Is the patent on the public domain now? Can we get better readers now?
Is the patent on the public domain now? Can we get better readers now?
God Aqua is just built for a fuck around the corner, such a good slut
Hey, don't talk shit about my wife like that. Those images are clearly fabricated.
Cheaper probably, I got no expectations for better quality ones but I don't really care if it costs less than 30 bucks.
Is Kobo really the only libre solution as everyone keeps saying. I know little about this, but don't you need to have an account with some online service of theirs in order to use their product?
Shill me one buying a 100 dollar manga reader when I already have my phone?
You can retain your eyes view capacity.
It requires account to initialize but you can also add a zero account to its sql database with sqlbrowser and use it anonymously.
Because smartphones are cancer and make you look like an ADHD, antisocial teenbro.
Forgot to add, this way you also don't need their software on pc to use it and can just throw something with calibre on it.
Kobo isn't libre, it's just easier to hack.
It's for books, not neckbeard snack media.
that looks like fucking shit anyways, stop pushing the manga on ereaders meme
But downloading manga on phone is easier. Also my bright phone screen is much more visible on the window reflection of the train when i read my doujinshi
this: Kobo is great.
if they made a device that is about 9 or 10 inches I literally wouldn't buy another eReader ever.
Android is garbage and chinkshit is garbage, that's why. Proper devices and software have much better contrast.
Just a larger screen still not completely worth it
Only one of those apply to me
I already have the book I want to read physically
Except that most ereaders probably run Android in one form or another.
>the book (1)
You need to be an avid reader to see the benefits of an e-reader, sorry bud but this product is not for you.
Get a Tolino instead, similar hardware but you can use it without any account out of the box.
You are wrong, Kindle is based on the Linux Kernel and Kobo probably too but I couldn't find any info, Android wouldn't really offer anything other than bloat.
Should I buy an iPad Pro 2 to "learn drawing"?
Will probably just use it to jerk off to hentai, like everything else I bought "for productivity"
> most
Only if you're going by number of brands, certainly not by units sold. Kindles and Kobos don't run Android.
Why the fuck would you draw on a fucking ipad? Just get a wacom tablet or something. Or even better get huion 420 from aliexpress for $20, since you already know you will give up on this anyway. It will be a good toy for a week.
What do they run?
This has to be one of the dumbest things I've read all day.
Is it possible to root a Swindle Fire? Someone gave it to me as a gift a long time ago, but it requires me to make an Amazon account, so it's basically been a paperweight all these years. I did some brief research on the topic, and I couldn't figure out anything. There were a lot of articles in poorly written English pointing me to adfly sites endorsing some software that apparently does it for you.
Kindles literally run some Android derivative.
Exactly. Their whole infrastructure runs on Linux. Go to their fucking firmware page and look at what's there. They're all some kind of retarded fork of Android. Because Android is the standard for tablets, kiosks, and other such consumer devices. What else would it even be? NetBSD? What could Kindle possibly run that isn't related to Linux in some shape or form? What a stupid assertion.
Only the Fire ones, not the e-ink ones.
What do they run?
Linux as in GNU or as in Android?
It's based on the linux kernel, it has nothing to do with android.
How does that make an eink reader have better contrast? This whole conversation is confusing the more I think about it.
A portrait e-ink monitor to read Sup Forums threads please.
My guess is that the original poster mentioning Android was talking about smartphones in general.
phone screen is too small desu
android uses the linux kernel too you retard
You don't want e-ink for general computer stuff, it's too slow.
That doesn't make kindle run on android, it's like saying pigs are humans because both are mammals.
thats my wife youre talking!
Wrong. Most ereaders use a Linux kernel based os but they don't use android they would have to completely redesign android for it to even work and most those features wouldn't be used. Anyways. They all use custom oses since there's not much that needs to be done its pretty straight forward to design. This is as far as I know when I worked for 2 years designing ereaders.
What e-reader is that?
iz dis a benis ?
we are getting better readers, but with a different technology
eink is depreciated
Yeah? What technology is that?
I got a fire 7 and while you do need the amazon account as far as I can tell there is a program to install the google play store and remove ads. It's dead simple
Sony DPT-S1
No, but a Surface PRO wouldn't be a bad option for that.
That is haram