Make a custom gender.
I love how social media became an RPG game where you can customize your character.

My gender is "Your Highness" address me as such when talking to me pleb

> I love how social media became an RPG game where you can customize your character.

kek I think I'm going to use that.

No one addresses someone by their gender.
>Oh, hello female, how are you today?
>Hi there, male, I'm fine, how's your day?

jesus fuck, soon I'll end up in prison for not remembering someone's made up gender..

Can't imagine getting worked up over this

But they do address people as "ma'am", "sir", "miss" and "mister".

What is worse?

People who made Google add this?
Or people who post about this on Sup Forums?

except when talking about someone in 3rd person..

For example, you'd have to talk about him as his highness lol

Use "Royalty" or something like that to invoke Highness status.

This will insult no one, trigger no one, and everyone who knows you will just ignore it. Meanwhile, people with real gender identity conflicts get their legitimate concerns dealt with.

You get to be a retard and bother no one and someone else gets to feel slightly more comfortable and bother no one. It's win-win.

my gender is "niggerblack"... Please address me with my proper pronoung which is "nig"

I'm guessing you never made it as a wise man

I'd probably just block you then we can both be happy :^)

I would rant on twitter how you discriminated my gender and WP or some other leftist publication would be all to happy to support me against your discrimination..

>I'm stopped from being a bigot by social isolation so I'm the real victim of bigotry :(

Decline to state makes sense but custom what?

Just more data for Google.

It's so that you can enter your bullshit, made-up gender like "cuntboy" or "otherkin" and feel like the specialest snowflake in the room.

I'm actually black. Who can I be a bigot if I want to express my blackness through my gender?

So please, refer to me as nig or nigga next time you address me or I'll call the cops.

What kind of narcissistic person would want that?

The kind of person who has tens of thousands of posts on Twitter.

You plebeian, I always address maidens as m'lady.

My gender is Robot.

>I am not a robot.

But how would you address someone with gender as "Your Highness"?
It's not politically correct to address someone as their gender it's discrimination!
I mean, it's OK to say "she", "her", "lady" etc, but not OK to say "female"!

If only it had a customizable sexual orientation, and relationship status options as well.
Source code
>sexual orientation
Interested in licences
>relationship status


kek, underrated post

>"Pick Your Royal Highness you nignog"

What's funny about Decline to State? Why is it any of their business?

bottom ;e;
Also, checked.

That's been there to a while, mine is set to "Submarine"

whats wrong with the option decline to state? its my right to withhold my gender from who ever i like

what going to happen once the queen dies? non of her famil;y is suited to the position bunch of degenerate fucktards im not in england so im free to insult the queen all i want the old dusty cunt

charlie will abdicate as soon as she dies and his bald son will take it up

>Google will let you decline to tell them your gender but won't let you decline having what goes in and out of your email address sold to advertisers


Shit nigga, everyone looked at me on the train for laughing loud.

I make google accounts like 2-3 a week for my projects and I always set "attack helicopter" as my gender. Wish, I could see the google analitics of a few website I follow with the fake accounts.

But that will help them identify you easily. Also how do you create them without a shitton of mobile numbers?

Why not add 2 fields. One for gender, text input; one for sex, a select box.

Fuck binary systems. When will computers get out of the binary dictatorships? Why numbers have to choose between 0 and 1?

Why cant they identify as 3,4 or mayble letters??

Thats because computers were created by cis gender white males!!

Why do you hate trans individuals so much?
They just want to live their lives in peace.

>They just want to live their lives in peace.
*they just want you to play along with their make belief bullshit and if you dont, the government should intervene

thats litterally how totalitarian dictatorships start. some mentally ill groups give all power to buerocrats to enforce some bullshit ideas

>not being beaten by transphobic thugs
>bullshit ideas

There's too many to fit in a drop down bix

stfu you mentally ill piece of shit. if you were a real trans, you would act as a woman/man and nobody would give a shit

but you are not trans, you are a mentally ill faggot who seeks attention

>not setting your gender to attack helicopter

I'm not trans, I'm just a good person, unlike you.

