Two more years of this shit then I can legally demand my 10 Mbps.
British Internet Thread
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feel bad for you user
If you're having bandwidth problems I feel bad for you son, I have 99 Gbps and all my downloads are done.
So don't live in the middle of nowhere.
I live in a shit town and get 50mb with BT
Dude, I'm in a town.
nowhere near maidstone (not even in England) but that's fairly spot on
Yeah, you're in Fagtown, you fucking faggoty faglord.
>only 99
>long as shit ping
>8mbps slower
>implying anyone uploads anything ever
p.shit m8
did it again d-desu
I do say, old bean, couldn't you achieve better results with a quality rooter?
nice photoshop skills, bud
no photoshop m8, I use remote desktop at a server hosted on the same rowswitch as Sup Forums
Paying £19 for this. I was getting 68, but I'm testing the new router and that bumped me up. Plan is 76/19 so I'm very impressed.
oi, m8, u av a license for that internet?
I really just want 10mbps so I can watch stuff as it downloads if need be.
WTF is you connection?
10Mbps is really pathetic. They should legally require all new properties to have fibre all the way to the building, and 100Mbps minimum for the whole country by 2020 followed by 1Gbps by 2025, and no cheating with wireless or satellite, it has to be wired. The UK is small enough and densely populated enough that this is easily achievable.
>not mootxico
you had one job
Lrn2read, shit for brains.
>Doesn't post an id worth of checccc
into the trash it goes.
Yeah, but then you have to live in Baltimore.