/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

Ask here any questions that don't need their own thread.
Check the wiki and use search engines to find if a solution to your problems already exists.

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>attempt to save large file in Chrome on android
>entire browser instance closes itself

Holy shit this is horrible, why is something like this even possible please helpa

Good IRC Client?
Is PChat Portable any good?


Use Firefox Mobile.

got it thx

Need help finding a smartphone.

I'm in the U.S, budget is $350; main concern is longevity of the phone, so something that will receive timely updates and be good for 2-3 years.

Things like camera, speakers, etc. aren't all that important.

Nokia 6 is the most durable and easy to fix phone out so far, its literally a brick.

It actually happens in Brave, too, which I realize is based on Chromium, but I figured it meant my tablet is showing its age after the latest ansroid update, even though it was months ago. But I will definitely try, thanks.

Whenever I try to convert this .avi file to an .mp4 file using VLC Media player, the .mp4 always comes out with either choppy frames, fucked audio, or some other corruption. How do fix this

I’d like some opinions on my plan.

I want to do something like this.

Precalc > Calc > SICP > More Math > Math degree

I’m not a particularly smart person if I’m being honest with myself, so I’m thinking I’ll get an adderall prescription to help get the ball rolling, but I’m not sure if that’s possible because my medical records show that I have two heroin ODs/suicide attempts.

Is there a better plan other than “kill yourself”? Because I’ve tried that.

I want to use some sort of Raspberry Pi (not yet sure which flavor, probably Zero W) as TV set, that will run XBCM/Kodi.
So, will it work with FullHD?

Or it is just better to buy some sort of pre-made shit?

use ffmpeg

>tl never

god damn it harukaze

I'm trying to switch to a wired connection from wifi for the first time.I have the cable connected from my motherboard to the ethernet port on my router/modem, but nothing is working. I tried installing firmware for my motherboard, but, assuming I've installed everything correctly, that didn't help. What could I have possibly fucked up?

I triple checked my BIOS, and LAN is enabled, but no adapter is showing up in my device manager.

The last week or so ive had a problem where my mouse at random will stop working for 5-10 seconds then i would hear the win 7 sound for when you disconnect something from the USB drive (The "Ba-Dump" noise) then it goes back to working just fine. There is no pattern to why it happens.

So does it sound like it might be the mouse dying (It is rather old) or something within the PC itself?

does react os play windows games? can it run steam?

I have my drive set to automount in fstab. Problem is its an ntfs drive that I use as a shared drive bewteen linux and windows and it constantly (((breaks))) and is listed as a read only drive. Which is always fixed by running ntfsfix on it.
Is there any way I could have ntfsfix /dev/sda1 run as root before the drive is mounted during startup?

Sauce on gif?

Fuck, down to my last 1.5TB free on my server. Out of bays so can't add drives. Trying to make it last for least a year or more or till a drive dies before I swap it all into a proper server rack case with plenty of bays. The plus side is that I'm pulling the plug on hoarding more Porn and Hentia/doujins on Dec 31. The other thing is that I've really cut down on films/shows that I've ripped/torrented. (Shit I got every show/film that I watched/liked as a kid/teenager/grown adult)

When is Firefox for Android scheduled to get the big engine update that desktop Firefox received with 57?

Does the Sup Forums tox group still exist?

what the fuck am i supposed to do to get QtWebEngine or QtWebKit installed so i can use qutebrowser on my arch linux raspberry pi?
i tried compiling it from source but after 5 hours of compiling with no indication it would be finished soon i gave up thinking there has to be a better way. Anyone have any tips?

So I've nearly optimized my passthrough setup, but even with cpu pinning, Windows 10 doesn't seem to be making use of the third core of the three that I assigned it even though device manager sees it. Any idea what's going on? I'm on i5 Coffee lake. For what it's worth I've never been able to successfully pass anything more than 2 cores when I specify the host topology.

You're on a Raspi, compiling it is going to take a while unless the Arch repo has bins for it ready. If they don't, just leave it running as you sleep.

yeah i just found it its on the official repos and wasted 6 hours or so compiling it...
i guess my question really lives up to the name of the thread

don't know about the whole calc stuff, but good luck user, hope you do well

After finangling with my driver, this is what I've found. However, I get the same result when I completely unplug the cable, so I don't know how reliable it is.

How does the test come up with this result, and could something else be causing it?

have recent Win10 updates over the last month caused mother boards to die?

