which one for max performance, Sup Forums?
what are flags, cba to jewgle
Which one for max performance, Sup Forums?
At best, gentoo will be 10% faster than arch thanks to native compilation, at the cost of being 10x more tedious to maintain.
That's quite an overstatement.
Sure, you can chuck -march=native -mtune-native and similar on your CFLAGS, but that'll maybe increase it 1% or so, around the point of being unnoticeable. Sometimes that shit actually decreases performance.
I said "at best". Besides it is _not_ and overstatement. Having proper instruction scheduling matters a lot of performance.
-mtune=native is redundant when you have -march=native
then why do people use gentoo?
cause they racist towards systemd
because USE flags and because portage is the best package manager
Do you have any benchmarks for your original 10% claim?
I have to native compile more and more stuff on arch anyways, so im probably going to switch over soon.
Some shit is so broken that its easier to just get the windows binary and run it in wine.
Portage, OpenRC, devs who actually care, layman, stability while being a very up-to-date rolling release distro, USE flags, USE_EXPAND, a nice community. (also e-peen if you're into that)
install gentoo
>10x more tedious to maintain
Install CloverOS
use it if you are advanced in gnu/linux
bloat and tryhard
just use debian ( net iso) with a wm
Debian is WAY more bloated than arch.
what the matter with bloat? as long as its not the bloatware that comes with windows computers from the manufacturer then its just apts...
unless youre running a piece of shit craptop from 2005 then you can handle extra packages easily
Great, this thread convinced me to install gentoo on my raspi
I second
how does clover make it easier to maintain? I thought it just made it easier to install.
If you're using an x86_64 processor, the performance difference will be negligable. Gentoo shines on more esoteric hardware.a
you're absolutely correct, but I just hope you truly realize what that means. Because, the ramifications of installing gentoo is nothing short of profound.