
Stupid questions thread.
startpage or ixquick first before asking here.
(duckduckgo is probably a botnet)

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Just got a new monitor a Samsung s24e650dw
I have it hooked up through display port. Everything is fine from boot at the correct resolution until I shut off the monitor
Then when I turn it back on im stuck at 1024 until I restart the computer.
From what I'm reading it s an issue with windows 10 and display port
I have the drivers that came with the monitor installed
Any ideas?

>(duckduckgo is probably a botnet)
where are the proofs

there is pasta for it.
hold on let me search for it

I was considering to create a todo list kinda of thing on conky, for linux that kinda works. But what about windows? is there anything that works on both platforms? preferably as lightweight as possible.

ah fuck it

reposting this cause i got no replies last time

long story short, i'm currently with no decent pc at all, need a quick replacement on an extremely tight budget($200 at best), need to have Windows as I won't be the only one using it and people are ignorant about using other OSes.
The BeeLink BT3 Pro should be more than enough, what i'm curious about tho is how it handles light gaming.
Will it handle 2011-2012 games(which ran fine on an Athlon64 4000+ Single Core, 2GB RAM, 9800GT 512MB) well?
Can it handle more recent basic "indie-shit" HD gaming with no issues?
I did some research but when it comes to gaming, everyone only tests emulators up to the 5th gen consoles or games like Undertale and Shovel Knight, which is dumb considering my fucking netbook(1.6Ghz Atom N280, 1GB RAM, intel GMA 450) can do that as well with little to no issues, so I'd expect the BT3 Pro to be capable of doing more than that when it comes to light gaming, even if it's just a mini pc, but can't find info on that.


I want to turn my old ass Samsung i9100 smartphone into a server i can ssh onto and hold some media files accessible by ftp on it. Which kernel/rom/app should i use for that?


Anyone know what "System files" are in Windows 10?

I went to Settings > System > Storage > C drive > System and reserved (341 GB) and was greeted with:
System files 331 GB
"These system files help Windows run properly. Your PC won't work without them"

I've been wondering why my PC seemed so low on storage lately. I know I have a lot of fairly large games installed, and possibly some I've forgotten about, but I didn't think there was that much. I've been running on

i saw this before but
>purposefully misleading part about nginx
>showing you your ip address is somehow bad
makes me think how trustworthy the rest of this disjointed text collage with distorted images for comedic effect is

The power went out the other day while I was in class and ever since my monitor turns off and my computer gets louder randomly , I showed it to two technicians who observed the graphics card and motherboard and CPU and found nothing damaged when taking closer inspections. What should I do?

In linux I want to find the symbolic links of a certain file or a folder. Does anybody know how?

I found some stuff with google but it doesn't really work like I want to. Basically I want to do a probe for some destination like /home/user/documents/file1 and then get a list of all shortcuts within maybe /home that point to it.

wheres the best site to get secondhand computer parts? ebay still ok?

Try changing power sockets and plug things in separate ones.
If that doesn't work try using old PSU and see what happens.

I unplugged them and put the surge protector in a different outlet and turned off the surve protector for 15 minutes and right now all seems fine. They said my PSU didnt seem shot or anything, but I will try and use an old one if it happens again

what's a good phone upgrade from the Note 4 that has a removable battery, sd card, and stylus?

>removable battery

I started using displayport instead of HDMI and now every time my computer goes to sleep and I try to wake it up it reboots about 3 times. Sometimes the computer actually starts after the reboots and sometimes the lights and fans are on but nothing happens. My only solution currently is unplugging the displayport cable and plugging it back in every time before I wake up my computer

What's the current best file explorer for Android (root or unrooted is fine) with minimal bullshit? Going back to stock due to being sick of the poor battery life on this custom rom so can't use the built in lineage one anymore

Total Commander

>be me want to install linux
>korora strikes my eye
>go to downloads page to get it installed
>have to have a shitty intel cpu for the minimal installation
>stare in disappointment
does anyone know if korora will work on amd cpus or know a distro like korora.

Thanks looks like that will work well

Guys whats thats tool called where you can deploy your test site for free and it comes up with some bullshit as the url.

Its all git based so you just git commit and the site works

Not him, but
>phone works fine
>battery life is wonky
>phone ends up being unusable exclusively due to the battery
i had to replace non-removable batteries from a couple of phones, and when you have to do that on a phone that is otherwise in optimal condition, you might as well just have the battery be removable, it's easier, and can be done by anyone without any knowledge.

Should I be using any of these extra filters/lists? Which are recommended? Or should I just go all out and deal with any site breakages as they come?