They don't care about what I do. Google isn't the target.
There are dudes that do the "shit ton of numbers" part for 5$ per 100 authentication. And apparenetly, I am
overpayying them. Never asked them how, they never asked me why. So it's all good.

I hope you realize that's a joke, right? It doesn't actually exist.

you are enabling mentally ill people to act out their illness.

soon you'll be doing campaigns for pedophiles too, so they can act out their desires too?

this shit doesn't belong on Sup Forums
take the politics outside of here please

also, dont mind my rant. I actually enjoy this shit, since I'm not from US.

I am happy I live in a country where mentally ill fucks get beaten up if they start acting up. Turns out skinheads and hooligans have a vital role in a society lol

>stigmatize people you don't like as mentally ill
>it's now OK to treat them badly!!!
>project own pedophilia onto people you dislike
Seek help

I dont project anything, its the logical next step (normalizing pedophilia) in your mentally ill agenda.

Anyways, fuck USA. I guess its karma for all the shit you've done to the rest of the world

EXCUSE ME? Do not dare to make fun of my gender you piece of shit, or I call police!
t. Boeing AH-64 Apache queer demisexual

Vast majority of pedophilia happens in traditional countries where trans individuals are mistreated.
Countries with no empathy have lots of sadists, which happens to include pedophiles you're so obsessed with.

Shut up pleb, don't reply to me or my wife's son ever again
t. mono-straight-cis-male-F-15E

Nope, I'm from eastern Europe. Being a pedophile here gets you a shiv inside ribs in prison.

Gay parades have to be escorted by police.. We are still normal, thank God.

Next time I see hoolignas on the corner, I'm gonna buy them some beers lol...

You're from one of those countries where pedo priests rampage freely and zombies blame everyone but the church and priests for the child rape committed by priests?

That would explain why you're such a piece of shit.

pedos are everywhere.. even in your film industry. At least they got fucked for life once they get exposed in my country.

In your country they get oscars you fuck

Yeah but you are still poor and ignorant.

Actually, in my country they only get punished by transfer to another parish.
Because one of those pieces of shit became a pope and decided to hide all the trash, then blame innocents for crimes of christians.

at least there is a 99% chance that our children will be either males or females..

In your country its like 10% chance now. Most of them will be xers and zes hahahaha

>2013 Sup Forums tier humor

Sup Forums in a nutshell


>reddit tier reply

Trans people want to be referred as the gender they identify with, 99.99% of the time it's male or female
Then there are the degens that make up shot that even trannies don't want to associate with

>google improves privacy by allowing you to not state your gender
what's the problem?

Not technology

A few years ago, teenage girls did it in Europe.

same here in my country, we have different verb suffixes depending on gender

And the point of that joke is how those idiots were adding more letters to the "LGBT" acronym for some retarded reason.
First it was just LGBT, then it became LGBTQ, then LGBTIQ. Also LGBTTQQIAAP is an actual thing, believe it or not. It means "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual".

I just find hilarious how a group meant to unify genres that aren't male or female STILL have the urge ot fragment themselves with adding more letters to the fucking acronym they use. It kinda shows that the whole "that is a mental disease" some people love to parrot on internet isn't that far from the truth

alrighty then me lord



No. That was back in the early 2000's.
I.e. MySpace.

These days you have to upload your face so you won't get blocked out your own account. Sure as hell isn't customizable.

already a reality in Canada

I make more than the US average while living in the EU.
Yuropoor meme is just a meme bro.

Did an American just try to say they aren't the number one country of ignorant people?

long double gender;

void *gender;

>Nigger tier reply

Is this Sup Forums?
You both are retards

I always say I'm a girl anywhere I register something online.
I give no fucks.