>i5 4GB ram laptop
>When I close the laptop linux shits itself and doesnt wake up
>Switch from Arch to Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB
>Disable some stuff with powershell scripts
>Everything just werks, always have office stuff (excel, word) on one workspace, chrome with about 10 tabs on another one, VS Code on another one and deluge on another one
>Open the laptop, log in and can continue work
>Haven't experienced a single crash
Windows 10 LTSB is the best OS I've ever got to use.
What's your excuse for not using it other than muh freedums?
I5 4GB ram laptop
Most likely you should have install LTS kernel or did some research to see if anyone found solutions.
Also GNU/Linux has never crashed on me and is widely considered to be stable.
There is no benefit to me to run Windows 10 LTSB, and there are many negatives. Some include freedom, configurability, learning about the OS and hardware, and battery life.
battery life is better on windows.
You also get a lot of software that doesnt exist for windows. Linux doesn't teach you about the OS or hardware.
>What's your excuse for not using it other than muh freedums?
I don't have an excuse because I'm also running LTSB.
After tearing it apart using MSMG Toolkit and NTLite, I held back on removing components and disabling services and tweaked everything else then used a Powershell script to tweak further once I installed it using the already tweaked image I made.
Everything literally does just work and even though LTSB only receives security updates, I still have control over them.
It's so fucking comfy.
>it just werks
>After tearing it apart using MSMG Toolkit and NTLite
>used a Powershell script to tweak stuff
I laf
It works regardless you dumb fuck. I just wanted to remove things I didn't use.
>arch requires work to get it working
>therefore it's shit
>windows requires work to get it working
>therefore it's not shit
Not an archfaggot but I don't understand that logic.
My bet is if you spend the amount of time you spent reconfiguring your Windows 10 with whatever anti-spying placebo you found on the net on arch it would perform just as good.
Did you just NOW figure that out?
solution for your sleep problem was probably kernel/graphic driver update away, but being windiot it was easier to spend hours to install and setup new OS
enjoy ur botnet
I didn't bother tweaking anti-spying stuff because I just don't care but enterprise has less "spying" by default
I riced and toggled arch and i3wm. Linux just doesnt have drivers for that.
I always knew that, still a valid argument. There's no office suite better than microsoft office. There's no IDE bettert than Visual Studio. GDB, Radare etc. are shit compared to IDA Pro and x64dbg.
Works on my machine.
>Not an archfaggot
Could've had me fooled with that purposeful ignorance to OP's experience.
Ultimately he spent time on windows customizing it to his liking whereas the basics on arch just didn't work. Therefore, he would have to fix the basics on arch + customize it, in comparison to just toggling shit off on whatever windows version.
>He doesn't use laptop-mode tools
>"everything (((just))) works***"
>using a OS that logs keystrokes and uploads your files to check for piracy and kiddie porn (((noting else we promise you goyim)))
Yeah no. I'm sticking with 8.1 for my gaming pc and linux on everything else.
My i5 Chromebook runs for 7-8 hours heavy usage moderate brightness running Solus. My Samsung Galaxy Book running Win10 gets 3 hours tops with light usage.
thank you for telling me.
I dont care about your specific device but windows generally uses less because it's optimized better
>optimized at all
Yes, because this constantly broken neckbeard distro is representative of all other Linux dsitros. You should've installed Debian.
>Windows 10 LTSB is the best OS I've ever got to use.
You poor, poor boy.
You have glimpsed the great without ever using it.
>An long term support version of an enterprise OS is more stable than a do-it-yourself OS made by unpaid hobbyists
What else is new
Friendly reminder to report this and move on. At least they've changed the format.
>implying 8.1 is any better
>installs Arch
>expects anything to be working correctly
>expecting a bleeding edge distro to just werk
the absolute state of windows users in 2028-11
>spend hours dicking around config and terminal
>just werks
Impressive mental backflip, I give it 9/11.
Enjoy your botnet.