I'm so fucking done with women Sup Forums. My gf wanted a new laptop, so I got her a brand new Thinkpad for christmas...

I'm so fucking done with women Sup Forums. My gf wanted a new laptop, so I got her a brand new Thinkpad for christmas. When she opened the box she was smiling and almost crying of happiness, untill she realised it was a Thinkpad. I asked her, what's wrong? She said, she thought it was a Macbook. How the fuck do you mistake Thinkpad for Macbook? Anyway, fast forward I set it up for her and everything then she says it feels kinda weird to use it and looks nerdy???? I was so done at this point, took the laptop from her and went back home. Contemplating breaking up with that dumb bitch.

She doens't deserve you, mate.

>Contemplating breaking up
No contemplating! Dump her!

Women are useless, just dump her.

Just kill that stupid whore, buddy

Women are parasites.
They pride themselves in sucking everything away from the male sex.

why couldnt you have just bought her a macbook but installed linux on it?

your gf was expecting you to gibe her a macbook? dump her. p obv golddigger.

New thinkpads are trash

>visit Sup Forums
>have gf with distain for "nerdy things"
You should probably just kill yourself

Dump her. Also, if you're giving that to someone less tech-savvy I'd recommend installing Windows 10, but you already installed Linux. Sweet ThinkPad though.

Obviously bait, but you must be one dumb motherfucker to think a girl wants a thinkpad.

Computers are for facebook and sending nudes to guys, not for running arch linux

Not only should you dump her, but you should install a keylogger to her current computer and rent a botnet to ddos her isp down.

Get a real woman like that russian femanon grill that lurks around here

my daughter wanted a macbook for her birthday but i told her i'll get her something even better so on christmas morning she opened up the cardboard box to see a used thinkpad with CloverOS installed on it and she started screaming and crying and making suicide threats wtf

Listen StinkPad virgins, no woman wants to be with a man that gives her some ugly black block running loonix. They have a sixth sense that detects your tiny penis and shitty personality, as well as lack of money, and they come bang an alpha like me.

Enjoy being a basement-dwelling neckbeard virgin for the rest of your life.

stfu faggot

There are no femanons lurking Sup Forums user. Men in skirts ain't no women.

Alright mother fucker, I'll bite.

You should have paid more attention to her wishes and needs. Serves you right for spending 1000$+ on a present that she didn't really want.

Here is your (You) kekboi, don't spend it all once.

low quality bait

I know this thread is full of bait, but for what is worth, I bought my wife a T420 that she's been happily using for a year now. I would tell her to fuck off if she even implied she wanted a MacBook.

>qt gets annoyed at her phone
>buy her a chinkphone and flash cyanogen to it for Christmas
>she's appreciative and happy
>uses it daily and is overall extremely happy with it

Can't say I relate to your plight papi, get a less basic bitch desu

desu i'd be mad if I got a thinkpad, yeah it's a nice machine but it's got c*ink botnet on it

>How do I computer

did you install loonix on it? something like ubuntu is perfect for women desu easy to use and retard proof


>My gf wanted a new laptop, so I got her a brand new Thinkpad for christmas
bait, Sup Forums can only afford those shitty ones from a decade ago

>brand new thinkpad
The best part about this story is that those are easily as overpriced as macbooks

>Buy gf Thinkpad
>She loves the nipple
>I buy a bag of ice cubes
>She goes down on me like the first scene of boku no pico

>not peak degeneracy
>not aids ridden fags with mental disorders

Fucking kys

He's refering to that faggot "Femanon" who larps here as a female.
Most likely a 30+ year old neckbeard.

>anime shitposter


Traps are gay. G in Sup Forums doesn't stand for fa/g/ot

On that one I didn't, she uses windows and I'm not going full retard on her about the good word of our Lord and savior gnu. But we have a eee PC that she uses when traveling that has lubuntu installed, and she never had a problem with it.

You're probably some sort of weird apple shill, but well, social status matters a lot more for women.
On a functional family unity, the man do the hunting, the women do the shilling.

Also doesn't stand for bi/g/got.

That's weird… My girlfriend loves her Thinkpad. So much in fact that she's bought numerous extra ones after I got her a first one. Shit taste in women, op!

This is the funniest thread on Sup Forums. Happy Christmas, cunts!

I can guarantee you that bitch is being fucked by at least 3 negros, dump that whore asap.

Why the fuck wouldn't you get her a Chromebook, which would have served her needs, been cheaper, and looked cleaner than the ThinkPad?

Jesus man, she isn't the problem and neither are women. You projecting your preferences onto other people and getting angry when they don't bow down to your autistic authority complex-- that's the problem. Don't take your Sup Forums habits into real life; Sup Forums is NOT well adjusted.

Bet you wished she was a trap

>got my gf a backdoor from china
>she isn't happy
She's too good for you.

She sounds spoilt. Find yourself a woman, not a girl.

There's a board for you to spread your fa/g/gottry
stay there and dont come back buddy.

>buying an ugly brick like laptop to a gurl instead of a cute little facebook machine
why would you do that?

>tfw posting this from a brand new acer chromebook
Sup Forums literally seething
[spoiler]I only wanted it for taking notes though[/spoiler]

This sounds like a girl problem and a christian holiday problem.