I need to find out because at the beginning of december my MoBo died, but before that it was locking up or straight crashing out. on boot it would show the getting windows ready screen for a split second before showing the login screen. over the last week I've been using elementary OS with a brand new MoBo and had no problems until about 24 hours ago when I installed windows 10 and it crashed my PC during an update early in the morning, then updated properly about an hour later.

Is Mozilla Public License free as in freedom? I'm asking for this software:


How do I check if a software is FOSS?

Sup Forums how should I browse Sup Forums if I fell for the minimalism meme and installed qutebrowser

with their adblocker list I still get ads. I mean there's plenty of ways I could get rid of them obviously but I want all the fancy features that ublock has, I don't want to be mining monero for hiro

I'm Internet-illiterate and want to connect my toaster laptop to my family's router via ethernet while I'm home for break. The router has four ethernet ports in it, and the family's desktop is connected via ethernet, but while the laptop can recognize the cable being plugged in it doesn't give access to the Internet, even if the desktop's ethernet cable is unplugged and put in the laptop's port. My laptop's LAN driver works fine with my normal ethernet port in my apartment so I'm not sure what could be the problem. It also shows that the laptop is connected on the router, as the light for the corresponding ethernet port comes up when the port is plugged in.
I feel there's some really simple, stupid thing I'm missing that would be required to get it working.

even the original pi can play fhd video

Just wanted to update by saying I indeed did miss some simple, stupid thing. I didn't have DHCP enabled. I apologize for being an idiot, but I'm glad I have it working now.

what do people do when they "cut the cable""? do they just abandon live TV (sports, newly airing shows ,etc) or are there ways to pay just a few dollars a month for like 2 channels or something.

They stream.

but streaming quality sucks

That wont stop people who use cable.

they watch youtube moron
who the fuck wants to watch any crap on tv? I am infinitely more happy with shitty touhou tf2 animations than any fucking mtv trash or sportsball or whatever the fuck dumb sitcoms

so youre saying that cutting cable is only for autistic people who sit on their computer all day

not cutting cable is only for fat rednecks who watch tv all day

I need a laptop that's just for emails. What's a lightweight distro I can trim down or should I build something like gentoo around Thunderbird.

Buy a T61 or T400 thinkpad for $50-70.

>hey guys wanna come hang at my house? we can watch the game in 480p in my bedroom on my 20 inch monitor

What about OS

Any OS will work for those 2 if you only will use them to read emails.

more like
>hey guys wanna hang at my house? bring your shit we can play civ on LAN!

Thanks, user. I need all the luck in the world.

The calc is for SICP. SICP is a calc heavy book that has intimidated me for years but it’s legendary and I wasnt to finish it and put my problems on github to show I’m capable of doing something that’s considered somewhat difficult to some people.

So, that’s why the calc. Math degree because I figure if the math clicks with me I couldnt really get deeper into computer science like cryptology and electrical engineering and it’d be a lot easier to get into with a strong math background.

My main interest is netsec, but I know I have to start with programming. I’ve done programming before. I’m almost done with an AS at programming, but all the programming jobs are just python or java in my area and I’d really like to do some creative work, I consider programming an art and to see it used this way reminds me of Warhol’s whole situation turning art into consumerism in this sort of ironic fashion. But in this case, it’s not ironic or fun. It’s soul sucking work. I want to do SICP because I hear there’s beauty to be found in books like that.

Plus, what other options are there, if I dont do programming, most jobs are going to be automated away, My other options are join the military, work in an oil rig, or work full time barely making ends meet.

I know I digress into /adv/, but Sup Forums is the only one that can tell me if my plan and interest in SICP will pay off, because itll take a long time and it’s a lof time to invest in something that may or may not pay off, so I’d just like so reassurance or lackthereof.

Any guidance is appreciated. If I dont get my shit together I’m going to be homeless soon. I know I’m not smart, but I know I’m just as capable as anyone else.

I used to have an insulated hood for my coveralls with a thick stocking cap type thing for my neck attached.
I lost it and haven't been able to find a replacement anywhere. Does anybody know what I'm talking about and/or where to find a replacement? I don't even know the proper name of it so I can't search for it.
Not a baclava, the face was fully open

>shitty touhou tf2 animations
Are you saying Bonkimiru isn't the pinnacle of quality?

I wanna program shit in my free time but I don't have any ideas. Any project ideas?

