>be me with 700KB/s internet
>fcc ends NN
>Literally a day later small ISP comes in offering gigabit internet, breaking frontier's monopoly
Be me with 700KB/s internet
ah yes frontier
the worst isp in north america
had a tech at my place today tell me hes never seen a company collapse so fast
>i pray something like this happens to me
>tonight on things that didn’t happen
>and then everyone applauded
t. killary clinton/bernie supporter
net neutrality is a meme
isp even might give you free internet but only on facebook or google
I'm happy for Americans that NN has been removed. There never was a NN law where I live and I have over 10 different ISPs I could get broadband from.
>Literally a day later small ISP comes in
Can't happen with how the monopolies are entrenched in your market. You're being fed bullshit and loving every minute of it.
This is your brain on maga.
>you can have a gigabit internet, mr customer
>it will just cost you extra but nothing much
>and be patient. it hiccups a lot. i wouldn't recomment gaming
>huh? what cable?
etc etc etc
Based pajeet, did he also get you a gf and a job after the magic new ISP showed up in your area just one day after the voting?
The alternative goth girl, damn.
Based Pajit. Fuck all the dem shills who think he's the bad guy.
Ajit pai here, say my name right you son of a cuck.
the 'pede's best argument against net neutrality is posting memes while shitting his pants. How noble.
Where do you live?
>this is your brain on CNN
Why do you think this is related to the NN removal? Whats the reson its better for them now?
t. 14 year old
do you know how much a new ISP would cost and why there's so few of them?
Dumb amerisharts shouting free market don't know how ridiculous oligopoly cartel american ISPs are
Go back to kindergarten, you obviously can't decide for yourself. Eat shit.
>t. government cocksucker
the high cost is due to the unreasonable amount of regulations hampering the market
>>be me with 700KB/s internet
>>small ISP comes in offering gigabit
When are you able to get gigabit?
You can't be a 'pede and not a government cocksucker, nancy. It doesn't work that way.
i'm not a magatard, i'm an ancap
Name anywhere that this has happened in the past year that wasn't in a major city.
Then why are you defending this stupid shit? Were you molested as a child?
you didn't even post speedtest, liar liar pants on fire :P
>thinks you can install an entire gigabit fiber network overnight
Did they hire every fiber installer crew in the nation to build a massive last mile fiber network to your door with just a few hours notice? Get fucked you liar.
>the high cost is due to the unreasonable amount of regulations hampering the market
friedman pls go
No, it's the infrastructure that you'd have to pay to get built.
Again, go suck on a pacifier
>you will never be a comfy american isp for privacy conscious american anons serving text-only websites at 512kbps
>you will never host q1 servers for your subscribers
yeah im sure comcast and verizon's personal hand in destroying nn will create broadband competition for us!
>be me
>have clear internet, unlimited internet for a cheap price
>verison buys out the company just to shut them down so they can be a monopoly
>now I have slower speeds at a higher price
there isn't a single link in this thread to anything
everyone's making shit up
Uhh do you know how much money it costs to lay tons of new cable?
Things that never happened.
The regulation that hurts them is the one that is currently in place which bans competitors from existing.
>conservitards honestly think Netflix and Google are against the NN repeal
>what is the price of copper?
ok guy
>144 fibers per bundle
>~40Gb/S per fiber
>~5.8Tb/S per bundle
cost: 15k/mile
total cost: $2.6/mile for 1Gb/S
The hard part is getting easements from citys to lay fiber
Seek help
The infrastructure is cheap fucking Romania has 700 isp.
What did our friends the ISPs mean by this?
>bust monopolies
>deregulate industry
>cheap and fast internet everywhere
America is so ass backward with its internet, and what makes it all the more sad is how easy it is to fix it but will never happen because burgers enjoy taking corporate dick by their own free will as Mr Goldberg laughs to the bank.
>what is the cost of plastic
The point isn't cost, it's competition. If Google were given free reign to lay down fiber like they want it would be a death certificate for the gigantic ISP monopolies like Comcast and Spectrum because all of suddenly they would stop making free money and would actually have to compete with someone who isn't selling a dog shit service and ripping them off at the same time.
