What Firefox add-ons does Sup Forums use?
>HTTPS Everywhere
>Privacy Badger
What Firefox add-ons does Sup Forums use?
Reader add on.
4chanx with NoScript
Install umatrix and something that blocks/fakes canvas fingerprinting.
What do you recommend?
how do I block this?
Or use the element picker in ubo
>reader view
>cookie autodelete
>menu filter
>tab groups
>tab mix plus
>transmitter for transmission
>ublock origin
I switched some extensions from legacy to WE as they started appearing, but half of them never had a replacement (or required annoying amounts of time to recreate using userchrome), so I never switched to 57.
>tab mix plus
No WE version of this is what's been keeping me from updating, but I don't like the new version of NoScript's interface, either.
>something that blocks/fakes canvas fingerprinting.
What do I get I'd love to have this.
I also have some userChrome.css tweaks
Canvas defender is a good one, and Firefox 58 will have built-in canvas fingerprint detection
>uBlock origin
Everything else is meme tier.
Oh OK, I wanted to know because I switched to Waterfox. Fuck Firefox big time mate.
This. I also use HTTPS everywhere but I hope soon I won't need to as more websites default to HTTPS.
>Fuck Firefox
>Uses a fork of Firefox
Waterfox is good but it's using the Firefox ESR version now as its basis and won't switch to the the webextensions version until quarter 1 of 2019. Might as well use Firefox with about:config tweaks to remove Pocket and such until then.
Eh I can wait, it just werks so I don't care.
What miner blocker I should use for Firefox? Send help.
uMatrix and/or uBlock Origin
Learn how they work
>Greasemonkey (+4chanX, adsbypasser, and anti-adblock killer by reek)
>PDF Mage
>pdfit (in case above doesn't work)
>pixlr grabber
>private tab
>tab groups
>ublock origin
>video download helper (switched from fvd)
I use waterfox too. Worked for me when FF wouldn't, still works, and now they even officially added my favorite theme (ft deepdark)
Question for you Noscript users.
Sup Forums seems to be fucking up unless I whitelist piguiqproxy.com.
Is this happening to you? Want to make sure before I start purging it.
its a botnet, run an adblock to kill the inline js thats checking for a payload and nuking your css because it cant find it.
thanks. Found the thread archived with the fixes if anyone else needs it.
Damn, I thought if Waterfox is known as 56.0.1 it at least gets all the eloctrolysis boosts from 55 right? Because 54 was slower and I don’t think it runs that slow.
>not using uMatrix
enjoy relying on blocklists and not having full control over what a webpage can load or save
Why would you want to block your lesbian match
Finally got around to installing quantum separately and made a separate profile for it that way I don't get cucked out of my extensions
Anybody have a good solution to hide the scroll bar unless you hover over it?
Making it not looks like shit in general would also be a huge bonus
Nothing I have tried works
I like to use full screen mode so it kind of irks me seeing a large white bar on the side of the page
It wasn't too difficult to get Tab Style Trees going and autohide it until I hover the side of the screen and get rid of the default tab bar but the scroll seems beyond my retard abilities
That and fast close tabs are pretty much the only things keeping me from being comfortable with Quantum now
But I really don't expect fast close tabs to ever work or anything similar so I can come to terms without it
Selenium IDE + plugins, Save File To, are the only plugins I use that aren't already listed here. Running Firefox ESR because Selenium IDE can't run on Quantum
I use it to automate grabbing shit from government websites that I use for work. Can also read file numbers from CSV she process then batch which is nice
Installing a version of Nightly and enabling legacy extentions I was able to install overlay scrollbars.
It's still not really what I want but it's a lot better than it was.
Fucking cuckzilla, they turn their browser into a near-Google Chrome clone and they can't even support simple CSS styles to change the scroll when other webkit based browsers allow you to.
