*bumps you up to 100% disk usage*

*bumps you up to 100% disk usage*

heh, whoops ;)

how do I stop this from happening

I wish I fucking knew. The entire operating system is a fucking ess from the ground up.

Have you tried not being shit at computers? Works for me.

>install windows
>don't do anything
>100% disk usage
Sorry, your pet OS is shit by default.

I am so sorry that you're shit at computers. Hope you'll get over it one day. Maybe try one of the brainlet OSes like lincucks?

Disable Superfetch

*starts clapping and walks out of the shadows*
>Great work kid, but this battle isn't over yet
*teleports away*
*100% disk usage again from something else*

>install Windows
>don't do anything
>100% disk usage
Shit by default. Guess the "just works" meme isn't true. Which leaves Windows with zero advantages to anything else.

>Avoid windows 10 like the plague, happy with win 7
>Buy 370 motherboard
>Turns out they don't support win 7 anymore, usb is completely fucked up and doesn't work besides the mouse which glitches out constantly
Do I return my new parts and stay with win 7 or buy this shit OS and suffer?

>disk goes up to 100% usage
>it goes back down to 0% after 10ms because I have an ssd

heh, nothing personnel, kid ;)

LMAO windows is serious pleb shit, like the bottom of the barrel nigger-tier shit. doesn't help that faggots like defend it when it has obvious issues. Don't know how anyone puts up with it and goes as far as to defend it. Stockholm syndrome or coping?

>how do I stop this from happening
you can't Bill wants to know all about your shitty animu

I don't use Windows, is this a common problem on Windows?


Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB doesn't have this problem.

Maybe it does or doesn't, but it still has the Windows problem.

I wouldn't say it's common but if you google "windows 10 100% disk usage" there's quite a lot of complaints about it.

It's mainly superfetch but even when you disable that it will be fine for a few days before it suddenly just fucks up and starts using 100% again

>not having a solid state

Who cares? Anyone with an IQ above 90 is either autistic and uses Linux or is more socially inclined and uses a mac (pic related)

>disk goes up to 100% usage
>it goes back down to 0% after 10ms
>this is acceptable system design

Maybe I'd use Linux if it actually had game support instead of a handful of shit titles on steam

>b-b-but you can dual boot with windows to play games!

No fucking point in Linux then is there?

tfw using Windows

Windows LTSB doesn't have this problem

>maybe uhd yoos linuhcks if it haah muhg agagagagag bbpllllpppttt

>If you're reading this on Windows, feel free to take your time on the big words
>muh gaymes
Obviously an intellectual over here, great retort

unrelated but this picture makes me laugh so much

Even with superfetch disable harddrive usage still goes 100% when idle.

There is any... any way to get windows enterprise LTSB 100% legally for my own single computer as a single person?

>waaaaaaah why do people play games on pc? :'( they should all restrict themselves to my autistic hobbies instead!


>tfw mac user



Install GNU plus Linux.

It's okay. Take your time on the big words.

Is there a permanent solution to this issue? I initially came to Sup Forums for help in blocking gookmoot's malware, but I have no idea why my disk usage is so far up when the task manager shows no programs that would even remotely add up to 100%.

keep your shit comments for yourself

I'm literally LMAOing at your life

We're not just smarter, we're more successful (pic related)

Mac users:
>intelligent, successful, financially well off
>m-m-m-m-m-m-muh gaymesss
>ahh have to take a pooppeee hehe
>muh muh muh mmommy change diaper hehee

It almost feels they go out of their way to push people's limits

turn off the computer

Buy an ssd

Great comeback. Obviously doing a great job of proving the picture wrong.

I swear, with each interaction on here I have with a wintard, I'm even more convinced that they're the niggers of the tech world.

>the CHAD hominem

Just disable the botnet. WHOOPS.

>tfw wintards are literally dumber than macfags
oh this fucking timeline has been great

Buy better hardwre, goy! Your harddrive is not fast enough. You must keep up with the times and use real modern hardwre, like an Intel M.2

This is the new face of every windows poster on Sup Forums and I don't care who says differently.

The only reason to pay for Windows is if you're using it commercially

walmart has a 100 dollar Razor bundle that seemed pretty legit
especially since I got it for forty bucks minus the headset

yeah and also I'm pretty sure you can install it for free, it will just nag you from time to time that it's not activated or something


Linux is the rollerblades of the OS world.

I don't remember if 10/8 installation requires a product key
I think there was a way to disable that check, because of batch installs and such

The MSDF has arrived
>operating system is shit by default
>this is somehow the user's fault
Nice try, k*kes. I'm not buying your shitty (((products)))

I mean Razer is shit but a headset, keyboard and mouse is a steal for $99


>doesn't realize it does it on his computer too
>"Uhm gud at comptuteress guuuuys"

Has literally never happened to me in over two years of embracing the botnet. Maybe try installing it on something more powerful than your netbook from 2009.

>asks question for help, trying not to be shit at computers
>receives answer implying he should simply not be shit at computers
no bully pls

Sure, this post is believable. Shoo shoo shlomo

shitty mousepad too
well the quality is nice but fuck having the razer over fucking everything
You definitely can do worse though at that price

stop using it

macOS doesn't have this problem :^)

People not being shit at computers do not have this problem.

People who don't use Windows are objectively better at computers than you


>it will just nag you from time to time that it's not activated or something
t. faget who pirated and uses w10 ltsb fine
who the hell pays for fucking windows

This. hang on a sec, let me get out my list of things wrong with macs-- OOF

well, whatever. i don't remember exactly what I did, but I think it said something in the "about this comptuer" or something about not being activated. but that was the last I ever saw about that.

This, SSD is a must for win 10. I bought cheap notebook and perforamnce was solid on windows 8. When i updated to 10 it started being unbearable, even typing on facebook lagged.

user, he's using Windows. That's because he's probably shit at computers. :^)

can confirm, am shit at computers and use windows. just works, except when it doesn't, but eh that's the price of convenience and I can't be bothered to fix anything, sue me

>this Windows Defence Force recruit

give it up, pajeet

>I think you're a faggot for being shit at computers
>Could you please help me improve?

this isn't a tech support board. but to be fair I think the guy who asked the question is a false flagger samefagging in this thread to make windows users look stupid.

>what is automatic disk defragmentation

Nice try (;

What is disk defragmentation? Is that a poor person thing?

consider installing GNU/Linux
or downgrading to windows 7 like the rest of the normal people

My mac doesn't have this problem :^)

>what is
>poor person

You now realize you yourself are lacking right now, and fit the definition of poor.

>he fell for the ssd meme

Mm I don't know, I'm pretty well off and never had to deal with disk defrag shit. I don't know what kind of poverty devices you guys are using though, I imagine the standards are a lot lower in your world.

>this happens even on LTSB

install gentoo

it'll be superfetch or you have some form of malware, could also have a almost full or fucked drive

how is it a meme if it's better in every way?

Disable scheduled defrag, retards