Why is Sup Forums always constantly bitching about Pajeets?

Why is Sup Forums always constantly bitching about Pajeets?

What's Sup Forums's quarrel(s) with Pajets again?

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop taking our jobs, you baka faggot street shitters

First they came for your jobs

Then they took your internet

Start hiding your women

>Start hiding your women
Bbut I have no woman

their voice are annoying asf especially when you watch a youtube video, i just dislike the video and leave.

- Dump Sup Forumsacks.
- Mods not doing their jobs.

Pajeets ruined XDA
Thats enough to make me butthurt

Working with indians online is always unpleasant. As freelancers most of the time they do a sloppy job. A lot of job offers have a "no indians" policy in it already. As clients they pay a meme price and expect the freelancer to be a fucking god. And they'll never give you a good review.

Poo in the loo

They don't actually speak English and don't understand contracts. I hate renting to them, especially when they all try to get around the rules and butter you up to try and break them. They're not special, and we don't make exceptions.

Leave and never come back.

The state of android sums it up

VoLTE? please for nuga thx

But android is great right now.

The Java and JavaScript languages:

They are liars like the Chinese.

Pajeets constantly lie on their resume. Source: I've reviewed hundreds of pajeet resumes. Coding skills, English skills, experience, etc.


Yeah oreo bricking and barely 10% of users are on it is real great

hello good sir could you elaborate on that a little bit more ? thank you sir come again

They smell funny

Actually straight-off-the-boat Indians are fucking terrible
>low skill
>act super Indian

Naturalized or born here Indians are the same as Asians.

Don't forget
Fucking pajeets made lots of devs quit XDA because of how they steal stuff without even giving credit or asking for permision. Even worse, their attempts are almost always broken and keep pushing people to use their Telegram groups to get updates and fixes.

The literal worst I've seen from them now are those Lineage threads they make without even starting the project. The mods at XDA had to close a shitload of threads because the pajeet in charge started advertising his rom without the actual rom available

>Then they took your internet
You took your internet yourselves, cucks. That guy was just a puppet used by his bosses you voted for.

its same with chinese. mokee, shendu, joyos, all cyanogen 1 to 1. pajeet do the same.

t. chinaman

Indian here ama

Why don't you poo in the loo?

Pretty much this. I've been in classes with pajeets, the majority of them are liars and are drama queens and cheaters.



why do indians hate india so much but at the same time want to turn every place india?

go back to facebook grandma

A lot of establishments won't host my office for work nights out because the Indian dudes will sexually harass the waitresses then get us blacklisted after that night. So they get kicked out and then spam the group chat on where we're going next, we have to tell them which nightclub we go to. So we go to the nightclub and they start groping 18 year old girls then at least 2 without fail finally will settle for going home with 40+ year old obese benefit scroungers with about 3 teeth and the others will have been banned and thrown out. One has sexually harassed the wives of some of the other colleagues and then when confronted cried to the manager and got him disciplined. They do the bare minimum of work, criticize everyone else's work including each others which leads to them fucking arguing loudly. They only mingle with themselves really. We found out they're here because of a diversity quota. Oh and they smell like shit.

I genuinely hope one day they cross the tech in work very wrong as he teaches/coaches the local MMA team and apparently isn't someone to be fucked with.

>malware border
Facobook confirmed

>looking for certain electronics book
>print versions are stupidly overpriced
>look for online versions
>only pdf on the web is on some indian amateur radio club's website
thanks pajeet

You must have a pretty shit job if some random street-shitter can take it from you

They won't stop calling me about malware on my compooter!

First they came for the jobs, but I did not have a job.
Then they came for the for internet, but I did not have any internet.
Then they came for the fresh streets, and there was no one to help me

Pajeet here. just a note.
Most Pajeet's hate non-Indian woman because most of them are whores, so don't worry, your whore wives shall be safe with you.

>reee they're stealing open source

It's just passive racism combined with grudging respect and honest confusion...?!

Lots of us work in IT.
There is a lot of Indians in IT.

If you worked with Indians, you would know why we hate them.
Fuck pajeets.

They took neutrality

Pajeet YouTube videos make me ASMR sometimes so that's probably one of the things I hate the least about them

Poo in loo is an established meme. Get thr fuck outta my Sup Forums

T. Pajeet

Welcome to the world of open source software. Tell Stallman how cool it is on the way to the exit.

>Causing a ruckus and getting banned from every club while touching any pussy that they want, all while getting paid for nothing

I believe you are mad at the existence of the Chad.

But seriously, a few poojeets at my work actually drench themselves in perfume. They're aware of the stereotype and they overcompensate for it to the point where they smell like an antique shop. Better than shit at least.


They will takeover the world in 2030 and enslave everyone!


If only you had bought an iPhone.

The pajeets are on /biz/ trying to sucker white kids into p&d's


no u

Check out pajeetchan

Spread them love Sup Forums