I replace the battery in my Note 4 annually, it only costs $11 and makes a huge difference

All of the uBlock ones(at the top) are a must.

replacing a non-replaceable battery should only have to be done once. and i'm sure there's a video tutorial on how to for just about any phone. esp a flagship like the note 4. spend 20 bucks on a new (and likely better) battery. spend 20 minutes replacing (and learn a new skill).

Do you know what kind of desktop environment you want? For a beginners the actual distro doesn't really matter that much as long as it's stable. Like the difference between Mint KDE and like Korora KDE probably won't be as noticable as the difference between Korora Xfce and Korora KDE.

This isn't a gurantee but most distros I know work with amd cpus. Now the gpus are different matter, but apparently amd is releasing a new open drivers at some point.

Danke. The annoyances list at top depends on the annoyances list below however.

can anyone tell me the fan size(s) in pic related?

cinnamon, how ever the dot dock for kororas distro looks sexy in my opinion, so im kinda looking for a distro with the dot dock on the side.

>this sheboon is considered a 10/10 in America

So I have a 4tb drive for storage on my windows pc. I momentarily connected a 2tb drive on its slot. After I reconnected the 4tb drive half of the files were gone. Why?

Remember we're on the sqt thread.
While it's a positive thing to learn a new skill, these threads are full of people who are completely ignorant on how some things work, and would prefer to not have to struggle with fixing a problem if it can be "fixed" simply by using an alternative or avoiding the problem in the first place.
Immagine spending $300 or more on a phone, and 2 years in you find your battery really limits the use of your otherwise in perfect condition phone which, despite the new models, still holds up perfectly fine and thus makes you in no need for a new model.
If you have no soldering skills(while some phones really only have a clip-in battery, others have multiple, even unnecessary, soldering points) and this is your first time trying to do such a thing, wouldn't you prefer to avoid having to do all that while being scared of fucking up your phone if you had the chance to do so simply by having bought a phone with a removable battery?

What the fuck is cnet or whatever and why is it whenever I google for a program download that's always there even if the program has its own website (and is free)

Just download a few images of different distros you want to try, most you can use as a live disk anyhow. If korora doesn't work for you just install another one, but I think it probably will work, more or less. All linux distros I know of are happy to run dual boot and once you made a dedicated linux partition you can pretty much experiment with installing stuff there without many problems as long as the bootloader is functional. If the bootloader is fucked that's not a problem either because if you install or reinstall a distro it normally reinstalls the bootloader and adds windows anyway. Even if it wouldn't you could download something like supergrub and install a bootloader yourself. Windows is a little less happy if you try to install it on a linux pc, at least if you use the same harddrive. At least it used to be like that.

Honestly I don't know but they have been around forever.

How important is it for the Timing and CAS Latency to match on your RAM modules? What happens if they're different?

Just saying, don't delete your windows partitition and try to reinstall it later. It might work, I dunno, but installing windows first is usually easier than the other way around. In linux try to not delete the windows system files. Don't know how it is currently, but a few years ago you could just bypass any windows password protection and access all the files, even with a live image, unless they were encrypted I guess.

No one?

They got in early as like the default place to get programs. Also they own the domain download.com, so when you search "download cunt extractor" you're literally searching for it on their site. Some shit also uses it as their primary source. You can find most shit at its ideal source by searching


and clicking the links in its entry on the left.

Is the i9 considered to best intel processor right now? I still see everyone using i7's in their builds still.

my amazon account got stolen and email address changed in the middle of the night

i share it with my girlfriend. should I take away her phone and laptop until she learns how to manage her passwords?

What exactly do "GEFORCE GAME READY DRIVER"s do?

cnet provides programs and adds their own rotten installer, which does not only installs the program you want, but also adware and spyware that's a pain in the ass to uninstall. Effectively preying on anybody lazy or stupid enough to not download said program from the developers site.

i9 is 1% better than i7 so yeah

are you sure she is not pulling a fast one on you?

It's impossible to post on Sup Forums with Greasemonkey installed on Firefox 57. Are there alternative ways to run 4chanX?

IIRC there was a link on those pages that you could click to get the BS free version of the installer. I've never gotten extra shit with those, but I've never done a direct comparison. A lot of it is that devs just like monetizing their packages with adware regardless of source.

try violentmonkey

They enable your OS to properly make use of your graphics card.

Do you own her phone and laptop? If not, then no, she's an adult. Just don't share passwords/accounts with her.

I sometime run into issues where my screen cuts off randomly, would updating fix this? I havent updated since October


are you talking about heroku

Then what could be the issue? On my laptop I didnt update the driver for months and ran into a similar issue then I updated it and I didnt run into it again until I needed to update it again. How is it different on desktop or was it conincidence?

It was more than likely coincidence, screen cutting off randomly is a sign of a loose connection somewhere.

