Since Hiro has yet responded to the malicious scripts that are appearing on this site. In the chances that this will never change, what other image boards are worth checking out?
Other urls found in this thread:
Arisu needs the traffic, but I love danger's aesthetic.
reminder that 8ch is owned by Jim Watkins, and therefore absolutely cannot be trusted.
hiro obviously cannot be trusted either, given his past and current actions.
lainchan seems fine for now.
literally who
owner of 2ch and 8ch, as well as dataminer
look him up on ED or wherever
I've only heard of him from reading Hotwheels blog on how the whole site did/didn't happen. Seems like a douche.
I always liked its technical architecture, just needs more PPH.
How to connect?
I'd like to check it out.
I wish there was an easier way to set up my own chan but I'm too stupid to figure out how to program it, even when using other people's github projects as examples
Install Tor.
Go to ev7fnjzjdbtu3miq.onion
>those Sup Forums boards
Just use reddit, lol
Oy veyyy, it's anuddah shoah
get a job nigger
if you know php and how to manage a basic database then you have no excuse
>almost 2018
yeah it sucks but you can't name a better alternative that just werks
if you say fucking node so help me god
>yeah it sucks but you can't name a better alternative that just werks
just cuck my shit up senpai
nice meme
>a better alternative that just werks
Java/Kotlin. Erlang/Elixir.
Where is my distributed blockchain BBS?
Ruby on Rails has served me quite well.
yea i might check that one out
I never said django. You can use flask or whatever. Using bloated frameworks for a simple imageboard is bad idea.
>nice meme
I didn't ever do that but you can write nginx modules in lua. Should be capable enough for an imageboard and pretty fast.
So I know HTML, CSS, Python and shit, how hard would it be for me to build an imageboard from scratch? I just want to do it for the sake of doing it. What do I need to do?
Just block the scripts
Also can we have 12chan back?
>Mister Metokur
This even safer trusting in Hiro or Jim, that Sup Forumstard.
I’m so pessimistic right now I’m just going to assume it’s full of non virgin anime hating normalfags
Use flask
Do something simples and easy and light with minimum of javscript possible. And do in parallel a equivalent for 4chanx to your engine.
>get it recommended on fdroid
>hmm lets check it out
>no images
Stay cucked
on cuckchan
Go blog about your girlfriend somewhere else
Your kind are the worst, fuck off
Just use ublock, retard. Everything outside of this shithole is dead, you're here forever.
Nothing is wrong with slow places, Sup Forumstard. Shitposting isn't everything in life.
'cause it's a textboard...
>projecting this hard
3D whores are disgusting and bleed once a month. 2D is very pretty
2D Whores can't bear children.
You don’t belong here if you have any desire for kids, normalfag-kun
It's only Sup Forums.
That'd be a valid argument if I was on an anime board.
This is an anime website and Sup Forums used to be called techloli/g/y
So what. This board is primarily focused on the discussion of tech, not anime.
Plebbit isn't an alternative.
You need to leave.
Technology plus anime
Mobile user here. Should I be worried?
Sup Forums is anime website and 2D>3D is common knowledge. If don't like it you can use a normalfag website.
>dark skin
Well this is getting better.
I seriously hope you don’t own this image ironically like the others on twitter who like anime ironically
All abysmal post rates and edgy as fuck userbases
I don't understand what you imply me doing "ironically"
Where's the pony board?
Lainchan seems okay so far, now that Kalyx and other morons are nowhere to be seen.
Arisu's premise is interesting, it's userbase is not.
There are other smol imageboards but I don't think they'd appreciate the traffic from Sup Forums.
I'd say she's brazilian.
>dark skin brazilian nazis
This so stupid could be real.
You think using an xml to store a threqad would work?
Images, and uploaded things can be put in the same folder of the thread.
they already exist, the nazis that didn't make it to argentina made it to brazil along with Dr.Mengele
i heard that is pretty good
This is just a normal tan any German would get during a summer filled with sports, hiking and other outdoor activities.
Indeed, there are a lot of brazilian that are white af, pure germanic genes but they just got tanned after working countless hours under the unforgiving brazilian sun.
t. bestguayan w/white br integralist gf.
There are White Russians there as well apparently.
After the several retarded threads about people making their own imageboards while being utterly incompetent, I have half a mind to start my own
I think we all have had the thought...
>Hiding out in Brazil, Mengele stayed with expat German families who gave him a roof over his head allowing him to live a near normal life with barbeques, holidays and social parties.
>Photos show him posing with a fixed smile with the couples he stayed with. The truth was the German runaway hated Brazil, describing his South American hosts as a breed of ‘half monkeys’ and a ‘sub-human race’ in copious diaries.
>In letters dedicated to his son he talked about committing suicide and his depression about living in a country he despised.
He deserved worse.
Yep, also japs.
I want an imageboard that does not allow CP and deletes it (so they abide by the law). But sneakily leaves it up for 10 minutes to give us a chance to save it ;)
Any random board at 8ch.
since most of you fags crosspost from there anyways.
might as well let the boston brown bag be your new bbystr
>I want an imageboard that does not allow CP and deletes it (so they abide by the law). But sneakily leaves it up for 10 minutes to give us a chance to save it ;)
Sup Forums mods used to leave CP on Sup Forums up for around 10 minutes
But the Polish posters stopped posting CP
Malicious scripts don't matter if you browse using a Linux in a VM. You have no reason to internet with Windows.