Dump the cunt and stop participating in this ludicrous holiday!

I don't get it. I see all my friends saying they can't do anything after thanksgiving, because all of them are spending all their income on this insane holiday!

Traps would be perfect if not for the (male) thing.

mfw my gf needed a new laptop and I recommend a thinkpad and she loves it.

is this an american thing? wishing your parents bad things because they couldnt or wouldnt give you a retarded expensive telephone?

Haha I doubt this is true but come on, don't tell me you didn't expect it.

I liked it when my boyfriend gave me a thinkpad.
he isn't really intrested in computers and all, but still made the right choice.

Sup Forumsay

wow pol really has leaked on to the other boards, Sup Forums was never so hateful...
a sad state this modern Sup Forums

holy fuck making 1000$ + gifts

how beta can you be

>Get Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 13.3 (2017)
>Install MacOS on it
>Have your gf polish your rod while doing so

I dunno what you're talking about, she seems pretty content in that photo

How does she say 4 question marks in a single sentence?

>courting women

Is this the level of applel shilling we are on right now?
This guy gets it
You cant expect girls to want the shit we want, and you cant ever take their shit or you'll develope a relationship in which she has the final say, these relationships dont last
Either she appreciates what you get her or she can fuck off, most of the time they will not fuck off

1000 dollar botnetbook vs 2 dolla pen n paper

sounds like a smart lady to me. are you both virgins?

>implying "her" existence

>americans can't afford a $1000 present
Sure glad I'm euro"poor".

I have a gf, and I even have sex with her.
if you count masturbating in front of a mirror.


Fucking bitch cunt that third one. Would kick out and disown.

Did u gave her the 2 in 1 thinkpad/yoga? She gonna love the touchscreen.

>shit that never happened
Cool story OP

>Sup Forums - LARP

>muh wymin
op, get a qt bf or remain a cuck

Nice blog post. Where can I subscribe to your fantasy story?

You should have installed Gentoo on it.

>Implying that StinkPads were at one point not trash

Or could have just kept Windows on it because loonix is for neckbeard virgin basement dwellers that have a superiority complex because they use an inferior operating system.

>Not wanting to fuck a man makes you a bigot.
>'user either you engage in sex acts against your will or you're this terrible reputation ruining thing.'

You're very literally a piece of shit.

>gf had an Acer running win10
>slow as shit junk
>Install an Evo 850 and Ubuntu
>"Wow it's like a new computer! I wish it felt professional like yours though" (I have a t420)
>She buys a t430 off eBay
>now I'm jealous

>putting a greasy donut on your thinkpad
user, i hope you cleaned it.

Edit: I saw the keyboard, you are a greasy fuck and you should be ashamed of yourself.

>being married
>giving things to women besides a good bed-rolling
the absolute state of Sup Forums

>I have a t420
>She buys a t430 off eBay
>now I'm jealous
I think you need to leave, NOW!!!

>take a chance and date an autistic Sup Forums user
>he buys me a meme laptop with a hobbyist OS on it rather than a gift I would actually use

Since you're a clean freak.
How do you remove ear wax stains from the keyboard without removing the letters?

>a gift I would actually use
A dildo?

I wouldn't trade my T460s for a T420.


that's clearly a joke hothead. not like you'll ever have kids to kick out anyway.

The fuck you think was gonna happen. Women only know how to use macbooks.

You have such a deceptive way of referring to MacBooks...

The ideal solution (that I've found after years of cleaning thinkpads) is not to use alcohol directly. Instead, mix it with water. The proportion to mix is simple:

>Three parts isopropyl alcohol
>Seven parts water

I use a bottle cap, fill it with alcohol three times then the same cap with water seven times (you can use something bigger if you want more).

With that solution, you're safe to clean all your thinkpad and the alcohol presence guarantees a slow but secure grease removal without leaving the typical alcohol stain/residue that occurs when you use pure alcohol. Also the low concentration makes it safer against things that may get damaged by the usage of pure alcohol like rubber compounds or human skin.

For occasional cleanup you can use the simple, free and excellent Keyboard Cleaner. All it does is make your screen black (so you can clean it better) and lock your keyboard so you don't trigger accidental keys while cleaning. Of course, you can always shutdown the computer too.

Regarding products like iKlear and such, they are ok, in fact I'd recommend you always get a bottle of iKlear around, it's good to have and their small wet towels are very handy for quick clean. Remember never to use toilet/kitchen paper, use instead any "approved" cloth (like iKlear, TomBihn, etc.) the "micro fibers" are designed to not scratch your surface.

I wouldn't use pure alcohol.

The key is to wipe down your keyboard EVERY DAY so grease doesn't build up you dirty fucks!

Enjoy your acid attacks, gang rape and trucks of peace euro trash

are wet wipes OK?

This sounds like an Apple shill thread.

That being said, women are pretty shit so... it could very well be real.

apple shills hard at work on the lord's birthday

no surprise here

Yeah, if you mean to wipe your ass with them.

Personally I wouldn't use them for keyboard cleaning.

Dump and become gay

>psshhh.... Nothing personal kid

shut up loonix pleb


Maybe she saw the awful screen.
