Is he the comfiest tech reviewer?
Is he the comfiest tech reviewer?
He seems to have lots of respect to his audience's intelligence and a strong passion to sustainable gadgets.
His videos are nice and short but full of useful information.
His tests are meaningful and methodological with the same criteria throughout all of his videos. This allows for objective comparisons.
He prefers functionality over style and information over entertainment.
What could possibly stop you from watching his reviews, Sup Forums?
He sounds like a speech generator when he talks, I watched some old videos and he talked normally, but now his tone of voice sounds odd
He looks both Virgin and Chad. How is this possible? I can imagine him getting cucked by a back guy with a big cock but I can also imagine him as the bull.
i want him to plow my bussy
This guy is pretty comfy
So Mr. 47 retired and technology is his hobby now?
Chad playing with cellphones.
Girls and homos watch it while masturbating.
how do you know that?
Am I supposed to know who this e-celeb is?
I'm a girl.
>tfw he will never scratch my phone and talk about Mohs.
he's a gunnut, so fuck no
>I MAEK skratch PONE
>brOKE fOen
>PLeasE SUBBIBE tO MY chanl
>oh noes muh scary child killing machins ;_; pls no kill
An homosexual wouldn't want to fuck you in the ass because it would be too gay for him.
Soy in the boy, mikejeesh.
That was a pretty good video, user!
Link your fave video of him.
>What could possibly stop you from watching his reviews, Sup Forums?
I have absolutely no idea who he is.
I want him inside my boipucci
Guns are pretty fascinating technology, you disgusting liberal cuntknuckle.
Can you use a space or a hypen next time? I only knew how to read "gunnut" based on the first reply to your post.
This. I'm willing to give this guy a shot, so link something.
he looks like a skinhead just retired from the military
techtables is better
jerry doesn't really make reviews
I mean he's a right wing gunner, so yeah
Does he mostly do phone stuff? Nothing against him, but I don't upgrade often enough for that to be interesting.
It's mostly phone stuff with the occasional cool technology video
There's suddenly a battle royale on a lost forest with linuscucktips and this guy. Everything is allowed, starting naked with no weapons, no modern technology to be found in the battlefield.
Who wins?
lol obviously this guy
soyboytips stands no chance
Linus wins.
12 year old kids are healthier and more in shape than 40 year old obese homosexuals.
Sounds like it's time to scratch, burn and bend test Linus
Luke would come to his aid when he's about to get killed.
linus would get unironically and literally raped in his boipucci. Guy in OP's T levels are just too high to resist.
Wouldn't mess with Luke.
A tech review just needs a web page with lots of benchmarks and as much information as possible so that the reader can make up their mind. Watching some faggot say "hey guys" is inefficient and means you really don't belong on Sup Forums.
I like what you're saying, and you make a good point, but a lot of people have had their attention span destroyed over the past few years due to how content is served in modern times, so sometimes a video works a bit better than spending an hour re-reading a few lines, switching to doing something else, coming back, and repeating.
Shut up Steve.
No one likes your smug know it all face, we also know you browse this board daily so you come up with video ideas.
>short attention span
>rather watching a 20 minute video with useless chatter than being able to read exactly what you need and being able to find it in less than a minute
I cant spend too much time watching a video when just a fraction of that time is enough to know what I want to know.
I can't explain it too well myself, but I can watch endless videos or read hours of irc logs more easily than I can pay attention to something important like a programming book or other educational thing. For this reason, I try not to fault people with shit attention spans. I think less of them, maybe, but I also remember that I have my own issues to deal with.
nothing but pajeets in the comment section
but that's true for almost any phone-related reviewer
I actually like Steve's straight-forward no bullshit approach.
Good going, Steve.
That's probably because such books might be hundreds of pages thick of uncompressed info without any entertainment or distractions. Most videos you might watch probably have some more compressed info without going into the details of things, maybe even a joke in-between.
Anwyay, I misunderstood what you meant earlier, but I do the same and for me personally it's what I said above. Because I don't like wasting time.
JerryRigEverything on YouTube.
Unlike niggerMkbhd who sucks Apple's dick all the time, and dare not to speak anything bad about Apple, so his masters can send him free toys, Jerry is the man, he couldn't be bought like that boy, he speaks his mind and gives true opinion about technology, so I solute Jerry.
And yeah, at least he lifts, unlike that skinny nigger.
>face looks mid 20s
>not a single hair on his head
>jelly of his T because you look like an obese neckbeard with a hairy head
>tech shiller
These youtubers are clueless and know jack shit about technology.
They just do advertisements targeted at young people.
You don't belong to Sup Forums if you learn things in """tech reviews""".
Reminder that jerryrigeverything voted Hillary
He even makes fun of donald trump on that nokia 5 test.
stupid libcuck soyboy fag. he's a true beta
Nice. Lovely voice for comfy watching.
Every video is watchable and enjoyable despite doing pretty much the same thing over and over again.
Comfy af
(X) Doubt
Definitely the baldest
He's not an MKBHD tier """reviewer"""
He's more of a reverse-engineer and he actually knows the hardware he's reviewing.
>Implying that someone's political views is a valid criteria for their technical knowledge
>using "ftfy"
Fucking go back to /r/eddit holy fuck
Please do tell me about a webpage that rates mobile phones by their durability, resistance to bending, fingerprint sensor functionality after heavy scratching, etc..
I understand your point very well and I myself prefer spec comparisons over video reviews but sometimes you gotta leave the papers and benchmarks and go for a more physical methodology.
He buys the phones and tests them for you in a logical way so you know what you're in for before making the purchase
Nexus 6P on paper is a very-very great phone. But here the review shows something that spec papers don't.
He's made literally one video about a gun and he was very fair about the whole thing. I wouldn't really consider this guy a "gunnut"