What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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What's an anti-natalist



That's not a very long list. Don't these people have children to carry on their philosophies?

Anti-natalism =\= child-free


Oh, that's good. So these people do have children then?

Maybe. Why not?

absolutely based

>all the suffering in the world
>still thinking your genes are so special you need to create another resource drain
>sacrificing your own free time because you're such a slave to primitive biological impulses

There's a few specific groups that ought to cease procreating for that suffering to stop.

Hint: it's not white people

>I decided not to have children for other reasons
yeah who the fuck would willingly let you inceminate them, you greasy fat communist

race is irrelevant you dunce, EVERYONE should stop procreating.

honestly we should just expedite the process and get rid of anyone who invokes:
>muh culture
>muh heritage
>muh nation

> creating a person with unsatisfied preferences >spending your lifetime to satisfy this unsatisfied preferences
>while there are millions of already exists persons with unsatisfied preferences

It's not that simple. Sure, the population in some countries is growing out of control. However, procreation is absolutely necessary for a large part of the population. Besides the obvious fact that the human race would die out if no one had kids, the current population needs to be supported by the next generations of children. Otherwise you get all sorts of problems like Japan is facing with their low birth rates. Poor people especially rely on having children because there's no way they can afford to live into their old age if they have no children to support them, and more children gives more chances of one of them bringing prosperity to their family.

But another interesting angle to look at this from is whether overpopulation will really be much of a concern in the long term future. Countries that are more educated and technologically advanced tend to have much lower birth rates. If this phenomenon continues as more countries develop and modernize then there may not be a concern for overpopulation at all.

A more interesting question may be what populations will end up dominating in the future. Since the smarter / more educated are less prone to having children, will the next generations be dominated by offspring of idiots, like the movie Idiocracy? Or will the mandate to procreate of some religions cause the world to be dominated by such a religion? Maybe I'm a cruel person, but I'm much more concerned with the unrestrained spread of Islam than I am with famine in Africa.

>human race would die out if no one had kids
is this bad?

Spoken like a true retard


>I decided not to have children for other reasons.

>EVERYONE should stop procreating.
This indicates that you hate humanity. Why would anyone listen to what you have to say?

>life is about satisfying your fucking creature comforts
fucking hell get out more

What a fucking retard.
All we have to do to make the world a better place is to get rid of niggers, that's it.


Fuck racists, ima right reddit XD #feelthebern

>all racists are nazis
Nice meme, friend! This is going to the front page of Reddit for sure! XD

>I did not want a life of running on a treadmill, doing whatever people with money would tell me to do.
The first part is evident.