If this is the wrong board please let me know where to go

if this is the wrong board please let me know where to go

Ok Sup Forums, just found out I'm been a victim of gaslighting, and I want to know how by at least knowing the devices used.

they can hear me inside my house, walls don't make any diference. even any mutter I make or how I breathe

the way they produce sound is really singular, it most be beam like, and not very wide, it doesn't make a sound everyone can hear, just the person being pointed at and peaple very near that person.

people one meter away or behind the person being pointed wont hear as far as I know.

any help would be apreciated.

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>please let me know where to go
Probably to a psychiatrist.

Directional speakers come in several different forms. I don't know what your question is.

I could go into details but I don't know if telling what's happening is ok in this board.

a friend huged me and realized I was not crazy just to make a point.

dude you really hit te nail by telling me about directional speakers, is there a device that works de same way but recording?

They use two thermal cameras to detect your position in the house and then direct a beam at you.
Drone with FLIR = X/Y position
FLIR on the ground = X/Z position

Drone with FLIR

Schizophrenia dude. Get to a psych.

this helped a lot too, omg I just need to know how they hear me so perfectly now

they can read your thoughts. they dont need to hear you. not trying to scare you being informative

Backdoored cell phone recording 24/7
and playing back sounds when no one is around

It is surprising anyone would go to such a length. If they have, they have probably also rootkitted your PC - something to bear in mind.

Any standard modern listening device would do the trick and would be able to hear most things in the room, down to mutters, breathing or footsteps. There's no reason to use directional ones.

I'm not personally familiar with directional speakers but they do exist - I imagine tracking would be difficult - unless it's associated with standing in a particular place or wearing a particular thing, which would be easier to prepare.

Any such devices will show on a spectrum analyzer, because they are going to have to be wired in or wireless somewhere and will make EM noise. Preventing that is nation-state-level Cuban embassy staff hard. Pick up a spectrum analyzer, or make one yourself with an SDR and a Raspberry Pi?

All electrical devices are likely to show up, including normal electrical ring mains and house wiring. If something's still on when the power's out, however, and you can rule out that it's a fire, smoke or burglar alarm (which are interesting installation points, along with light sockets, historically), that might be worth looking into.

Bear in mind the possibility that you might, in fact, be wrong and are, in fact, having paranoid delusions. If the above does not find anything, that is more likely than not. Auditory hallucinations are actually extremely common and, generally, fairly harmless but if you are hearing distinct voices that seem to talk to you or instruct you to do things, it might be worthwhile seeking psychiatric help if you've taken reasonable measures to rule out any other possibilities. Approach this as scientifically, systematically, and rationally as you can.

Good luck.

thats what they wanted me to think, but as I said, theres someone who heard with me, also, all my neigboarhood is comfronting me in person for things I never said to them and that kind of stuff, but they are 100% sure it was my voice, with one couple,since I live like5 houses away they think I go out at night and start insulting them. the gut fucking trashed me and I had nothing to say that would make him belive it was´t me

I have no idea why I didn't think of the cell phone. That is also an obvious angle.

It can be eliminated as a possibility by temporarily putting the cellphone - for a short period of time only! - in the fridge, where it will have no signal and won't be able to make much of a noise or hear anything - or, of course, running the battery down to the point where it can't turn on.

Don't listen to him, trust yourself first and foremost.
If you're hearing shit it means someone's fucking with you . There's 0 rigorous scientific proof that illnesses can alter your hearing or perception that you start hearing shit that doesn't exist .and don't get me started with self reported nonsense , self reports aren't science because they're unverifiable and can be lies.

you need to talk to a professional or you will have a nervous breakdown. t. happy healthy schizophrenic

OP, could you please just go into detail from start to finish? I'm having a hard time figuring out what's happening here.

please see a psychiatrist user

Gaslighting was actually quite common in East Germany

Tactics employed under Zersetzung generally involved the disruption of the victim's private or family life. This often included psychological attacks, such as breaking into homes and subtly manipulating the contents, in a form of gaslighting – moving furniture, altering the timing of an alarm, removing pictures from walls or replacing one variety of tea with another. Other practices included property damage, sabotage of cars, purposely incorrect medical treatment, smear campaigns including sending falsified compromising photos or documents to the victim's family, denunciation, provocation, psychological warfare, psychological subversion, wiretapping, bugging, mysterious phone calls or unnecessary deliveries, even including sending a vibrator to a target's wife.