>Greasemonkey(with Sup Forums x and webcomic reader)
>tree style tabs
>HTTPS everywhere
>uBlock Origin
>enhanced steam
>Download status bar
>image search options
>enhanced steam
That's a cool extension, I was looking for the lowest price of a game through steamspy but had no luck there. This however does the trick
It's got a lot of other cool features too. The main crutch is you need to use your browser to actually use it. Sometimes I forget I even have it because games are on the steam store in the program.
Which monkey is the best to load scripts?
Why not just use both uBlock and uMatrix?
How is it better than Tampermonkey? Serious question since I hadn’t heard of either until a week ago.
Reminder that HTTPS Everywhere is deprecated
Is there a satus-4-evar replacement for WE yet? Or something like it.
I wish someone would come out with a "Retrofox" that went back to an earlier version of FF before they started changing it every few months. WTF.
just stop automatic updates you dumb dumb
Main difference is that Violent is FOSS, Tamper isn't. But tamper has better script support than violent.
You'll be fine with either option, though, as it's a minority of scripts that have issues, and most can/have been solved, so it really comes down to personal preference.
i finally updated firefox,now i dont have sound in browser
thanks g
Also interested in this.
What is Pale Moon
What's the difference between uBlock's menu where you select different things working on the page and uMatrix. Aren't they the same elements?
umatrix offers much finer control over what gets allowed and what gets blocked.
Now that Advanced Cookie Manager got fucked whats an alternarive to import cookies in Firefox Shitum
>uBlock Origin
>Multi-Account containers
Not much actually since lots of extensions arent ready for quantum yet.
they are different forms
one is through filter lists
the other is minimal filter + fine control
its why a lot of people use both, ublock gets rid of the vast quantity of shitty ad networks, umatrix allows you to choose what content actually gets through
Can someone help me into Firefox. Best fork? Best extensions? Installing on fresh windows 10 install on gayming partition. Always used chrome before and want to debotnet
classic theme restorer
greasemonkey (with 4chanx and 8ch anx)
menu editor
no coin (wonder if it's needed tho)
ublock origin
>jumps from ancom to antifa
nice fallacy
>Pale moon
>Cookie Masters
I currently use NoScript, but I'm thinking about switching to uMatrix. How much different they are, is uMatrix harder to use than NS? Which one is actually better?
Also, is there any reason to get higher blocking mode in uBlock if I have NS/uM which blocks most of 3rd party stuff anyway?
My userChrome broke with 57 even though the names didn't change.
Do you know of any good resources?
Inspecting it fixes the bugs for some reason.
Cookies Manager+ got abandoned with the new firefox.
Wiping cookies hasn't been a problem for me, plenty of programs from spybot to bitdefender do it as part of their "optimization".
The problem is keeping cookies I want protected or restored from it. CM+ automatically restored them so I would never again run into a panda ever until FF updated.
Which do you use?
Canvas blocker is great for hiding canvas information.
It has a nifty feature in that it returns a random value whenever the canvas API is called. That way, even the fact that you are hiding your canvas is hidden.
I tried Noscript out but it seems to forget the allowances I make for Sup Forums every time I close Firefox, and allowing Sup Forums.org on the trusted tab disables the app when browsing the site.
How do you set it up right?
Any replacement for downthemall?
JDownloader or Download Star, but I recommend JDownloader.
>reddit enhancement suite
>reddit enhancement suite
My firefox eats even more RAM than Chrome. Am i doung something wrong?
>adds twenty extensions to firefox
>complains about memory usage
>reddit enhancement suite
Get as retro as you want senpai
Every day I get closer and closer to what I want but the road ahead is long
I spend more time editing my userChrome.css file than anything else
Anti Tumblr Infinite Scroll
Exif Viewer
Feedly Notifier
Google Reverse Image Search
Google search link fix
HD quality for YouTube
HTTPS Everywhere
I don't care about cookies
Moderator toolbox for reddit
Neat URL
Reddit Enhancement Suite
Self Destroying Cookies
Smart Referer
Spiegel Minus WebEx
TinEye Reverse Image Search
Tree Style Tab
uBlock Origin