Perfect notebooks don't exis

Perfect notebooks don't exis...

>inb4 sexual perversion is not a genetic disease

*throttles your machine*

I unironically like my RMBP 2015


but they do

>no hardware escape key
into the trash

but user-kun t-thats not the yoga 460

Get with the times grandpa.

I own the exact machine in OP's pic and I can confirm its the best laptop ever made.

fuck off

>bumping the thread

more like killed_by_chinkpad shitty chinese plastic gets me rock hard.

that's not even a notebook, it's a laptop. wtf!?

It's official: The new Apple butterfly mechanism breaks before having finished writing a sentence.
This thread is just one out of countless examples.

Great laptop.

fcking furry fag


Only God is perfect :^)

I have a Thinkpad X1 Carbon from work. It sucks. I have a MacBook Pro 13" I bought myself. It sucks.

I think I prefer the MacBook but that's only because I'm a bit of a massive faggot.

>a bit of a massive faggot
So just a normal faggot?

cant tell if bait or that you are special so have a headpat

Got one at best buy a couple weeks ago to try it out and return it. It's literally the best laptop on the planet right now for everything except gaming.

You'd think you could hit 60fps on SC2 or TF2, WoW, anything at the lowest settings even at 720p. It's a no go and complete piece of shit. Gonna just keep using my ASUS for my minor gaming needs when i'm traveling. Might have kept it too, but it really is complete shit.

Nice try shill, but you can get Bootcamp and play those games on high settings.