Here’s something I’ve noticed about Apple vs android

Here’s something I’ve noticed about Apple vs android.

Most people start off on android. If you’re a 15 year old child and don’t have rich parents, you likely don’t have an iPhone unless you get a hand me down. You’re more likely to have an android. Then you’ll keep using android until you get a job of your own. Some people will stick with android because it’s whag they’ve already used.

Others will use iPhone to give it a try. When they do, they realize everything just works better and they generally stick with iPhone.

So usually it’s

Android users = always used android and never bothered to try the other side

iPhone users = former android users who decided to give iPhone a go and realized it was superior

T. Nokia -> Sony Ericsson -> blackberry -> Sony Xperia

This was my phone experience from my first phone (Nokia) at about 12 until the end of Uni when I had a Sony Xperia (age 21)

Then my next phone choice was with a contract and I had the choice of a iPhone 5s or a Samsung S6 or S7. I went with iPhone 5s to give it a go and never looked back.

Since got an iPhone 7 and now an iPhone X.

Other urls found in this thread:

can you watch youtube in background on an locked iphone without jailbreak??

no? well, you can on android...


Reminder to report shill threads.

Started using smartphones as a teenager with the iPhone 3G
Piece of shit stopped working, bought an HTC Aria and honestly never looked back
The idea that I had zero control of what I could do on the device didn't sit right with me.

I applaud Apple for how nice and consistent their UI is, it's truly a pleasure to use. That's the only thing I like about Apple products.

Nah man, I just sold my iPhone 7 and bought a Xperia XZ1 Compact which is the comfiest phone I ever owned.
Also, Apple has the worst sound quality of any phonemaker when you use bluetooth headphones... And considering that iPhones don't have headphone jacks anymore Apple can go fuck themselves.

Had Xperia Play as my first android phone that I bought with my own money, then note1 -> nexus4 -> LG g4 -> iPhone 5s (vomited blood) -> galaxy s8±
I appreciate how iOS is foolproof: it just werks™, but you can't do much else. I'll try it again when they add user accessible filesystem.

Theory is flawed. I had a flip phone, then an iphone 4 was issued to me by work, then a 4s, ipad, etc. Hated them. Couldnt do squat I wanted. I leave that job. I get a 4s again cause it was what I was used to with work phone. Hated it. Got an android tablet (Acer), totally loved it. Bought a used Samsung S5, best phone ever. I really need to update but I just love this phone so much.

Dumbphones -> Iphone 3gs -> Sony xperia Arc -> Note -> Note2 -> Note 3 -> Galaxy s6 -> Galaxy s8

Not anymore you cant,

You're taking out of your arse OP.

My son and daughter both have the latest Apple phones and tablets which they moved on from iPods when they were young children.

I pay for their contract phones. I could easily afford for one for myself but I wouldn't touch one with a barge pole.

Apple products are for women, children, OAP's and men who are "good with colours". They're comfy, I get it but I just don't like the OS or it's locked ecosystem.

I have recently gone back to Samsung and my daily driver is a Galaxy S8 Plus. My works phone is a Sony Xperia z5c.

I've been in and out of the scene for years now and I can honestly say that Android has peaked, custom ROM's are almost defunct and there has to be another OS to replace a fragmented Android experience.

iOS isn't it.

>Android has peaked, custom ROM's are almost defunct

This is more to do with contract phones being incredibly locked down than it is to do with Android being fragmented imo

Most people aren't buying the newest Galaxy phones straight from the vendor, y'know?

We need new carriers, not a new OS

don't forget to sage ;)

Sorry to inform you but you both have low IQs.

Note how I said in my OP “usually”. That means most often the case but it doesn’t mean your singular exceptions disprove my point

I am a girl and sucked my rich boyfriend's dick and swallowed his cum.
Iphone X is my first smarphone.
I am 18 yo.

Intelligent person
>need phone
>research to find out what suits my needs
>browse a bit in local stores
>make informed purchase (= Android)

>watch Kardashians in my plain white $200 Kanye shirt
>Jamal calls up, tells me the new iFone is out in a week
>landlord shows up, demands rent
>tell him I don't have time right now, gotta stand in line for the next iFone

Of course you can.
Xposed or NewPipe

apple is trash.
t. iphone 2, iphone 3gs, iphone 4 user who's now using an LG hand me down which already has a longer useful life than any of the apple gimpphones and is still going stronk.

switched from android to ios this year

>worse typing and way to correct
>NO smart dial (i'm still amazed about this)
>apps have a shittier IO than on android
>no dual-sim phone (i have my work phone on me as i can use internet freely wherever in the world i want and its a pain in the ass to have 2 phone)

yeah, it's not a bad experience since everything is running smoothly most of the time, but i'll go back to android in the future.

