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excellent sam hyde video, one of my favorites
He's right I have listened to them Extensively around 2-3 hours on three different occasions so yeah I know for a fact 5 mins is nowhere near enough time to judge a headphone
Pic related: Its the first of my three demos when I went to audition $1k headphones to upgrade from my Mid-fi Hell and in any case I had the HE1000 to try and see what Hi-Fi was all about and the second trip I demoed them out against a pair of LCD-4s and the third trip I took my sister to Try them out against her favorite headphone in my collection.
I want to lick her feet!
Hang yourself. Immediately.
She's only mine.
0w0 whats this?!?!?
I purchased an HD 579 it sounded very muffled/muddy on my system so I am going to return it. I was going to get the 700x but was advised I may have the same problem and the only remedy is an amplifier which I don't want to do just yet.
I'm strongly considering going for the SHP9500S. However, I want to consider a closed back headphone as well. Is there any closed back headphones under 100$ that won't sound muddy or muffled on an Asrock Extreme 4 z270 motherboard which has a ALC1220 sound device and 77.8 ohm output impedance source?
neck yourself
So HE1000 is the GOAT?
owo cute feet
Idol trash here. What's your setup like, user?
(pictured mdr-7506 not recommended)
Its the best thing ive had thus far just barely surpassing my speakers
>77.8 ohm output impedance source?
You serious?
Headphones should be at least 8x the impedance of the output. That's correct. Over the output impedance, not BELOW. Ouch.
77.8Ω makes that hard to impossible.
Throw your motherboard to the trash or just buy an amp. Magni 3 ($99) is suggested.
>77.8 ohm output impedance source
Some other user in the previous thread told me thats what my motherboard has. I don't know if it's true. It's an Asrock extreme 4 z270 with ALC1220 sound device
Wew, that's almost as bad as shit meme tube amps
Reddit is saying the build quality is terrible.
have you tried the edition x?
Yeah its Hi-Fi man its got its risks but i plan on treating them nicely as I have a pair headphones from 1986 that were axed in less than a year on the sole basis of Them being so fragile and the headband sliders could literally could explode from putting them on
and no I haven't
Idol trash recommends HD600 and goes to sleep.
Recommend me some speakers (floor standing / loud speakers) my budget is 5-5.5k Canadian $
Best semi-decent way to drive a pair of 6XXs?
schiit stack
Just throw a Magni 3 in, that's overkill for the HD6xx.
02+ODAC, topping stack or the element
avoid magni 3 unless you like a very dark sound signature
Schiit's shit is literally shit. Measured like hot trash when people went to measure frequency response. Noisy as all hell
Most of what I've read from Schiit is very positive.
>avoid magni 3 unless you like a very dark sound signature
Isn't it an amp? Why wouldn't it be flat?
Can you link measurements?
no measurements yet but most people/reviewers who have try it agree that the low end is over-emphasized and uncontrolled, check the head-fi thread on the magni 3 a lot of people tried it with the 650 and most agree it's not a good pairing
>no idol engraving
i wasn't going to do an idol but i was going to do something to adhere to the purebred weeb trash standards of /hpg/ but couldn't decide on an image to engrave.
if i can ever eventually decide a good one to do, i'll get another enclosure with a proper engraving.
$100 or less
Phone, has aptx.
>Type of headphone
Over ear, Bluetooth
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
HD600, DT770, Carbo Tenore, CB-1
I got more kick out of it then I should have.
Alright let me try asking again. I purchased an HD 579 it sounded very muffled/muddy on my system so I am going to return it. I was going to get the 700x but was advised I may have the same problem and the only remedy is an amplifier. I can't afford an amp so I am looking in to alternatives.
I have the Asrock Extreme 4 z270 motherboard which has a ALC1220 sound device. I was recommended the Philips SHP9500 and was told it wouldn't sound muffled on my system. I am strongly considering purchasing it, but before I do I'd like a recommendation on a closed back headphone. I am looking for something that has decent positional audio for gaming and costs under 100$ and that won't sound muffled. Any suggestions?
akg 7xx or sennheiser 6xx?
