BASIC Programming Langauges

What happened to them and why did they die out?

>low level

Good for basic stuff but you could even create a hardware driver or complete OS with them. JUST why?

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Is really neat .. I made some stupid zombie shooter game in HS with it in comp sci class (randomly spawn zombies and you would shoot them in a little level thing and pick up ammo) was kinda neat.. qBasic will always have a special place in my heart ... Died out probably because
> Stigma
> More powerful languages exist
and yea..

QB64 is available and is backwards compatible (mostly) with the old QB.

terminal illnesses get cured, user, which is what happened with basic. People cured the world by inventing better languages and killing it out

They never died out, they're just not as overwhelmingly popular as they were in the 80s. BBC BASIC still has some fans in the UK ( & ). And even COMAL is still limping along( ).

>BBC BASIC still has some fans in the UK

pommies are the biggest cucks in the world

>why did they die out

They didn't, you colossal fucking retard. Kill yourself immediately.

Because Basic and its derivatives aren't good languages.

Python fills most of the niches that Basic did, while still being useful, well-designed, and popular. If you're missing the lower level stuff you have a plethora of languages that can fill those roles, like Rust and Golang.

Basic died because it was replaced by stuff that wasn't shit.

They died out because nobody uses them. With the exception of web developers, programmers know how stuff works and can pick better tools if it is available.
Making a large scale project in basic was painful.
There is a good reason why most languages today use the C syntax.

In HS we were taught some variant called TRUE basic that you still had to pay a license for in 2010. The software for writing it would straight up crash every so often and I had to ask my teacher at the time if I could write my program with python cause some user on here suggested to 14 year old me to learn that instead.

It just became obsolete

which is?

t. Someone that didn't use BASIC back in the day

BASIC was a bad language, but it's a language that allowed you do all kind of shit with your computer easily and effortlessly. Nothing can compare nowadays to launching QBASIC.exe and comfy programming a game in an evening with nothing but the QBASIC reference manual. Same with Visual Basic (6 and lower, not .NET), but focused on GUIs.

Good one, made me laugh.

Java comes close to the comfyness of doing side projects in QBASIC. It has bindings for everything you can think, too.

I find it ridiculous that a person who cannot think of anything other than interracial pornography when shown the acronym BBC calls anyone else cuckolds

That was part of their weakness though, they only boasted these features because pretty much every BASIC was platform dependent. Any platform dependent language could have the exact same features as QBASIC without being shit.

you watch too much of that porn

There are still many compilers avaliable that are still in use. Powerbasic, purebasic, appgame kit, baconbasic. You can pretty much do anything C can with Purebasic and more.

It is just a matter of popularity and what the normies are using at the moment. Basic itself was a fad in the 80's, now you have python and javascript. Normies will take one look at basic, and say its a toy language, but in reality you could easily make a program 100x more advanced than what most of the meme languages offer.

.NET quite literally killed what was left of BASIC by turning it into a worse version of C#.

Yanks cannot comprehend acronyms meaning different things in other countries

>Python fills most of the niches that Basic did, while still being useful, well-designed, and popular.

>early versions too limited
>early versions had shitty - no type system
>too many special keywords
>memory management not always entirely clear
>GC'd parts slow
>poke n peek stuff really only works for home computer tiers
>later, most dialects never really developed
>most only stole some half-assed version of OOP
Well, GAMBAS, FreeBasic and some smaller and commercial shits are still there, but why would I use that?
If I wanted a wordy, simple, imperative interpreter there are lots of other languages and I could probably even create something myself in less than a month.

Once Python started to grow in popularity and C# was pushed by Microsoft, it probably died in 2005.

Nah it had nothing to do with platform dependency. Languages that originated on the UNIX world like Python have this obssession with text-oriented files and teletype terminals and nobody cared about shipping things like a proper GUI library or graphics in the standard library. It's a mentality stuck in the 70s, like everything UNIX. On Windows it's diferent though, we had BASIC, Turbo Pascal, Delphi, C++ Builder, Visual Studio, etc, same story on Macs.