How are you celebrating the death of net neutrality?

How are you celebrating the death of net neutrality?

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not at all sir my country still have net neutrality

The 400 pages regulation labelled "net neutrality"?
You mean the thing that was created in 2015?

I was using the Internet before 2015, everything was fine.

So I don't give a fuck you redditard.

After 8 years, I've completely lost faith in this site. I think it's time to leave. Thank you based Ajit

Don't really care tbqh. People on both sides of the argument were complete idiots and either didn't understand that the FTC deals with the ISPs not doing anti-competitive/pro-monopoly things, not the FCC and that it's not big ISPs vs. the people, it's the ISPs vs. people like Google, Netflix, Youtube and the like arguing about how much bandwidth the content-providers should use and whether they should economize it or people that didn't like NN just because progressives liked it. Frankly, it's a microcosm of the fucked up political landscape of today's world,at least in America.

Because there WERE rules before the 2015 ruling.

They were the reason the FCC could tell the ISPs to stop pulling bullshit, but Verizon challenged it in 2014 under the argument that the only way the FCC could tell ISPs not to throttle or block online services is if the internet was protected by Title 2.

FTC hasn't done SHIT about anything ever, the FCC always had to be the one to put their foot down on the anti-competitive/anti-consumer shit.

And the 2015 FCC rules don't allow them to act on anything unless something is reported to them anyway.

The entire argument against net neutrality is a farce.

>FTC hasn't done SHIT about anything ever, the FCC always had to be the one to put their foot down on the anti-competitive/anti-consumer shit.


Be a retard somewhere else please. Just because you have no idea what an agency does because you are economically illiterate doesn't mean it does nothing.

By living in the richest country with the wealthiest corporations sitting on 80 year high levels of cash that somehow has the shittiest internet infrastructure.

We're talking in the context of THE INTERNET

What meaningful actions has the FTC ever enacted on the Internet?

But ISPs were abusing their monopolies before 2015.

We're talking in the context of ISPs and the economic ramifications of their actions nigger. Isn't that what this whole NN thing is about, seeing that you pro-NN folk talk about how ISPs maintain local monopolies over entire states even and they want to essentially price-gouge you out of your money?

Yeah, but at least the FCC would call them out on it.

They contested it a bit, but most ISPs complied, until Verizon really challenged the rules in 2014.

The FCC didn't call them out on it after 2015? I remember Verizon threw a massive shitfit after the law was put in place and all the throttling bs ceased.

You didn't answer the question.

Fact is, the FTC hasn't done anything regarding the internet, which is why the FCC always ended up the one taking action.

I like tax bills that fuck me in the ass for not being born in to a rich family too

Did you literally just turn 18?

Have you heard of this little case?


Well, seeing that the main concerns brought up by the people in support of Net neutrality are economic in nature and relate to possible anti-consumer behavior they could possibly implement, then it ought to be brought up in front of the FTC since that is the point of the bureau in the first place, not the FCC's job.

That isn't even REMOTELY the same thing.

This is an end-user client software scenario where they killed Netscape Navigator by levering their position in the OS market.

They haven't done anything like this for ISPs.

Fact is, you can't really show me a good example of the FTC cracking down on ISPs.

Thing is, the FTC never once acted upon these issues.

>Thing is, the FTC never once acted upon these issues.
It actually has to happen in the first place (which is something I doubt) for them to start cracking down on the ISPs in the first place

You know what, fuck this thread; you're all figurative cucks cooking up bullshit excuses why you let someone else fuck your woman and why you don't even want to anyway.

Net Neutrality was a scam. It didn't even do anything. It had the potential to be something far more sinister though.

Stop going into the troll threads you dumbass.

>that image
Fuck off back to Sup Forums you god damn retarded fag.


I fucking hate that they've turned this into a partisan issue just to convince idiots to back the repeal. They know how stupidly easy it is to get retards to vote along party lines, no matter how much damage it'll end up doing to those same retards in the end.

There is not a single valid reason to do away with net neutrality unless you suck fat ISP cock, and the only time it would ever be acceptable to repeal would be if there was actual competition between ISPs instead of the regional monopolies we have now.

Even if you had a vibrantly competitive market repealing it would suck for us end users.

I like to think that with proper competition, net neutrality wouldn't be a necessity as any blocking, throttling, etc. would be met with immediate consumer blow-back and cause a huge hit to the offending ISPs reputation and bottom line, but that may be overly-optimistic and you could very well be right. Its not as if I can think of any real benefits to doing away with net neutrality anyway, that would just be the only remotely acceptable time to do so. if it were to happen

You're right, but seeing people willingly shoot themselves in the foot is upsetting. They dismiss any publication they disagree with out of hand while taking posts like
at face value. Ranting about how easy information is to manipulate while ad-libbing thousand page documents in a paragraph, it's comical