What's your speaker setup?
buy the micca origen g2 amp/dac
That costs more than the headphones themselves. I just want to return them and get headphones that won't need an amp on my system.
its a pair of Speakerlab 6WAs powered by a Sony STR-V4 but i had tried them on a Peachtree Audio Nova 300 and they were phenomenal and since i tried them on that i need to replace the crossovers since i damaged one of them
well with that being said im using a pair of Polk Audio S10 Floor standing speakers they really arent anything close to the Speakerlabs
Where do you guys get your music? Most websites I've seen usually only have low bitrate mp3s or viruses.
So /hpg/ I'm looking for a desktop amp to drive my HD650.
I asked someone in a Sup Forums chatroom and he said 'don't get an amp because it opamps out' and that I would need 'amp based output like speakers' otherwise they would be wasted and recommended some JBL Duet speakers instead because they are 5w, 12v.
Is he right or wrong?
He's Asian if that helps.
you are being trolled. schiit magni 3.
He's messing with you, schiit magni 3
This is what he drew so that we would understand.
fucking kek. the opamp is part of the amp
So I take it he's wrong?
how many times do we have to repeat the words "he is fucking with you"?
This guy also claims that if you tag files they ruin the sound.
monoprice retro
What are the second best headphones behind the HD600?
Comfy Japanese made headphones coming through
I love you user
Is the TH900 mk2 good?
After pad swapping, yes
What the FUCK does this mean?
>dick response
do your own research
Current shit
Hopefully will get an HD600 on Boxing day.
Nice :)
Question, what do you guys do to take care of headphone cables like this? I need it loose enough to move around but I'm also worried I'm going to run the cable over.
Sennheiser hd58x vs hd6xx
Also, hold on while I write up a overall review on all these that no one will read or care about, left to right.
>Razer Kraken 7.1
Decently comfy, can wear for a pretty long time without to much worry but can sweat up a little extended use without taking off.
Uses 7.1 surround via USB, fucking great for gaming, as intended, but works great for just regular listening too.
>Sony XB950B1
My 2nd favorite headphones that I own, comfy as FUCK, fit great, literally cannot sweat with these even if you wear them for the entire day. Bluetooth is also great for just listening with them around the house, I personally love to wear them while sleeping.
The audio is very clear, but it's main component is that great fucking bass, perfect for blasting nog music and the like.
>Sennheiser M2
Sleek, feel great and the build quality is top notch. But wearing these for too long sucks major balls, they get uncomfortable, squish your ears and it even hurts a little. The cushioning on the band going over the head also sucks.
As for the audio- they're p gud, cover a good range and I've got no complaints on that. But for their price, you can get better.
>Koss Porta Pro
My favorite headphones- everything about them is great. Comfy, light and extremely good fit. The pads do a great job and it can be adjusted as much as you like. Super portable, folds up great and they're also very durable despite feeling a little wimpy.
The sound quality is also very good, however not that much bass and noise cancellation is next to none- but to me it just means you can wear them outside and be aware of whatever shit is going on around you.
Also pads get worn and used over time and need to be replaced, but as long as you get some replacements, you'll be set.
>Some fucking Sony bass earbuds
Mediocre fit, can get irritating after a while to wear, can fall out easily, big in the ear and make you look goofy. Pain in the ass to put in the ear.
The sound quality is fine, bass is their strong point but eh.
>Sennheiser CX 1
Probably my favorite earbuds, small, low profile, comfortable and easy to put your ear and it feels like they're not even there.
Great overall sound quality, good bass, nothing to complain about really.
The cord is nice and long, however no inline buttons to change volume/music/etc, which can be very inconvenient (the CX 2 fixes this, I'm considering getting them).
And that's the end of this autism, just wanted to get these thoughts off my mind and written down instead.
Do you want to wait till june or pay $50ish to get them sooner
Which one sounds better is my point of comparison
How can the sound be both neutral and bright and thin? What does this mean?
Also are these good for gaming?
It is relatively neutral for the pricepoint but errs from neutrality on the bright side of things.
