I've always wondered which one is the better OS not in terms of features or what programs run on each...

I've always wondered which one is the better OS not in terms of features or what programs run on each, but in terms of execution. Which OS is more 'perfect', which one is a more solid base? In an ideal world, would all development go to macOS or to Windows?

I don't even think Microsoft is trying to hide the fact that their OS is a complete mess.
The amount of compatible software is the only thing that it has going for it and to most people that's the most important thing

I've heard some horror stories on the internet about how no one in Microsoft knows how the OS works anymore. Perhaps that's the reason Windows has two settings programs.

I've never used macos, but I don't think it's even possible for apple to make it as bad or worse than windows.

I thought those PC vs Mac adds were dumb bullshit a decade ago, but now windows is honestly a dumpsterfire.

Thank god too. I can only imagine what sort of nightmare we'd be in if microsoft were run by competent white people instead of pajeets.

It's sad to see Windows in the state it is now. Windows 7 was a fantastic OS, they should have just continued to build from there instead of doubling down on making Windows easier to use on tablets. They should have made Windows Mobile for tablets and left the standard Windows to PCs.

Making it for tablets wasn't the issue. It's an internal culture where the company is divided into little satraps owned by feudal lords, with a successful takeover of the king'd throne by the pajeets.

It's hard enough to get anything done to begin with, given how things are internally, but it's even worse now that the pajeets are hiring and replacing all the competent workers with more pajeets. Which isn't to say the first few weren't competent - they were - it's just that these pajeets then hire based on race, and that's when you get the flood of other pajeets who are... not so competent.

That's what's happening to microsoft right now. If I were going to predict the future, I'd say the OS slowly continues to degrade into pajeet-tier programming hell. Nothing works, making any sort of change breaks a hundred other things, it takes millions to make almost no progress in any endeavor, and even when a project is "done", it's riddled with bugs that make it almost unusable; at the very least extremely aggravating.

You can already see the symptoms of this in what microsoft is currently doing with windows, where the user experience is more lip-service than an actual effort. I'm not even sure if it could ever become a combined effort by the company because of how things are structured internally at this point. You can't get everyone on the same page anymore.

I wonder how Bill feels about this.

I had to use Windows 10 yesterday.
I've always thought of windows as a mediocre OS that was a bit possessive of its users and had a lot of support personnel backing it.
But with my experience as of yesterday I'll just call it shit.
See beyond the massive amount of issues finding configuration options because they make up names for things nobody could possibly know and they have no feature guide whatsoever (like categorizing their UI features by type like action, visualization or anything really) they still give people highly experimental features like the snap (yeah you know, snap) bringing up a list of all other applications so you can snap them too.
Which is counter to the original design.
The OS is also filled with literally adware. The start menu contains applications you haven't installed. Most notably games. They don't go away when you disable 'suggestions' for the start menu.
And the updates are more intrusive than ever. They've made it so you can set 'active hours' to block the forced update restarts. But that system is limited to a length of 12 hours 'active'. With no potential for creating a gap (consider lunch break).
They've also added a feature that's plainly disruptive, a large window pops up on your screen that tells you that they will, with no option to postpone or delay, update your OS NOW. You can minimize it. It proclaims there will be a performance impact and there really is, even for very light applications there's notable issues. Dragging windows around was sluggish even.
They've also added edge as the default browser with none of that presentation of choice they used to have. And you can't even remove it. Which made more sense with IE because it's essentially explorer for the web. Literally. So it's very tightly integrated. But now they've made a new browser and forced the same issue.

All in all. I used to accept that friends and family used windows. I'm not going to aid them anymore. I can't support a mess like this.

I don't think he cares. Why should he? He has grander issues to care about.
I also want to add that any issues a user would find on Ubuntu pales in comparison now. So it's the obvious OS to recommend instead of something like windows.
Maybe a good (not mint) windows-mimicking distro will be around eventually and well have a major exodus.
Games on Linux is actually picking up so it might happen.

I'd figure Gates at least would have the passion to try and steer Windows in a better direction. Windows is his magnum opus. He must have some kind of attachment to it. Not to mention the fact that he uses Windows as well, so it benefits him not having a terrible OS on his computer.

