How can you store thermal paste in a way that makes it last for long? In the fridge? Or what?
Thermal paste storage
inside your anus
I keep mine inside a box with other computer crap in my wardrobe.
Shit still working fine but it's not one of those top of the line thermal compounds they have nowadays, it's old shit aka pic.
kek even the picture from google was from back in the day I think they don't even make this shit anymore, not sure if sidewinder computers exists either used to buy fittings from them.
These sandwich meat tubs work well for shit that might dry out. I even keep spare Baofengs in them.
I have a lot of thermal copound that is years old at this point, but I don't want to use it because it might have gone bad and give me bad temps.
Unless it's dried out, I can't see how it would go bad.
I've seen online that the components that make up the paste can separate.
Just buy some more when you need it, it's not like it's expensive.
>not just using toothpaste
>falling for le expensive paste meme
pleb, neck yourself desu
I've had to use toothpaste before. It worked, but I'm pretty sure almost anything will be better than using nothing.
holey shitey
this reminds me of a blue thermal paste I bought years ago.
It was so liquified that it melted and dripped all over the mainboard covering everything in unwahsable blue die.
Only used it that one tiem obviously
By this time it should have dried enough not to melt like that, but I dont know if i want to put that blue shit in things anymore as they get permanent blue stains.
wtf were they thinking
I only have problems with thermal paste manufacturers having no unified logo for non conductive compounds.
Always getting nervous when using that stuff.
Just do like me and only buy the ones made with ceramic compounds because they don't conduct shit.
Also they are GOAT for LN2 overclocking.
K, this thread is retarded
I think you should think about it. It
Lasts long between a cpu and a cooler, it
Lasts long even in a syringe, don't
U think?
R u for real with your question?
Seriously, keep it wherever you want,
End. In the fridge, lol,
Literally retarded.
For a second opinion, read the first letters
Didn't know down syndrome lifeforms were allowed on this board.
Thermal paste has a finite shelf life.
in the medicine cabinet
What do you mean, storage? Aren't you supposed to use the whole tube at once?
Basically this.
Yeah, thermal paste on both sides to maximize heat transfer, of course
in a droor near my computer desk
have had 3 tubes that are still silky smooth after purchasing in 2003
I have 2 huge freaking tubes of MX-4. Shit will last me a lifetime guaranteed. I ain't even worried about it drying up. Hell I even have a small tube of Liquid Pro that is a few years old and I am certain won't go bad. This shit lasts forever.
As long as it’s airtight it’s fine. It will separate from the water a bit and you might have to stir it after a while.
I kid you not I replaced a guys motherboard where he had thermal paste blobbed over the edges of the cpu and into the socket pinholes
Shit will last forever. Ordered some from some chink site like 15 years ago and it still works fine. It came in these little heroin addict syringes that I still laugh at every time I use it