They'll be fine for gaming. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you need a "wide soundstage" or the like for gaming. That shit does not help at all for positioning.
Nobody cares about your $100 headphone collection Jamal
Do the wings on the ad series wear out over time?
If wide soundstage isn't important then are there any good closed back headphones for gaming under 100 dollars? I'm looking for something that won't sound muffled. I want the game to still have immersion and nice sound effects.
Why don't you post your collection white boy?
Have HD600. Not huge audiophile just want something that sounds good. Definitely need a DAC/AMP.
Can I get a fulla 2 for DAC/AMP then get a Magni 3 as an AMP then turn the fulla 2 into a DAC?
What about plugging then into a usb3 hub (that is shared by a mouse and keyboard)?
I don't know about wide, but I do know the HD650 which has a narrow soundstage from what was absolute shit when trying to hear positions.
SHP9500 should be fine tho
>That shit does not help at all for positioning.
better positioning isn't why people like wide soundstage you dumb dumb
>Can I get a fulla 2 for DAC/AMP then get a Magni 3 as an AMP then turn the fulla 2 into a DAC?
get a fiio d3 + magni 3 instead
my ath meme50s (old 2014 non detachable cable models before they got rid of them) just stopped working in the left ear. obviously theyre no longer under warranty.
looking around I can see AT will do repairs for non warrantied items for a cost, i'm guessing it's not worth it? cant really buy a new pair of headphones for more than one hundo atm
how difficult would it be to repair them myself? would i be better off just getting a new different pair of headphones for under $100?
Yes, may work but I've had problems.
if so, any suggestions? my only dislike about the m50s was the hard clamp but i do prefer closed (although semi closed is fine too). i liked the aesthetic of the 50s though desu. would the m20/30/40s be a good option?
The magni 3 can't support headphones and speakers right? (HD600, Edifiers and 3.5mm headphones with only a combined headphone/mic jack on laptop which is used by the mic for a headset setup)
cool I'll look into it.
thanks for the heads up.
Magni 3 has pre-amp outs, which are active when there's no headphone plug inside.
Edifiers look to be active speakers with an amp built in, so you run RCA cables from the magni pre-amp outs to the speakers and you're good.
If you had passive speakers, you'd need a separate amp first.
Hi I was just wondering if I could get some advice for speaker placement
image related is a rough idea of where my desk is in my room with the speakers in pink. I'll be picking up some new speakers with rear ports soon and I wanted to get them away from the wall
Any ideas on how I should place them? I can't move my desk, and moving my desk further away from the wall isn't really a viable option (I have stuff directly behind me)
thanks man. What about Swan D1080-IV?
Want something a bit more neutral get the Somic MM185/Status Audio CB-1. very comfy.
Want something with a fun sound like the M50 then get the Akai Project 50X. You'll needs some decent pads to help with the clamp. Then again if you dealt with the M50 stock pads and clamp, its pretty much identical in comfort.
I can also recommend the NVX XPT100, they're very neutral, also you'll be hard pressed to find a more comfortable headphone.
>Swan D1080-IV
Yeah, looks to be active speakers, same deal.
Going to say though, skip the Edifier and the Swan, and get the JBL LSR30X. Little more, but they're going to be a lot better sounding, and they're on sale right now.
Idk, the M series is kinda dick overall. Under $100, the Creative Aurvana Live's a solid closed set for the price.
Sound is solid, pads are comfy if a little on the small side.
Still going to return it because I have more expensive phones and high-priced material goods make me feel high status
Thanks. They are the massdrop ones right? Don't think they ship to aus cheaply.
The D03K is a s/pdif DAC and only accepts toslink or coax input, right? So I can't really use it for usb hub with laptop.
>So I can't really use it for usb hub with laptop.
ta lot of laptops have spdif hidden in the 3.5mm port
but yeah go for something like the fulla 2 which is usb powered
I gave my K7XX to a friend and bought the 650s, much nicer headphone imo
To my ears the K7XX and the 650s were almost identical, but the AKGs were much more fatiguing. On paper I believe the K7XXs have better highs but I couldn't really hear much of a difference