An user made a Sup Forums browser for desktop, very minimalist in qt5 and lets you browse the site without any javascript of any kind. New thread because this program is in a very usable state and other anons are throwing suggestions around.
What's the catch?
I didn't make the program, but there is no catch. I mean it's pretty barebones right now, but it's being worked on right now like making it more like oneechan and 4chanx
Looks good, is it open-source? Anyone working on an Android port?
Check the github link, it's under the MIT license
>using a dedicated application instead of your browser for what is literally a website
I will never in my life understand you people.
Too bad the website isn't usable if you decide to be a bad goyim and block the new scripts hiro decided to roll out
CPU usage/memory usage with 30 tabs open?
So why not just write a script or an extension instead?
So why not just use a dedicated application someone already wrote instead?
Because it's about as convenient and logical as using a separate mail client for your Gmail address.
Lots of people use a dedicated mail client
Categorically false. Go be stupid somewhere else, dipshit.
Yeah, and the entire purpose of Gmail is to NOT do that. If you want a different analogy, it's like buying six separate cans of coke and pouring them all into a single bottle.
Have you even read the sc? else do I get mexican cherry vanilla?
>using bloated Google javascript shit to manage your email
So.. very convenient and logical?
>Downloading 4MB for the Gmail site
>downloading 5kb of message content on an email client
dafuq, am I in /fa/?
>manually download and configure a mail client on every single device you'll ever use instead of downloading 4MBs of data once, or using a more lightweight online client (which Gmail also provides)
Like I said, I will never understand you people.
It's a neat idea, but doing it with Qt adds a ton of bloat.
Would anyone care for a C# build? It would run on Windows 7+ with no additional dependencies.
>no additional dependencies
Even if I was too dumb to know how to copy configurations across computers, I'd rather just reconfigure 4-5 times as opposed to using javascript garbage.
theming when
oneechan is comfy
Do you also write your documents directly to a website?
>muh bloat
I'm going to do a Java version, cuck.
Go for it.
>PKGBUILD in master branch
>but no AUR package yet
What's the hold up? Don't make me steal it.
Go make one yourself, nobody is stopping you
>what is Google Docs
Lots of people, it seems
The world, it is doomed.
I'm guessing you're also one of those people who's concerned about privacy while using an Intel processor and a proprietary router.
If I want that document to be accessible and editable on public computers and multiple devices with little effort, yes. I actually have several spreadsheets on Google Drive that I make edits to from my computer, laptop, work computer, phone and whatever family member's or friend's device I'm on at the moment.
I fail to see how downloading and installing Office or LibreOffice on every single one of those fucking things whenever I want to make a quick edit to a throwaway document, downloading that file, changing it and then reuploading it would be the more convenient option.
This please.
Yes, I was referring to Google Docs. Do you actually use it instead of a dedicated program? Because that would be just silly
But I don't want to be rude.
Dedicated program on your main machine, web applications for short usage on other machines. Not that complicated.
Why are you bringing up privacy? I hate webmail because it is slow, bloated and wasteful.
Do I really have to buy qt5 or can I just compile it once using the trial version then never have to worry about it again?
Is this what happens when Windows users try to compile software?
Arguably, depending on what you use. I did a quick test with Gmail's basic view, it took about 0.9s to render from scratch and the download consisted of a single 38KB file which functions without any Javascript whatsoever.
If that is slow and bloated for you, I think you're better off trying to write your own mail client in assembly.
>freetards stuck with the free tier
the pro version of qt is godly fucking buy it
>gmail web client
>no javascript
you and other normies manually download a facebook client to every single device they own and nobody bats a fucking eyelid
>manually switching the view or having to use cookies to remember the settings
Or I could just press a key to open up my desktop client.
>windows vista
no wonder you hate desktop applications
If I had a Facebook account, you can rest assured that I'd use it in my browser.
Or you can just bookmark the basic HTML link. Or add /h to the end of the URL if you're typing it in. This is getting retarded.
The ironic part is that it might actually be FASTER to render an HTML file with the browser you already have open than it is to open a full fledged desktop mail client built on Qt or GTK, so you're wasting more resources and time this way.
>Windows 7 with a short taskbar is Windows Vista
Okay I'm out, fuck this thread.
>no native client for linux and macOS
What's about the user agent?
I don't want to be unique..
Why not simply disable Javascript?
This is all I see.
Compile it yourself.:^)
>having to manually type the url to switch accounts
Or I could just use my lightweight email client that opens instantly
read the README in the github link
>>no additional dependencies
Which comes installed with Windows, hence the "additional" modifier.
pajeet, my son...
Does it support loading the entire board into one infinitely scrolling page?
I'd like to just be able to scroll through all 15 pages instead of having to switch page.
i hope that no one here uses thunderbird. its firefox with email features added so its not light at all.
