF? I could use some recommendations...
What's the most powerful laser you own?
/bst/ battlestation jerkoff general
300 word essay due tomorrow
Is it happening?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Cross-compiling for windows
I'm thinking of grabbing one of the new "mixed reality" headsets on boxing day...
Why do GPLcucks always scream that there's nothing wrong with piracy but the moment I take their shitty GPL software...
Most anti-depressive programming language?
Provides the optimal gaming experience for PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #20/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #22
DDR4 price
Girls who code
Thermal paste storage
ITT: tech placebos
Mechanical Keyboard General - /mkg/ - Thread For Posting Keyboards
Let's be honest, most of us still use Windows 10. It's impossible to play games without it
Reminder that if you have changed job at least once in the last 5 years we will NOT hire your ass!
ITT: non-shit software
Calling out arch fags and fags that hate systemd. Why don't you guys use alpine?
Does anyone here use a Redhat distro for their desktop? Kind interested in the security aspect of it
Apple LITERALLY admits they cut performance by 50% on older iPhones to prevent the chinkshit batteries from causing...
Times you listened to Sup Forums and how did it go/turn out for you in the end?
Lets have another thread about Sup Forums shit hoarding 7 million loli images and home servers
Trying to find entry level IT Job
I made a site Sup Forums
Just ordered this for 1 552 sealed. Its the 15 mid 2015 mpb base mode, what should I expect? Do you guys use this?
Not using searX
*bumps you up to 100% disk usage*
Somehow paid posters are now being told to put nigresses along free software logos and to post them
Got a computer for the first time in years
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why do people still buy smartphones when their current ones work just fine...
4:3 master-
Was a khv
Private property is a good thing, lad
1080p gaming on 4k monitor
How do we rate it?
Recommend me a 4K VA 27' and above monitor for the price range of 500-1100
Lets play the "Guess the languaje" game /g, me first
Install launcher on any phone
Your Xiaomi Yeelight is recording your conversations
Free cloud storage service?
How's that depressing?
How much of a meme is this browser? Is it any good? Is it worth having as a main browser?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Now that I'm forced to use Tampermonkey, what are some good scripts you would recommend?
Kills your NZXT meme cases
Confess your sins Sup Forums
Have you tried Antergos™?
The age of automation is here
Hiro prepares his malware fiesta
Perfect cases don't exi
/spg/ - Smartphone General
And they talked about 10nm FPGAs
What distro should I install on my MacBook air (2014)?
*sips net neutralitea*
Do all modern thin laptops have coil whine?
/dpt/ - Daily Programmmming Thread
Mobile app development fucking SUCKS
Is there any way to unlock a phone if you forgot the PIN code...
Best processor, and it’s not even close
I've been buying iPhones for years now but my last one recently broke and I've decided I don't really need or use half...
He uses tape to cover hsi webcam
Day 3, Hiro still hasn't fixed the issue nor apologized...
Thanks Floens
Hello Sup Forums, europoor here
Can someone explain to me why good sites keep dying?
Why do people unironically like reactos?
What's your monitor resolution and Aspect ratio?
Intel 2500k
Bought VPS
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
ITT: Best calculators of all time
The Sup Forums adware domain is listed as in my hosts file
Since 4chins is kill time to rebuild:
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What will you do when Windows 7 dies?
Gab, Vidme, and Voat have all failed dramatically...
Make way, greatest phone of all time coming through
Anyone can learn to code
Why is American technology so outdated compared with the rest of the first world?
Admit it, you’d buy one if you could afford it
What did he mean by this ?
/wt/ Watch Thread
Who /comfy/ here? Just got the iPhone X so feeling extra comfy
What did he mean by this?
His phone has less than 10 cores
How are you celebrating the death of net neutrality?
Is Brave Browser any good?
Stop using harmful software Sup Forums
Delusional Archfags
Bitcoin Mining on Track to Consume All of the World’s Energy by 2020
So I just installed linux for the first time and whilst I have no problem on getting the time to configure it...
Uh oh girl, green bubble alert
The iPhone 7 onwards
Software doesn't have a linux button because the developer is too lazy to take one minute to compile it for linux
How do you want your new elf emojis Pichai?
Phone history
Should Hiroyuki Nishimura, the current owner of Sup Forums...
Decentralized chat general
I swear im not trying to shill
OS Security
Redpill me on this distro
Now that he BTFO net neutrality, can alarmists fuck off back too reddit?
Jesus christ they literally just changed the positioning yet again and now when u scroll past a fucking side-ad shows up
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Be honest, you like GNOME
"When I sold my bitcoin I had to pay US$50 and wait 12 hours for the transaction to go through because of this...
/dpt/ - Daily Programmmming Thread
Post Net Neutrality Doomsday Prep GENERAL - /pnndpg/
Yaourt waterfox
What Firefox add-ons does Sup Forums use?
W-what is he saying?
Merry Chrizzy all
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why would anyone use Ruby over Python?
Req budget PC below $400 with monitor?
Which distro is for the absolute beginner
Speed typing
Is there a better PC case in existence?
Is there a single decent gaming laptop for under $1500 anywhere in existence?
Why doesn't hiro ever talk to us? Also, what does he do for a living besides fucking with Sup Forums
What is the point of backlight keyboards? Doesn't the monitor already illuminate the keys?
UH OH!!!! Ubuntu bricking lenovo laptops
Post poor design ITT
Price drop when?
Enter website
How to downgrade iPhone software?
Inb4 phoneposter
What is this code in each pages source?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
It's ok for a private company like twitter to do what they want with their platform
Anyone else think the idea of microkernels sounds more compliant with the Unix philosophy? The whole "Do one thing...
Not using the best antivirus out there
Be me with 700KB/s internet
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Why does Sup Forums have such an irrational hatred for macs? In my opinion, they're pretty good machines
*replaces your T420*
What's your excuse for not using it?
New laptop needed
Best tablet for notetaking, pdf/ebook reading, sketching,~$500
MacBook Pro late 2014
Does anyone use alpine linux as a daily driver? If so, how is it????
Music streaming services
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #20
Bitcoins contributing to climate change
I5 4GB ram laptop
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Be me
Your thoughts on Kali linux?
I`m looking for a laptop that`s 2-1 under 500$
CPU-Z Thread
Why are you still using Windows?
Package for me Sup Forums
Apple DOES Slow Down iPhones
Played myself and ordered a Noctua NH-D15 for a build that is supposed to be aesthetically pleasing
Spooky Tech Experiences
USA denounces and blames North Korea for WannaCry
I want to organize my music file...
Samsung Galaxy S8
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...