>>my job / lifestyle doesn't allow me to use such a limiting OS maybe you should change that.
Gavin Murphy
Mac OS has a great number of vulnerabilities
but it seems Windows has a much higher proportion of serious vulnerabilities
I'm not particularly tech literate, but it seems the ones highlighted are a greater issue than the ones not, right?
Lincoln Turner
>bypass something
Gavin Stewart
>something happened
Brandon Baker
iOS > macOS > Windows > Android
Jose Wright
you're so deluded you've forgotten what the purpose of technology is
it's meant to complement our lifestyles, make life easier
not require us to completely overhaul our way of living to suit an OS that's only benefit is security,
sacrificing >ease of use >speed >compatibility >tech support >etc
Brandon Sullivan
obeying what someone else wants you do do, for their own benefit, is always convenient. They take great pains to make it convenient, since that's the most effective way to get you to comply. Living your own life on your own terms isn't very convenient. They try very hard to not make it convenient, because that doesn't make them money or give them any power over you.
Your call.
Daniel Gonzalez
Let me tell you a story. Little Billy loved his yoyo and has gone so far to tell every other kid in his class how good it is for having fun. He added: "It's just so easy to use due to it being simple", and he loved it. George came to him and told him about Space Invaders. " It"s simple too, you just need to get a feeling for the controls. Once you played a hour or twi, it will be your favourite Game. YourYoyo does it's job, but you could have so much more fun" Billy replied denyingly "No, i don't want Space Invaders,what's the fun being so bad at the start of the game, due to not being used to the handling? I like it when my yoyo spins up and dow. With Space Invaders i suddently have to think vertical, it's so regressive". George couldn't help it and with a slight mockingly tune he said " It's ok if you're simple, but you are so uninformed. You don't just can go left and right, you even can go behind defenses - adding to strategy and shoot aliens. They shoot too "
Billy grew old, with his yoyo, while all of the other kids have had a steady profression in technology for their fun. Sid Meyer's Civilisation, Grand Theft Auto, Pizza Connection, Metal Gear Solid, Super Mario 64 and much much more. >don't be a stubborn Billy
Andrew Price
what are some tangible benefits of using Linux instead of Windows / Mac then? if I switch to Linux tomorrow (assuming it's super easy to learn) what would make me never want to leave it again?
yoyos / video games aren't comparable (it's funny that in that fable, video games are held in high regard, when so few video games run on Linux)
a better comparison would be standard mobiles vs smart phones because the average user doesn't see a computer as a game, but as a functional tool they expect to assist in completing day to day tasks
Xavier Green
Billy went on to get paid and impress girls with his cool yoyo tricks, while George is still living with his mom playing Train Simulator 2018. Occasionally Billy plays Call of Duty with his friends, but doesn't see the point in devoting as much time to that as he did to his yoyo
Jaxon Morales
Good idea. I'll just go rewrite autocad from scratch. I'm sure that will make my life better.
Charles White
don't mix work computing and personal computing.
Nicholas Lee
I guess we don't really know what OP wants this for, but he seems to have determined what he wants isn't really compatible with linux
Caleb Baker
Literally no antivirus needed, no shady cracked software needed, because amolst no software for bucks. You have often a bunch of different utilities to choose from, where you choose the one that suits you best. You can make the system work for you, not learn obeying it with it's flaws. It's running better consumption wise. 100mb ram in idle? easy.. it's not even zhe lowest you gcan go. Browsers? instant start. (All programs start faster)
there"s steam on Linux.
it's ok, you got my point, so it's okay.
Dominic Rodriguez
did you just assume my gender
nice digits
>Literally no antivirus needed
interesting, I'll look into this
>running better consumption wise price isn't really an issue for me, I can afford 16gb + ram
checked Steam
there are ~8000 games for Linux ~35,000 games for Windows
no >Garfield Kart >Age of Empires (dealbreaker) >GTA >PUBG >Rainbow Six Siege >Cuphead >Doom >Plants V Zombies >Left 4 Dead >Arma 2 >Dishonored >Witcher >State of Decay >Dark Souls >Spore >Just Cause >Binding of Isaac >Assassins Creed >Skyrim >Fallout
though I will admit, there are more games on Linux than I imagined
Sebastian Rivera
thanks, but could you expand on why this is?
Camden Allen
iOS is used by the government
Connor Gray
>yes I know Linux is technically more secure than all of these combined
Wrong, Windows is. NT as a kernel kicks Linux's ass, but Win32 has to go.
Charles Davis
>though I will admit, there are more games on Linux than I imagined
If you are interested in it, here are a number of emulators for Linux for all consoles from 1st through 6th generations and a bunch of PC emulators as well.