Why is python2 still a thing

why is python2 still a thing

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backwards compatibility

Because converting 2 to 3 takes time and effort, and a lot of software relies on 2.

There's an official tool that converts your code from 2 to 3. I can see that some stuff would break, but it's been what, 6 years?

2 isn't broken, why waste time and money fixing something that works perfectly?

>Because converting 2 to 3 takes time and effort

Why is IPv4 still a thing?

Safety concerns, for starters.

Why is Apache still a thing?

The tool works, but when you have a large project with multiple python files integrated with other languages, you can't just shove it through a converter and expect everything to work without bugs.

I just don't like how python2 is still the default when a version number is omitted. Like why does there have to be a pip and pip3? pip should just be for 3 by default and have a flag for installing for 2 if necessary.

Why is PYthon still a thing?

Why is Windows still a thing

Tell us specifically which safety concerns. Make sure that for every claim you make, you provide source code of the related entities and point exactly where in the code is the problem. Or shut the fuck up, you ignorant piece of bitch.

Why am I still a living person?

It was deprecated by ruby. Well it was also deprecated since the start by perl.

Because it's literally better than 3 (faster to execute AND to write) and 2to3 is a complete and utter joke.

It's literally about 3 sed-tier rules and has never been updated beyond that. It doesn't even successfully convert the simplest of projects.

to make me pull my hairs out in frustration whenever i have to set up emacs

>make new, breaking version of your programming language
>keep the global interpreter lock
python is a joke

I will never switch off 2

Does bjork actually make good music? Asking for a friend

Because they decided to break backwards compatibility for basically nothing and didn't fix any of the major problems with Python. Upgrading is also hindered by Python being a dynamically typed piece of shit so "2 to 3" doesn't work reliably.

Because 100% of scientific python code was written by some student and he is dead now. There is no fucking way you will get your master for converting tools from python 2 to 3. If it werks, don't touch it. Fags in local phylogeny lab still use software for Mac OS 7.5.2 through 9.0.4 via Emulators on Windows.

Nobody will rewrite old working code!

>faster to execute
Doesn't seem like it looking at 2.7 vs 3.6 on speed.python.org/comparison/

Ruby is basically dead and Python isn't far behind it.

It will become legacy in 2020, either way, why do you care if you don't use it?

This. Scientific computing and technical computing was a mistake.

>It will become legacy in 2020

No, it won't. Google, Redhat, Instagram, Dropbox, Disqus etc. will step up and support Python 2. None of them have any plans to migrate to Python 3.

Fuck you. You know that bud? Fuck. You.

Because it's not turing complete.

Python 2 and Perl 5 forever

Why are you still breathing?

because python3 is shit

>on python.org
No shit

>doing real life work with computing was a mistake
>leftpad.js was not

hi zed

The fact that most ((((python programmers)))) could not even tell you what the difference between v2 and v3 is speaks volumes as to how stupid it was to introduce changes without attempting to be backwards compatible and some how assuming that everyone would adopt changes with no benefit to their existing code. The main change in v3 is just moving to unicode, everything else was just Ruby-fying Python.

Because things originally assumed they didnt need a version number and will break if changed

I think one linux distro did this (arch?) a while ago and everybody got annoyed

I still doing everything in python 2.7 because I have no idea what he's the difference

You're right, your opinion pulled out of your ass is probably correct and python.org is faking it.

>using python as a glorified calculator for models that don't matter
>real life work
pick one
>there is only science memes and web shit

>leftpad.js was not
who are you quoting

This is why I won't develop with using python at all. What's to stop them from releasing a python 4? It's poor practice.

no backwards compatibility
python is pure cancer

>What's to stop them from releasing a python 4?
Plus, it would also be only a minor improvement.

The hardest part of moving from Python 2 to Python 3 is character encoding bugs.

In other words, you are a third rate programmer whose code is fundamentally broken, otherwise porting to Python 3 is trivial.

Of course, a lot of legacy code bases were duct taped together by third rate programmers, RIP.

>for basically nothing
Congratulations, you are a third rate programmer like said

>Python being a dynamically typed piece of shit
Python has static type checking now.

>keep the global interpreter lock
If you're writing something in Python that is limited by the GIL, you're doing it wrong. Do you also hammer nails with a screwdriver?

>Google, Redhat, Instagram, Dropbox, Disqus etc. will step up and support Python 2. None of them have any plans to migrate to Python 3.
Google is preparing to move to Python 3. They already use type checking backported to Python 2.

Python 2 was a mistake. The problem is that people got used to Python 2, and then Python 3 wasn't compatible, so now the whole languages is a shitshow.

>>leftpad.js was not
I don't see where you get that user is a node evangelist, unless you just dreamed that up


so .. python 4 should have been before python 3?

Python 2 should never have been released so broken. Python 3 fixes many reasonable quirks and inconsistencies that should have never been issues in the first place.

>Python has static type checking now.

It has an experimental optional static type checker that isn't sound and isn't mandatory. Python is still completely dynamically typed and awful.

> Congratulations, you are a third rate programmer

I know exactly what they broke compatibility for. Unicode strings by default, PEP 8 changes and iterator/generator changes aren't even close to interesting enough to break backwards compatibility. Especially since they got the Unicode changes wrong.

Google isn't moving any of their internal code to Python 3. They're only moving to support Python 3 in some of their open source libraries.

Because there is absolutely nothing wrong with 2.7. All 3 does is break shit and make the language more like Ruby, which is a shit language that people used Python to deliberately avoid. Its literally a step in the wrong direction.

How is 3 more like Ruby?

>pajeet hears python is good for beginners (as if there weren't a million other equally easy languages out there)
>half-learns it
>tells other pajeets it's good for beginners
>the cycle repeats