Is there any good IDE/Text Editor for Web Development?

>Kate - Almost perfect, yet it has no good scheme.
>Geany - It's good, but minimap plugin is isn't smooth enough.
>Atom - Bloated shit, minimap plugin isn't smooth enough and it just feels slower than other text editors.
>Sublime Text - Perfect, but it's not free. I know that I can use it for free as much as I want, but I would like to pay for software (and I can't pay for it right now.)
>Vim in terminal - would be perfect, if I'd be better at it.
>Emacs - same as vim.
>Notepad++ - Arch user here.
I just want text editor with nice dark theme and smooth minimap.

dark theme = kill yourself fucking cuck no one likes you
minimap = bloat

install sam. approved by ken thompson and rob pike.

Just use Debian or Ubuntu



>Just use Debian or Ubuntu
Install gentoo
install void


install everything from source and don't be productive
the same as above

void has many packages tho

install alpine

>>Sublime Text - Perfect, but it's not free. I know that I can use it for free as much as I want, but I would like to pay for software (and I can't pay for it right now.)
Oh, so it's bad because you want to pay for it?
>paying for software
Also also,
>web development
Do us all a solid and assign your life pointer to null.


If you need a minimap to navigate your code that means you have other problems than a good text editor.

There are no good editors/IDEs. This reality hits you harder if you tried multiple editors over time.

I always have 2-3 open at the same time.
My main is QtCreator because I like all the project things and it's lighter than VIM with a shitton of plugins for proper C/C++ development. (Replace this with PyCharm for python development, it's the same story).
I always have VIM open because for heavy editing (not inserting) like changing multiple lines at once, repeating actions etc.
I keep VSCode or Geany around for when I need better search & replace. VIM is great at this but I dislike the interface for this (i.e. having to escape shit because it'd interpret it as a command or whatever).

I miss the google blobs

If you are okay with sublime 2 (I think) then you can go and find keys for it on wikileaks in the CIA database. Some user posted the link to the archives on wikileaks a while ago and it worked when I used it.
Also visual code is good too IMO.

Am i giant pleb for using VSCode? I think it works well enough.

>Vim in terminal - would be perfect, if I'd be better at it.
>Emacs - same as vim.
So use them more, dummy

Vs code.


>>Kate - Almost perfect, yet it has no good scheme.
Are you talking about a color scheme?
>>Vim in terminal - would be perfect, if I'd be better at it.
>>Emacs - same as vim.
Vim and emacs does not have a minimap (smooth or otherwise), but they are decent editors.
I know web development is shit, but you shouldn't really have so large documents that you need a map.

>Sublime Text - Perfect

You have your answer.

VSCode is great.

I wish somebody made a fork of it with out Telemetry and the gayass Visual Studio branding.

Yeah, I'm talking about color scheme.
I'm just used to minimap and I'd like to keep it.


I'm sure they wont mind you using the software now if you're gonna pay for it later :)

dreamweaver, not even shitting you

i tought they had a open source version without all that?

The open source version has all of that, even if you compile it yourself.


vs code

Brackets. Not sure on the proprietary-ness of it, but it works, and its nice

>install emacs
>download spacemacs configuration

Use Atom, it’s a web browser anyway goy.

VS Code has been kind to me lately

If you don't want to use emacs, you could try VS code.

>source based

imo you shouldn't do that. You just add alot of bloat that you don't need/ or understand (as a beginner). a Better way is to find a minimal .emacs config from someone's dotfiles and build upon it

also if you choose to use emacs, don't run it from terminal, use GUI (but disable the toolbar)

What functionalities do you have for qtcreator that can't be accomplished by cscope for vim?

> Yeah, I'm talking about color scheme.
Do know you can change the color scheme of Kate right? It's in Settings > Configure Kate > Fonts & Colors.

>VS Code
Isn't it a botnet?

this is high quality bait.

>le bait xDD
Jesus Christ, you moron, not every post you dislike is bait.

Motherfucker all of these problems aren't problem with the software but with you being an autistic retard.
Sage, shit thread


Spacemacs, you can't go wrong but you will still need to learn a lot to use it.


>buhu costs money
You are poor

You can get it for free if you have an edu mail or open source project.

cscope is good but unusable for the sort of codebases I have to deal with. clang_complete is the only thing that worked for me on vim, unfortunately it couldn't do jump-to-definition last time I tried.

Also qtcreator displays build-time errors and TODO/FIXME/XXX/NOTE comments nicely. Not to mention being able to have multiple projects at once and switching between build and runtime configurations in 3-4 clicks.

I used vim exclusively for 5-6 years but today I use it just to make quick scripts or to write documents in markdown/latex.

VS code. It's pretty much a better version of Atom.

>>Notepad++ - Arch user here.
Notepadqq exists, it's pretty much notepad++ but for Linux.

VS Code. To my surprise, it's just a better Atom.

look at this fuckin brainlet

>jetbrain IDEs

fuck off

The open source version does not have VS branding (at least I found none), even the executable is simply called "code". Telemetry as opt-out is a shit move, but there's worse. But you get a great tool imho. And I'm no MS fan usually.

get a macbook

So you find Sublime perfect and your only issue with it is that you can use it for free but you want to pay and can't pay right now? That's some autism right there. Just fucking use it for free and buy it when you can. The fuck is your problem?

Try alm. Its typescript focused but you can run it from the cli

>web "development"
>jsfags think their cancerous language is actual software development

ok grandpa

VS code or Brackets. Brackets is faster but VS Cide is better for bigger projects. Plus, git is implemented

Your wannabe functional programming is shit.
>actual behavior of traditional function is fucking stupid and doesn't conform to conventionally expected output
>libraries are poorly documented and behavior isn't consistent across functions, for example d3's various graphing functions expect vastly different JSON input for similar sorts of graphs
>node is a joke that bloats up any software project it touches cause it enables excessive third party package usage and hackery instead of programming the bare functionality you need
>the entire idea of the language is based on modifying DOM objects that are traditionally text/strings, but this doesn't translate well into general purpose programming where you have to deal with various data structures
>electron is straight up bloat, the only reason to tolerate VScode and Atom is the large developer backing, but all that additional functionality can also be found in text editors that aren't dogshit out-of-the-box
And this isn't even going into the non-technically minded people that JS seems to attract. I mean seriously, these folk don't even know the basics of how computers actually work. Sure, they might understand algorithmic complexity, but when asked how it translates to real machine code, they don't know jack dick.

>what is a computah?

>>Vim in terminal - would be perfect, if I'd be better at it.
Then get your shit together, faggot.