Returning items from the trash to the home, releasing mice or poisonous snakes (especially those whose poison works on contact and need not be injected) in walls or basements and alluding to topics referenced in tapped phone conversations is also popular, as is filling both the salt and pepper shakers with 'pepper'; (in a controlled or export economy, as in times of economic hardship generally, ersatz pepper is typically made of sawdust-type substitutes such as bark or for example 'winter pepper'; see especially 'witzpulver' but also 'monk's pepper'). Usually, victims had no idea that the Stasi were responsible and indeed, it is probable that they not always were. Many thought that they were losing their minds, and mental breakdowns and suicide could result. The 'dissolution' is likely at least occasionally intended to carry the same connotation as in such uses as 'dissolution of marriage,' 'breakdown of the traditional family unit,' etc. It should perhaps be noted further that no one had a monopoly on monitoring communications, whether in East Germany or anywhere else.

If this is just starting for you, please see a psychiatrist. Your mental illness could be treatable still.

How old are you? If early 20s, then it’s probably schizophrenia. If older, could be any number of psyche problems.

My microwave keeps talking and insulting me. Also i'm pretty sure someone is pouring nerve gas through my power sockets, it's driving me mad. The police was completely useless on that and was in on it too, you're my last hope Sup Forums, what's their end goal? why would they target ME of all people? I need answers, now, this isn't supposed to be my christmas

I don't let no one touch my pc, I know that it can't be a normal mic because the curses I say are only used while I play games with my friends using skype, but no one has ever told me about being with others ore mentioned the sound of the games that are almost at the same level that my voice

> schizophrenia is mostly genetic
> rate is increasing past birthrate

Gig is up. They need to come clean

True paranoid schizophrenia is actually quite rare, and (distinctively) responds to treatment quite well. If it is a psychiatric illness, it is very possible that the delusions are something more short-term.

Still, that is something to bear in mind.

Are the things you are supposed to have said to them things that you have actually said (that could have been recorded or played back), or things that to your recollection you don't think you have ever said?

Convincing speech mockery/synthesis is way, way harder than recording/playback. That would lend weight to the possibility that you may in fact be having paranoid delusions - which is something that you should bear in mind as a reasonable probability if there is no readily-identifiable physical proximate cause.

In other words, you have knowingly said these words into a microphone connected to your PC, and you don't think that might be worth at least looking into as a possibility?

Your Skype microphone would provide enough isolation to separate your voice from your game-playing.

I have dealt with a couple of cases of domestic abuse/FFI techniques that could be described as gaslighting - in both cases, there was spy software on the phone and the PC had a rootkit. That does not require a high level of tech knowledge to do - randoms can buy software to do this off the internet.

A sweep of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware often does the trick.

As before, if you have performed reasonable steps and eliminated them as possibilities, and the only reasonable remaining possibility is that you are having delusions, then the rational choice is to see a psychiatrist. That is quite fixable.

Run over them with your car.

Don't buy into the schizo story, those anons want you to fall into the trap
Whoever is doing this to you probably wants you to go to a psychiatrist so that you think you're going insane, the psychiatrist is probably their cooperator. It's a common tactic
Once the psychiatrist gets you and starts drugging you to get you dumber there is no return

the guy said among the most of things, that I said I would eat his wife ass, "I'm going to eat your fucking ass and you will enjoy it" is something I say a lot playing lol when chasing someone, it's like a joke I spam when playing with friends

fuck off

Multiple laser microphones pointed at your windows

you may be right, I'll have to fucking reset (can't find the word in my head) my pc and phone, fuck it, thanks man

this guy it's not me

Alexis ?

more importantly, what have you done that you think someone is listening?

>thats what they wanted me to think,

when you know what people are thinking but the people aren't there.. that's not a good sign. don't go see a doctor because THAT'S WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO

.. or is it? perhaps they're keeping you away from the doctor with reverse psychology. maybe you should go.

THEN AGAIN maybe they're in this thread too. WHO KNOWS?

>If you're hearing shit it means someone's fucking with you

if you're hearing shit but you can't record it and play it back.. then you're crazy.

Just out of curiosity, what would be rigorous proof, to you?

Dude what the fuck this guy has serious schizo why the fuck are you baiting him

OP you need to see a psychiatrist, if you have friends or family you need to call them and ask for advice.

Ask a psychiatrist. They can help you test where all this stuff is coming from.