>I'm too stupid to remember how geographically enormous America is
>I'm too stupid to remember that the second you leave the local loops you're limited by the long range node-to-node pipes ISPs have to set up
>I'm too stupid to understand that ISPs can't just give every on a loop 1GB/s even if its cheap to deploy locally because they'd immediately bottleneck on the long-range cables
You can't just slap down a piece of cable and call it a day, network infrastructure isn't that simple.
>im an ancap
that's even more embarrasing
Russia is literately the same and yet every shithole sports 100 megabit cable for under $15.
Even outside of the European part?
if this is really pajeet poo pie, fuck yourself and die
I actually hate google/youtube and netflix more than comcast and verison, guess that means Im a nazi that voted for trump.
>I am talking completely out of my ass
Maybe around the Moscow area, but you're fucked if you go any farther east.
>le small ISPs are hurt by NN meme
Did you unironically believe that bullshit?
>I actually hate google/youtube and netflix more than comcast and verison, guess that means Im a nazi that voted for trump.
Nah, a Nazi that voted for Trump would hate all big corporations equally and would want a world free of Jews running the economy, and instead have an economy that benefits the nation rather than some big nosed kike over in Tel Aviv.
Guess being a nazi is the way to go
(unless you're a big corporation)
>т. aмepифaг
Живy в зaжoпинcкe 15к нaceлeния, цeнтpaльнaя Poccия, мoи 40 Mбит cтoят 600 pyблeй, нa 100 cтoит 1200 и я peшил cэкoнoмить. У coceднeгo пpoвaйдepa дeшeвлe в двa paзa нo y них aплинк хyжe.
Rush B
Rural fiber is a thing in the US and they always get served 20 gbs or better.
Haхyй пyтeшecтвyй.
>And today we learned that NN apparently prevents multiple ISPs from offering their product at the same place
Yeah they dug up hundreds of miles of dirt and laid it all overnight. The was seriously a company that had spent all of that money on fiber but literally could not use it because of NN. Sure sounds real.
>implying the USA long range infrastructure is bottlenecked
we have so many right-of-ways due to interstates that you literally can just build more
>Letrally a second after net neutrality ends
>Knock on the door
>A manlet trying to sell me a bunch of tubes
>be me at 10 of 2001
parents wont let me have aol, because it ties up the line AND costs money
You know what I said? I fgured out that IF you ended the 56k dialup connection during the loading of the ads of Juno and Netzero, the connection would stay active and without the fucking ad bar and limited 48 hours a month
You fucking cunts, through the age to 28 have (mostly) what we -poor fucks, whose parents paid the bills- have no fucking idea, how awesome it was to fuck the system, to help your family and get what you want at the same time.
People like pajit are whores, they underestimate people, and are whores.
if the people fucking want internet, they will get it now. its not 1920 where the banks fucked you.
Brothers with HAM radio, can bouce ISDN connection acroos 50!! fucking miles. Sure the ping will be in 10+, BUT a concept is real.
Do no give up ye children of end times, for the things that were given to you, will not be takes from you. for we have, will, and always be here
>American liberals believe there's cheap fiber internet in the Russian interior
hahahaha holy fuck burgers where do you find these morons?
What the fuck planet do you live on? Guzzling down that Verge cum on the weekly?
Frontier Project Manager here, AMA. Work is an absolute shit show these past few months.
where is this?
I still hear the dial up noises and remember sharing notepad files with websites hosting stuff like the anarchist cookbook and similar stuff on floppys. Now you have people who worked for the last president unironically saying a once-stale meme of a fucking frog is hatespeech and the law needs to do something about it.
This is why I am torn....I do not trust a single fucking word that comes from Google or Facebook, and when late night "comedians" are crying on live tv saying the world will end because of NN it makes me wonder why they are so worried.
honestly fuck liberals
id gladly pay half my fuckin salary for shitty internet just to see them cry