Games on linux only needs:

Proper support from GPU vendors (nvidia you dumbfucks what are you doing)
Better performance in linux than in windows
Easier to install games in a working configuration that require wine (being done with snapflats or whatever)

Once that happens, that's it. Windows is fucking finished. I'm already, RIGHT NOW, using linux. I use it for everything except gaming, and even when it comes to gaming I do a fair bit on linux already anyways.

I still have my gripes with linux though. Should probably ask /flgt/ how I can fix them (mostly workflow/usability things that windows did well with mspaint, screenshots, and selecting items using a file picker)

>windows is his magnum opus
I think he views the Melissa and gates foundation as his magnum opus.

I don't understand why this hasn't been done well yet. Most distros ship gimp. Gimp should add a simple mode that's just paint.
What's the problem?
>file pickers
They're just different.

Typesetting in OSX is smoother

Okay specifically this is what I do in windows:

>open paint (3ms to open)
>select the part of the screenshot I want, crop, save

In Linux I have to use gimp/krita/whatever. I've tested out like 6 different "its just like mspaint bro!" programs and they all SUCK at doing this. Krita and Gimp do it o-k, but they take too long to load up (yes it is only a few seconds, that is still too long for what I'm doing) and they are terrible with text. Gimp is terrible with layers, too, and both are not as easy to just scribble random bullshit on like mspaint is. So instead of taking 30s to draw dumb bullshit on a screenshot it takes like 3 minutes. Yeah it's not the end of the world but it's aggravating when I'm used to it being 10x faster and easier.

>Upload file to Sup Forums
>webm has random character string name, no idea what it actually is but it's in my "space webms" folder so it's about space
>right click the webm in the file picker, select video player, play the webm
>oh that's what it is, no I don't want this file I want a different one

In Linux I cannot right click the file to open it with a different program while in the file picker. I have to open the file browser, navigate to that folder and them preview them that way. There is also a "won't-fix" bug in current version of firefox (that is fixed upstream already...) where firefox doesn't use the file picker you set. It should be using dolphin, but firefox is instead using who-fucking-knows-what. Some gnome default or something, idk.

With my distro I do have some kind of built-in screengrab thing that's really awesome and lets me crop the screenshot immediately, but there's still a ton of situations where I want to open an mspaint-tier editor to change things.

Windows 7 vs the osx version of the same time. Then Windows wins hands down.

But the Windows 10 era vs osx now. It's a clear win for osx. It's like Microsoft went out of their way to make the whole experience shittier.

They should just give up on Windows 10 and make Windows 11 with Windows 7 as the base. I'm using macOS for two weeks now and it's miles better than Windows 10, but not better than 7.

I see. Yeah. I'd compound that complaint into gimp not having a simple mode.

user.... WinKey + Shift + S
Or alternatively open Snipping tool

>not using snipping tool

you both need to start reading more than the first sentence of a post

why would you do something in 4 steps when you can do it in one?

Try actually reading the entire post.

I've read it, and I don't see your point

I'm not surprised

Why you don't just use a Screenshot Programm that let you choose a specific part of the screen. I use Deepin screenshot

I switched to Linux fulltime after three months of using Windows 10. Last week I had to use it again in my job. It's incredible how bad it is

That felt so good.

>Screenshot software
>I want a sharex replacement
shutter, plain and simple
>I want a windows snipping tool replacement
>I don't use gnome / a desktop environment / more minimal please
>It's not in my repos and I don't want to enable a user repo or don't feel like installing it from source myself

>File picker
Sorry, no Linux file picker is able to display a list of files (details or thumbnails) and an enlarged preview of the selected file that can be rescaled to any size. And no Linux file picker can rename files from an "open file" window. Aside from that, PCManFM is my favorite, Thunar is my second favorite that I used for a long time, and Nautilus is okay ish. These basically seem to be the choices unless you want to try out midnight commander style two pane pickers, of which there are several (but I don't know enough about them to point you to one). Ranger is the one true choice for terminal file pickers and can render image previews if you hold your mouth right.

Kolourpaint. (Kolorpaint?). Or Paint.net.

Ok I didn't see this until after I posted .

Shutter will handle your quick screenshot case and your "I need to make some mspaint tier edits before saving it" case.

I haven't found a fix for your webm flow yet, sorry.