I says do ONE thing and do it good.

And an iPhone is not a phone.

I can call anyone with my Nokia with out having to change it every week.

Smartphones are for people who cant socialize.

Charge not change.

Let's take a poll

>Smartphones are for people who cant socialize.
Stop. You are probably troll.

Why do people feel the need to lie or comment without knowing what they’re on about? Video related, no jailbreak and an app from the App Store.

Requires root and custom recovery
>new pipe
A great app, I use it on my Nexus 7 tablet

>le totally tale not made up tale #3628 of how I went from Android to iPhone
I'd say reportit, but gook moot cares more about mining with our CPUs than shilling.

quad wasted

Quads wasted on an andloo


Cry harder, shills.

t. Shill

>argument against apple gets quads
>apple shills flock to shill against it
stay mad applecucks

All these anroid/google shills are fucking sjw cunt blue pilled beta cuck.


Andreets BTFO

You know the best part? I have an android fire HD 8 that arrived 2 days ago. Paid $40 for. It can do more than any iPad out there. Seriously, my boss tried to give me an iPad a few months ago. Took 1/2 a day to figure out how bad it still was. Gave it back. Now the Fire: Ad free, play store installed, took like maybe 20 minutes to configure that without needing to even root it. Love it. Might buy more for the family. Enjoy your $800+ paper weights.


Also, you van download any file on safari?


So, gtfo!

>amazon tablet
>ad free
State of delusion

Nice blog post faggot, too bad you dont actually own one bec you shills are always forgetting the timestamp.
Its like you dont really like this phone enough.
>t. superior Google Pixel 2 owner

Yes you can download any file on safari.
Stop lying.

Easy. The trick for free ad-less fire tablet is pretty simple if you dont want it to tie to your amazon account and book store. Basically dont allow it to register. Remove the registered user. Factory reset. Dont connect to wifi on first login, connect after. Then never use the amazon store. Add google play. Download ES file Explorer. Fill up with as many PDFs/texts/movies/info pics you want on the microsd card that can be up to 256gb.

So for $40 and 30 or less minutes of work, you have a complete tablet. No rooting needed.

Not them but calling someone stupid isn't a valid argument. You talk like a girl or a beta faggot. Everything that you don't like is stupid. Grow up and buy an android

I also post a picture of everything expensive I buy because I need confirmation and I am insecure. "Please like my purchase and If you dont you are a poor student" Oh and both OS can do pretty much the same.

>calling someone stupid isn't a valid argument
Remember that next time you insult someone’s intelligence because they use an iPhone and you don’t.
>Grow up and buy an android
“Grow up” implying immaturity, underdevelopment, loser intelligence.

Couldn’t help being a hypocrite in a single post could you?

That's the irony. That's how you sound.

>I was just being ironic, I’m not actually retarded :^)

Is this a le ebin troll thread?

>iPhone users = former android users who decided to give iPhone a go and realized it was superior

Couldn't be further from the truth. Like a petulant child I bought a 6s Plus after the Note7 debacle and was shocked at how much of a downgrade it was. Everything was more difficult to do and I couldn't understand why Apple hadn't added half the features my Note7 had. It felt like (and still feels like) an extremely basic phone.

"It just works" when it doesn't. Apps randomly crash and it can't keep more than a dozen apps in memory so it's constantly restarting shit. The battery is all over the fucking place so I have no idea what percentage I actually have left.

>no notification LEDs
>no always-on display
>shitty power button volume button placement
>fingerprint sensor doesn't work half the time (doesn't work when plugged in and doesn't work if your finger is even slightly sweat)

were things I noticed in the first 10 minutes of use. I'm never buying another Apple product again.

Just buy YouTube Red. Of course, an Android user wouldn't be able to afford it.

This wasn't my experience at all. I used iPhone my whole life up until three or four months ago. Switched to android on a chinkphone, and now I'm 100% more satisfied with the experience than I ever was on an iPhone.

My raspberry could've fetched an mp3 from a url, i am talking about watching the video, not listening

>be teenager
Uncle hands me down his iPhone 4s
>grew up and got a job
IPhone never again in my life, especially with latest news.

I've had iPhone twice and Android 3 times. Unless iPhone starts offering vastly superior hardware I doubt i'll switch back.

note8 is GOAT phone.

>look mom I posted it again!