Drivers don't just suddenly start developing bugs like this. If the issue came up shortly after a previous driver update then yeah, it's probably your driver being buggy. If there's no connection between the issue and driver like that though, you should look elsewhere for a solution to your problem. Check connectors, maybe try a different cable.

Thank you.

But on my desktop back in August I updated drivers and it worked so is it really that huge of a conincidence?

What's a cheap but decent CPU cooler?

Hyper 212 whatever the new one is called

did you try searching at all? Coolermaster/Deepcool fans are like $25-35.
Just make sure it's compatible with your CPU

Root and install Termux from F-Droid.

I have a Hyper 212 EVO, pretty good

>(duckduckgo is probably a botnet)
>TFW been wokesearching with startpage from the beginning
>TFW literally laughing

how do i make it so that when i click a quoted post number in another post,it brings me to the actual post instead of opening it in the post i clicked the post number in?

in 4chanx

she's an adult but barely

TIL amazon has a household feature so I'll be doing that instead. she can be a teen on there which means they can buy things but that's about it

wait...this doesn't happen on Sup Forums,what the fuck

Is malwarebytes good? Is ANY anti virus actually reliable? I know the best solution is to be smart about shit but this Sup Forums scare thing is really worrying me

What VPNs do you guys recommend? NordVPN or something else?

hi, CE major here.
we're gonna use lots of CAD-heavy software next semester and I'm 100% sure my current virgin laptop won't handle the CAD's BBC simulations.

what laptop would you suggest for me? I see lots of CE and CS fags use macbooks but I feel like it's a hip meme. redpill me desu

PS. budget: the less money spent the better.

nothing is perfect. anti malware is always chasing the malware. it's never ahead of the next new virus.
but malwarebytes is the best bang for the buck, considering it is free (pay for automated features) but you need to manually run scans if you have the organization and discipline to do so.

also, make sure you get it from the official site. there are really REALLY good fakes out there which look 100% like the real thing, but is in fact malware.

you also my want to install browser plug-in: "HTTPS EVERYWHERE"

Theoretically, can a wireless network card detect smartphone 3G, 4G or other signal?

I killed a hard drive in my laptop.
What is better to buy: 500Gig HDD or 140Gig SSD?
Are modern drives any faster, than they were in 2010?

How worried should I be about the "hackers using malware to mine cryptocurrency" thing that has been going around? Even Sup Forums is being acused of such a thing even tough there is no evidence for it anywhere and it seems more like a hoax.

if you're using a laptop i'd go ssd
do you really need 500gb?

>the less money spent the better.
Use your university's computers.
I'm sure they have a computer lab for CS and CE students.

There have been some thunderstorms where I live. I've lost power 3 times in the last 6 hours, and in these 3 occasions, my computer was up and running. Lightning static isn't a problem because I live in a high rise apartment building, but what are the potential consequences of the aforementioned sudden power cuts?

I have a T460 and the battery has stopped charging for me. I have no idea why and I don't have another battery to try. Is there a decent utility I can use to see what the fuck the problem is?

Not quite, but I had 300GB porn collection and Visual Novels.
All important stuff was in Google Drive (NSA - do not care)

Multimeter and load resistors.

Can someone help me decide if I should go for it or not?

how to restore a vtc wallet from a .dat file?

why won't anyone use the website I made, it's pretty nice but no one visit's it. 6bash.org

How to download the movies off of websites like 123movies.to?

don't be a pirate :^)

I'm installing OpenBSD on a laptop that has a 1TB HDD and 6Gb RAM. It'll be a headless home file server that'll move photos around my iphone, icIoud account, external HD's, and entertainment system (pls no bully). The few packages that I can imagine installing are samba and minidlna. Are these edited autoconfig partition schemes alright for my needs?

a (/) - 1.0G
b (swap) - 9.0G (changed from 6.1G)
c (unused i.e. whole disk) - 931.5G
d (/tmp) - 4.0G
e (/var) - 8.0G (changed from 15G
f (/usr) - 2.0G
h (/usr/local) - 4.0G (changed from 10G)
j (/usr/src) - 2.0G
l (/home) - 300.0G

595.5G free

Anyone got any advice for final year Computer Science students?

Damn thanks user, you have changed my life.

youtube-dl GUI.


Okay, how? I mean, how to get the link for it to work?


What can I use instead of thermal paste?
Can I use graphite anti-seize? Copper anti-seize?
I simply do not have any PC parts store in my area, but I have a lot of car repair shops and autoparts stores.

Not everyone wants to bother learning commands and spending more seconds to write them instead just clicking some buttons in less than 2 seconds. That's why GUI exist.

Look at the .gif.

I am running urxvt with transparency. It works, but when I use vim my colors become as transparent as the background which is not good. How to fix?

You dont need any of that nonsense
you just need