Does an app (for example the iTunes) communicate with the server with the same protocol as the browser?

i have a g502 atm, thinking about buying a g903, is the wireless amazing or are people just paid to say it's good

Whenever I do any kind of file transferring or backup of a lot of files from one destination to another (internal HDD to external HDD), Windows 7 will stop the transfer and say that the destination path name is too long or something like that. However, I don't get this issue when I do the same file transferring job on Linux. It just copies and pastes as I expect it would. What I'm asking is how do I copy and paste a lot of files on Windows 7 while avoiding that error or warning? It would be too much effort for me to wait for Windows to tell me what file is too long and then start the process again since I have a lot of files to copy. I need to help someone backup their files as well in a few days.

I posted this in a thread like yesterday or 2 days ago but didn't get anything constructive so I'm gonna copy paste my problem here hoping for something better, cause I have no idea what to do anymore

Alright /sqt/ I need help
I am at my wits end here.

For the past month or so my PC has had this issue where after running for a bit the monitors will freeze for 3-5 minutes usually. BUT even though the monitors are frozen I can still move my mouse and hear background audio. After the 3-5 minutes it'll usually work normally, sometimes not.

Now, for troubleshooting so far I have attempted
Restore Point = Restore point failed and made no changes
System Reset with files intact = System reset failed and made no changes
Factory Reset = Same as above
Remove CMOS battery from motherboard = No changes
Power Cycle SSD = No changes
Swapped GPU's = Screen was black and seemed to make it worse
Swapped HDMI/DVI cables = No changes
Updated Drivers = No changes
Removed GPU and Drivers from software and reinstalled as well updated drivers = No Changes
Ran a diagnostic on my SSD and HDD = No errors were found

I still haven't tried a clean install of windows though I need to get my hands on a copy that someone else might have.
Haven't tripped swapping monitors though I don't think that'll help
Some friends think it might be the power source but I don't know.
One thing that worries me is that there was a cable fan really close to the motherboard since it had to run in between the GPU and motherboard since it wasn't long enough to go in front of the GPU. But the cable is insulated so I'm not sure if that's an issue or not

What do you guys think, what would you try or do next? I'm stumped and this is super frustrating. Should I just take it to a shop? Should I just say fuck it and make a new PC?

Anybody have any insight?

I guess I post my question here. I'm confused on what to choose for online programming resources. I work in a deadend job so I want to devote my time to learn programming (mostly web) but now I have three resources to choose from.
>The Odin Project
Which one is the best for me? Also, how hard would it be for me to get a job if all my work experiences are retail and never did any programming stuff before? I want to better myself Sup Forums but I feel I won't make it

Two laptops on the same WiFi network- One shit spec, one decent.

Decent one reports 60 Mbps WiFi on speedtest

Shit one reports 6 Mbps WiFi [similar speed reported on ethernet]

What's going on, can a shit spec [Semperon/514M RAM] throttle internet connection, or are network adapters faulty?

How hard would it be to program a pi 3 to record video, altitude, GPS, and acceleration?

I know nothing about programming,but I need a computer to record data in my rockets

Is there a setting to turn off auto-refresh for the catalog in 4chanx? This is pretty annoying.

If I root and install a custom rom on my OP3T, will I be locked out of certain apps from the Play store? I remember this happening on my old Nexus 5, I rooted and a bunch of apps couldn't be installed because it said I had the wrong version.

Not hard with the correct addons.
for more help.


I usually just check with wikipedia. Most free software lists the license near the top of the page. If it isn't there I just ctrl-f license. If it's still not there, it's probably not free.

Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart

What is the best mg scale for measuring heroin?

sauce plox

>I still haven't tried a clean install of windows though I need to get my hands on a copy that someone else might have.
Don't worry about that. Here.

I would probably go for a clean install if you went through all of that work. If you have a free flash drive, download PartedMagic (find a copy somewhere), install it to the flash drive, run it on your computer, and use the built-in utilities to wipe your hard drive clean. Back up everything beforehand, of course. After that, install Windows normally. No guarantee it will work, but it may be your last shot.

Best DownThemAll replacement for FF 57?

>looking for monthly smartphone service
>they all mention buying SIM cards and just putting it in your phone
Is there any catch to this? Like, are the SIM cards super limited in terms of models and I have to search my ass off to know what's compatible with it?

Hdd caddy stuck
What do??
I broke one of the thingies on the bezel and now it doesn't stick
I still have the bezel that came with the caddy but it's really thin
it would hide under the plastic with no part of it sticking out I could pull it by

How do I post code here?

You know, with the white window, I saw it ages ago and I forgot.

