Somehow paid posters are now being told to put nigresses along free software logos and to post them

>Somehow paid posters are now being told to put nigresses along free software logos and to post them

Unironically worrying.


What are you talking about? Did someone on /dpt/ start posting those muslim coder pics again and got you triggered?

Are you blind or just one of them?

Did the shitposter user hurt your feels? Are you in need of a safe space from the evil people who shitpost?
How new are you to Sup Forums?

oh those, if you were here a couple days a go some shitposter wanted to trigger Sup Forums and went full retarded. There are several more of those.

Faggots from discord are raiding us along with other boards


What the fuck. How does that even trigger Sup Forums? Does he know you can hide threads and image hashes automatically?
This is a possibility but I'm inclined to believe it's paid posting to normalize niggers putting them alongside free software by association.

>tfw I could probably lift her, put her into a bag and carry her home with no effort.

Please feed this child

Discord faggots think they’re expert trolls, just ignore and report them

you're retarded, but i guess its Sup Forums so that's okay

What band of homosexuals do you think are behind this then? I only know of #cutegang

I like this one better

>brown skin

>doot doot roastie is better than chocolate loli

That thigh gap is fucking disgusting

>le shitlooking skin is le better
>muh roastie

It makes sense to be honest, you're a destitute beta for your race, so you must go down many racial tiers to attempt getting laid, nice rationalization.

>some lowlives go full angry and plan raids on sekrit discords
>literally no one cares or notices, just a few autists like OP

This is some CWC tier shit.

The loli also looks like a roastie to it cancels out.
Now you're picking between white and shitskin.

There are discord groups full of faggots with no life that dedicate their days to shitting up Sup Forums by any means necessary

But why? No one even knows or notices. It's like trying to troll but not being able to get any (You)s.

This is the closest thing to having a life or friends they ever will have

Could you list those groups' discords?
Maybe bored Sup Forumsfags could fuck with them and keep them busy so they don't shit up the board.

not yer personnel army, kid

Remember when it was IRCs doing stuff like this?

>having to fuck skeletor isn't going down tiers

nice rationalisation

>doesn't know what a roastie is
newfag leave pls

Go back to your discord and tell them this: The goyim know!

>thinks that particular loli doesn't look like a roastie

So I heard you like women with brown skin

Is that an arab dude in drag?
The cat is out of the bag, retard, get back to your BLACKED discord.


>reading comprehension


>opinion based on incorrect understanding of a word
>"reading comprehension

>what does "look" mean

who the fuck is this?

You actual think someone would pay for a guy to do that ? Free software is already run by commies and libtards. What would even be the point ?

It's actually hilarious how this is more off topic than the posts you're complaining about, at least they don't break the rules.
Did you even read the global rules?

where did the black person you, user?

Image search?

Mr. Skeletal

>There's a Japanese porn where a similarly skinny girl literally climbs into a bag and they carry her from scene to scene.

>look mom xD i posted a nigger i bet now he's angery :3

>that look in the cam after she flashed her beef
Why are ecelebs so degenerate?