What's the most powerful laser you own?
What's the most powerful laser you own?
wew is that real i have nothing agaisnt homosexuals but the faggots problem needs to be sorted out
Not wrong, anyone who attends pride parades needs to be strung from trees.
t. fag
What is wrong with these people?
Do they want to go blind on top of having aids?
This. "The LGBTQP+ Community" makes me ashamed of what I am a thousand times more than any cleetus bumpkin could.
I'm pretty sure that anal laser shows were common place in the final years leading up to the fall of the Roman Empire.
This can't be real
They were using torches then but the message was the same.
That's not bold. That's just degenerate.
>Getting this triggered over an edited news story from Sup Forums.
It's fake.
Welcome to Poe's Law. I can't even tell if its real or not, font is fucked but the actual content, I cannot tell.
hai the point still stands though have you seen what a large amount of the 'gay' identity is like it seems strange they wanna be recongnised just the same as everyone else but do all this weird slaggy fetish shit
My laser is more of a bold statement and is very powerful because of that.
I operate ~140 Wcm-2 pulsed laser almost daily, but I don't own it as it costs nearly a million.
I can't tell if you're being ironic or this board is actually being invaded by facebook boomers who take everything they see at face value
That is most beta text I have seen. Unless a girl sent it, but that's unlikely.
As if this news story is any better than OP, jesus christ.
What's wrong with it? People pay money to see weird shit.
Thiel approves.
Oh I know the article is fake as fuck, but my point still stands.
>What's wrong with it?
What's right with it? This is degenerated gay shit. As a homosexual, I find this sort of stuff to be distasteful at best and deplorable at worst. All this "queer pride" artsy aids ridden faggots from San Francisco can go suck a clit with their obnoxious behavior and "pride".
This is not gay pride anything, retard. It's just people dancing with lasers up their butts. How is this any different from paying to see bearded women and birth defects? Man you boomers are fucking sore about everything, take the sand out of your ass sometimes.
It's not any different from paying to see birth defects as gayness is a mental illness.
Being this mad over what people decide to stick up their butts is a mental illness as well. Seek help.
What makes you think I'm mad? I'm just disgusted.
I think the real loss here is that we've reached the point where I can't tell whether and absurd story like that is fake or not because of how fucked up the LGBT community actually is now.
This board regularly obsesses over a schizo developer live streaming his masturbation sessions and THIS is what disgusts you?
I just don't get it, my dude. Surely this is how some black folk feel when they see niggers, niggering it up.
Fuck, why is it so hard for people just to be reasonable.
Part of me just wants to be out so that I can openly express my displeasure for these people.
Not really if they're in a long distance relationship
Seeing gf once in a few weeks sucks
Homosexuality is a mental illness that is indicative of serious psychological issues, hence how pretty much every homosexual is a sick, twisted pervert