New laptop needed

Brit poorfag needing a new laptop of ideally around $1500... Will push to $2500 if an absolute spaceship is found.

Found a Gigabytes Sabre G17 for $1300 so trying to improve on this as a benchmark.

Intel Core i7-7700HQ 2.8GHz
16GB RAM + 1TB HDD + 128GB SSD
17.3" Full HD Display

Would prefer better GPU and 4k screen if possible CPU, RAM and Storage are acceptable for my usage.

NEEDS to be a laptop due to living arrangements.
NEEDS to be later up-gradable GPU, not motherboard impregnated as is with my current one!
NEEDS to be reputable online company.
NEEDS to be UK delivery.

Any recommendations?

*Converted currency just for ease to amerifag userbase

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this bait?

So your saying that you cannot recommend an alternative better than this laptop for the same value?

I'm saying that you claiming to be poor and at the same time actively intending to spend $1500 up to $2500 on a laptop is slightly incongruous. You should be able to get a laptop that will be fine for most tasks for significantly less money.

>spend $1500 up to $2500 on a laptop is slightly incongruous

I dont have a Desktop PC so only need laptopia

>most tasks

Running windows 10 at all

Play various steam games on full epic detail @ 60-80+ fps rather than struggle to get 30 fps on low settings as current.

Play music on my chrome browser while doing so.

Discord chat.

Flick over to PS to create some memes during game lobby.

You have a really unrealistic expectations. How much are you wanting to spend in pounds?

£1000 for benchmark £1500 for benchmark + 4k screen + better GPU £2000 Spaceship

You could put together a really nice desktop for a lot less than that.

>NEEDS to be a laptop due to living arrangements.

I can't really settle on what you want/need, but here I bought my laptop from these

I have this:

My advice is mate, don't bother spending over 1000 on a laptop. You're getting serious diminishing returns for your bang. I bought the laptop with removing a few bits like the window 10 install and hard drive etc, but upgrading the the card to a 1050ti and getting an SSD. Then what I did is that I bought my windows install and a hard drive from amazon.

How are you a poorfag you stupid cunt?
Just get a used dell or lenovo off eBay
You could get a decent almost-new used one for a grand

Then I question the wisdom of making a $2500 laptop a priority.

Perhaps he means he's not good at managing his money, as evidenced by wanting a 2 grand laptop for nothing but gaming, discord and music

If i could somehow use the computer on my lap, whether the desktop be at the side of me connected to a "lap top screen" or a laptop i dont care, aslong as i have to accessibility to sit with the computer on my lap

Just buy a $100 desk from Ikea or something

>Implying people dont get 10 grand plus desktop setups to do the exact same thing

I want to sit/recline on my sofa and use the computer not at a desk

I'm not saying they're any better at managing their money.

so get a wireless keyboard and trackball too

Are you retarded?

You're seriously expecting to play games whilst the laptop is on your lap? Not only will you utterly fuck your back, you will burn your fucking balls. Don't you know how hot laptops get if they're running games?

>implying I dont already use a laptop while playing games.

My balls don't get burnt but the side of my leg gets warm...

>utterly fuck your back

Im in the exact same position as any person is who watches TV whats the difference?

he'll probably use it to heat his apartment

continuing from Another thing

You're paying upwards of 1500 grand to play higher end graphics games and you'd play them with a trackpad??

I have a wireless mouse I use it on the free space of the laptop below the keyboard

Get a mac

A person watching television isn't craning their neck and head forward to look down at a screen a few inches in front of them.

>Im in the exact same position as any person is who watches TV whats the difference?

Yeah, no you're a moron mate.
Yeah, total moron.

>craning their neck and head forward to look down at a screen

Are you a deranged emu or giraffe? how long is your neck to have to crane down to view a laptop screen?

my neck is pretty long m8

So i take it nobody can beat my find of the original post laptop?

Thanks for your help guys, guess i found the best value laptop on the intranet on the first click

Your expectations are way too high. What you should actually do with the money is

>get compact prebuilt gaming PC from ASUS/MSI (maybe GTX 1060)
>get cheap laptop like a ThinkPad

Nobody's interested in helping someone claiming to be poor buy a 2.5k laptop that will be used for gaming and almost nothing else.

Because nobody cares, we've offered you advice. You don't want to listen.

You asked us for advice, and our advice is to go buy a desktop.
We don't care whether you follow our advice or not, so stop bitching


>3 posts within 4 seconds
yeah okay user

post times, motherfucker

Kill yourself.

Samefag plus 2 friends
Enjoy your discord chat fags

I despise discord and its userbase.

Good luck getting better advice, you cretinous melt.


>Good luck getting better advice

Gets his two friends to advise buying a desktop... GG advice boys

>he thinks we have friends

If you're not willing to consider advice then why did you make the thread? To boast about buying a $1500+ laptop to give yourself back problems with?


>this thread