Are there any programs that let me take a folder of .txt files and automatically replace every instance of a given word with a different word?

For example taking a folder of about 20 or so .txt files and automatically replacing every "apple" that is in those .txt files with "orange" without having to slowly Ctrl-F through them all and manually replace them?

refer to the current dpt op

why is my largest gay porn folder taking ages to load the thumbnails and sort the objects?
is my hard drive failing?

Grep and awk

Thanks I'll check them out.

Halp pls

I got the latest AMD drivers but it's still crimson edition and not adrenalin????

Help me

I already have a desktop, laptop, and server. But I have enough leftover parts to make a working C2Q machine. What can I do with another computer?

it's the same sh*t

Put old hdd in new computer and can't usee mouse and keyboard outside the boot menu, why does this happen and how can i make it work?

Android phone, what is the cached data in Google Play Store for? It's nearing 2 gigas, so wanted to know if it's safe to delete it (aka if it will not mess up any of my other apps).

How's the security on custom roms compared to stock? Can the developers screw you over? Sell your data, etc?

I'd rather have Samsung sell my data than some random devs.

>Precalc > Calc > SICP > More Math > Math degree

I actually did this, with the additon of Haskell somewhere in there. Graduated a few days ago.

After Calc, you do proof based math. That's when I really started to love math, but it also made me want to kill myself.

There's some math classes that overlap with computer science and engineering (combinatorial algorithms, PDE, scientific computing, numerical analysis, complex analysis), so take those.

Job wise, most interesting openings I've seen will take a math degree, including engineering positions for some reason.

A big wig at a huge aerospace corporation that I know told me I'd have an easy time getting hired anywhere, especially with a math degree.

You can always join the military as an officer after graduation, which I've been told is a pretty sweet gig as far as military goes. There also seems to put STEM major grads into their own category. You'll want to investigate this yourself.

Good luck.

Also, read Book of Proof, it's on google.

Also, buy a shit ton of Dover Mathematics books, cheap as dirt, and I haven't read one that hasn't saved my bacon multiple times a semester.

ASUS K550VX-DM522T-16

15.6", FullHD, i7-7700HQ, 24GB DDR4, 256GB SSD, GTX950M 4GB GDDR5, WIN10

under 1k €
is this a good deal?


I require a VPN for torrenting and general privacy, I've narrowed the list down to:


I need something fast and safe.

Willing to consider VPS if that's a better option.


What's the easiest way of streaming videos from a computer to a tablet? Trying to set something up for my mum's house, but I'm trying to find the simplest idiot proof method so she can pull it off without constantly needing help.

I've used NordVPN in the past, and have had issues with their service and in-turn their customer support. Would not recommend frankly.

So I want to read SICP. What are the best lectures to watch while reading the book?


downloaded package updates, safe to delete it will download the new ones when needed.


If my ISP's blocking port forwarding and inbound connections and my goal was to serve a website from my own machine;

could using a VPN that does allow port forwarding get past this issue?

Is that a transplanted Windows 7 install and your new computer has USB 3.0? Find some 2.0 ports, or get a PS/2 keyboard temporarily while you install the 3.0 drivers. You can also load the drivers on an older computer before the transplant I guess. Or you can enable the ryzen/kabylake fix for Windows Update (assuming that's what you have in your new computer), and let windows 7 fetch the drivers through Windows Update.

One could also upgrade to Windows 10 (final week of the free upgrade is now), but that should be done on the new computer, not the old one since the key is tied to your hardware I think.

vpn: no
vps: yes
switching to a non-kek ISP that gives you a real internet connection, not NAT-ed shit: yes

Firefox closed itself after opening a few tabs of such images, however admittedly it at least let me save them one by one. I have so many so many complaints about this browser though, and I only even touched it for a few mins for the first time a second ago...

Yeah I know I can tunnel traffic through a VPS, but was wondering if using a VPN could be simpler.

If you're going to pay for a VPN, you might as well simply get a VPS from somewhere like digitalocean or ramnode. Same price, but you would get a stable place to host websites and stuff. If you want something more powerful, kimsufi and soyoustart offers dedicated servers.

i installed openVPN on my rpi, but i keep getting this error message when trying to connect. how do i fix it?
Mon Dec 25 09:00:50 2017 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)
Mon Dec 25 09:00:50 2017 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed
i followed this tutorial: pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-vpn-server/

I just got a new laptop, came with Win10 installed, is there some sort of guide to unfucking it? The thing is already running slow.