Best budget phones with cameras that are actually good?
chink or otherwise, think around $200-250 AUD ($150-200USD)
I have a redmi note 4x and it's a pretty nice phone but the camera sucks fucking dick
ofc I want other specs to not suffer so yeah
Best budget phones with cameras that are actually good?
chink or otherwise, think around $200-250 AUD ($150-200USD)
I have a redmi note 4x and it's a pretty nice phone but the camera sucks fucking dick
ofc I want other specs to not suffer so yeah
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Any sort of electronic device feels overpriced in Australia. I looked into a Oneplus 5t because it's supposed to be good value for money. $500 in America. Over here it's around $800.
Meizu m6 note
Is the camera really that bad ? I just ordered the redmi note 4
Pixel 2. Only 600€.
it's okay in good lighting but as soon as there is no direct sunlight its complete shit.
its a shame because the rest of the phone is real nice
Motorolla G5s or when it comes out tje g5s plus. My G2 is still pretty stronk. Costs like 180-200€ depending from where you buy it.
It's definitely better than the Redmi Note 3's, even though it feels like a downgrade in other aspects.
OP is blowing it out of proportion. It's a 150$ phone, and for that price, in good lighting the camera is actually pretty good. In low lighting it suffers though.
Pic related, 8X digital zoom taken with my Note 4X.
L-looks like s-shit
That's because he posted an 8x zoomed-in picture for whatever reason.
it's a normal camera
if you aren't autistic or if you don't make many night time photos you would probably never complain about it
everyone here wants DSLR quality cameras in phones otherwise the phone is shit
and then they only make photos of their dicks anyways
I posted an 8x zoomed in photo so you'd see what it looks like so you could conclude that without zoom it's not that bad. Again, pic related - no zoom.
actually I think there was a bit of zoom to this one, my bad
this one looks like shit, even the OV camera in my phone makes better photos
I only use the camera the 2 times a year I go on vacation so it isn't that important I prefer having lots of ram and storage over a good camera and at that price point I do have to choose one over the other
I did say that the camera was okay in good lighting, but if you don't have that (which is sometimes pretty often) then you're completely doomed to have garbage quality images with every pixel being taken up by noise
Well yeah, I didn't disagree
it's actually not that bad
enable camera2 api and install google camera, its much better
how do i do that
for the api you need to edit build.props which requires your phone to be rooted, I think there's some rootless method too but it still needs TWRP
you can find the google camera apk and guides on xda desu
Meizu M6 Note, Mi 6, Mi Note 3, Mi 5S
200USD is a pretty low budget, cameras are the last thing to get cheaper sadly.
For a second there I thought you got a photo of my fucking chimney
My LG G5 cost me $150 USD and has a very good camera.
Chink phone cameras generally suck.
OPPO are known to be better than Xiaomi in the camera department as they market their phones as a "Camera Phone"
That said, a few models of Xiaomi have the Sony IMX sensors, and those can be tweaked to be decent.
Still not anywhere near flagship phone tier though.
Random snap with the Mi Max 2 full auto, no flash.
>phones with cameras that are actually good?
Does not exist.
All phone cameras suck ass compared to a real camera.
they put 2 different camera sensor into, mine are sony IMX258 though.
>camera was okay in good lighting, but if you don't have that (which is sometimes pretty often) then you're completely doomed to have garbage quality images with every pixel being taken up by noise
You just described every single phone camera ever made.
How are the HTC One x10, Nokia 6, and LG k10 2017? which would you say is the best out of the 3?
they're all on sale at a nearby store for 250-300 bogan dollarydoos
All the later ones are omnivision it was a bait and switch.
Looks like someone who isn't retarded finally shows up.
what settings are you using to make it look not shit?
Nokia 5, bought one.. lens are good, software is meh..
I bought a Xiaomi Mi A1 for $200 after shattering my 600 bucks GS8 on asphalt and it does everything I expect from it without issue. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's somehow less laggy the my S8.
>Galaxy J7
>250 USD
It's essentially the budget equivalent to the S7. It has a great camera and battery life, great size screen, removable battery, SD expansion. Only problem is there's not much/ any root support with it being an uncommon phone
Photo quality
Pt 2
Not that guy, but some skill + post I guess.
You can take good pictures, good pictures effortlessly and bad pictures with a camera.
Pixel/iPhone etc is good pictures effortlessly, for us chink phone owners gotta put in some effort. Start with photography tip videos, then basic post techniques in photoshop/gimp.
If you wanna take selfies and post on facebook, doesn't matter use whatever.
Mein MiA1 broski. So far so good.
Not complaining about the camera quality. This shit is stock android right? Can it be improved further using that google camera whatnot?
I still love my OPO. 200$ and the camera is absolutely stellar.
Completely unedited using Sultan's Lineage branch.
The big advantage of the Google camera is that it'd HDR algorithms are way fucking better, it does make a pretty big difference but only if you shoot with HDR on
Google's Pixel Camera app has really good HDR so if you regularly use that it's probably worth fucking about with.
HDR doesn't necessarily equal a good photograph though, doesn't use it at all for example.
I got a Lenovo P2 from Gearbest for $270
A little out of your range but I love it so far, the battery life is so long I can't really find a use for it tbqh
So does the Redmi support RAW capture if it supports camera HAL 3?
this looks awful
honor 7x is good if u can save more
>great camera
Are you blind? these look like shit
Buy a used LG G4 or G5
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 then install LineageOS 14.1 on it, took me 5 minutes to do. Amazing performance, great camera, big screen and stylus. Perfect budget phone. About 119-259 on Swappa.
>Caring about smartphone cameras in 2000-2099
>try to shoot 4k
>drains whole battery in 6 minutes
>you can only shoot 1 minute unless you don't have 128Gb memory or an sd card
Buy a fucking DSLR you fucking poorfag, get out of my board
While he said it like an asshole, this.
Get a cheap phone that's fast and get a
DSLR for pictures
Nexus 5x. Less than 300$. Put coperheadOS on it for some extra privacy.
>I buy a phone for the camera.
Get a fucking camera instead of a phone if you want to take good pics.
Not him but just put it on base ISO and either ensure you have enough light or nigger-rig some kind of tripod to keep it stable.
Zuk z2 has a pretty good camera
It's in your price range has 64gb storage 4gb ram a sd820 micro sd support a headphone jack and all that jazz. 5" with 1080p
I dunno why this isn't the official g phone desu.
Xiaomi is pretty shitty compared to it. Seriously the slightest low light scenario and it shuts itself.
t. Zuk z2 and redmi 4 prime owner.
camera is garbage
it's a really nice phone otherwise, the camera is the only thing wrong with it
I'm watching.
At this point, I'd just get a galaxy S7 if I were you:
Second, these look like shit. Terrible sign that you get colorful grain on a broad daylight shot. Terrible.
Is that Colorado though? The roads look familiar
Bravo Samsung :/
z play is p okay
>all these retarded newfags ITT who don't use modded google camera with hdr+
>tfw hardbricked my zuk z2 when trying to install stock rom with qfil
redmeme note 4 is so much worse performance wise
Yeah because carrying both a fucking phone and a camera is always ideal, fucking morons. Nowhere did I state I wanted professional tier photos
>not just buying a note 8 and holding on to it for 3 years instead of buying a shit chinkfone every 8 months
I'd upload a pic from my mi Max 2 but apparently they're too big to upload.
Stop buying shitty Chinese phones.
Find one you can root and buy it used.