>building on windows
this is impossible and way too contrived
What do you use then? I'm not aware of anything better.
>Sup Forums
1. Need up/down, pageup/down home and end keys for navigation. More intuitive than j/k.
2. Need thread status. Prevent posting when thread already closed.
3. Somehow I can't post from it. Anyone knows why?
hi, an user asked for an email last night: [email protected]
I'll set up an irc most likely, though
thanks for making a thread. It's okay for now as people have been interested, but I prefer this not to become a general or similar.
do you know about the qt licenses? I didn't look much, do I need to keep it with their same license? I think they use gpl v3?
btw last night I put %scroll with G, e.g. 50G scrolls to 50%, just G goes to 100, 0G goes to top.
make sure content is focused and not the tab tree.
vim keybindings or GTFO
i use gentoo and expected linux/bsd based to compile themselves, but I'm considering using linuxdeployqt for binary deployment as recommended by a1lu
I can't expect the same from windows users
it's quite easy with qt-creator. just open the .pro file and build release. otherwise check the releases page.
How do I actually enter threads with it? I can search and see the OPs of all the threads, but can't actually enter the threads.
click the image or press o to open the thread at the top of the view
Neither of those are working for me, but clicking the down error by the search tab has a lists of threads that opens fine for me.
is the bsd user here? i'd like to tackle that segfault on quit
oh hahah yeah, it doesn't expand the tree by default yet. Do you use windows? the arrow is difficult to see
also are any osx users here? i'd like to address no images for them. Is that a general bug or do just a few people have the problem?
I'm not seeing images on high seirra
okay I think it is a general problem; I opened up an issue on github; if any osx devs can look at it, osx users would be grateful. I guess it's trying to write the image to an invalid location, but I'm not sure.
catalog don't work on windows
pls fix
have to use windows at the moment
It's a Sup Forums viewer, not a full blown web browser. If you need 30 different Sup Forums threads open at the same time, you might be retarded.
>If you need 30 different Sup Forums threads open at the same time, you might be retarded.
fuck off normalfag
i regularly have 40-50 threads open at once
This is what the thread watcher is for user
The problem is websites are getting infinitely more and more bloated and unusable, even Sup Forums, a website that is basically Web 1.0 in functionality.
The solution is to stop using browsers for things that don't need them.
>Doing it with QT adds a ton of bloat
>What if we do it in one of the least memory efficient languages available?
You're an idiot. They added a script that breaks the CSS and disables images and posting if you block requests to this one domain. It's the exact same address that many other sites use to troll users that don't want to run coin miners while looking at a webpage.
>downloading 4MBs of data once
what did he mean by this?
qtchan is cute. Cute!
That clearly has more to do with the malicious advertisement than it does with Hiro.
How you can't see that is ridiculous.
>It's a Sup Forums viewer, not a full blown web browser.
That's why I only want Sup Forums tabs open, not any other websites...
Segfault on exit is very common in qt if you don't exit correctly.
I would look for classes with threads.
why arent you using something more sane like cmake to do away with the build discrepancy
Are you ignoring the fact that you have to open your botnet browser before you can enter the page, right? And not to mention it occupies a great chunk of RAM.
I actually dont care if I use the mail client or the full javascript browser version, but email clients are useful for lots of people with p4 office computers or just for a disciplined person.
why don't you if your so smart
yeah, I'm sure it's when a board/thread tab closes; it just doesn't happen on my machine so I was asking for his trace. There's another seg fault with loading images where I need an error check. I also need a better error check for captcha. I'll fix those issues.
In terms of features, (You) markings, desktop notifications, user theming, and making a separate class for Sup Forums API urls are next.
is this useful for you? I have an 8GB machine running gentoo ~amd64 with i3 as my wm.
it uses more CPU for me (~10%) when scrolling through and changing tabs due to the event filters capturing some keyboard shortcuts. eventually those should all be put into qactions, I think, but there are some hurdles to do so.
Glad to see we're keeping it talked about
>How to build on OpenBSD
Install these packages:
#pkg_add qt5 gmake llvm
$cd qtchan
$mkdir build
$qmake-qt5 ../
Open the Makefile with an editor and replace
CC ?= clang
CXX ?= clang++
CC = clang
CXX = clang++
Save and exit.
I post here without any JavaScript whatsoever all the fucking time. As long as you know how to use a right-click menu and have a quick and easy text editor for composing larger posts, there's no issue.
And yet here we are, still having to fuck with filters because the jap fuck won't stop trying to grub money out of us.
Plus it'd be nice to have an alternative to every browser on the planet from spying on you shitposting.
>truly giving a fuck if some faceless corporation knows what personal flaws you banally project on others