Confess your sins Sup Forums
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i own a macbook pro with retina display and have no regrets
Still using an i7 960 overclocked because I haven't had a job since then.
when i was a kid, i thought that linux was an old programming language.
I use the google botnet out of convenience even though i hate them and they hate me
I use windows and I like it
I didn't buy winrar when the trial expired.
I gave up trying to protect my parents network from malware and don't feel bad about it
i hope it is win 7 or 8.1
Nope. 10
I consider not flashing a custom rom on my next phone.
damn do you even have anti spymalware?
I own a 5k imac and I really enjoy it
I always hated gentoo
I'm tired of technology. Learning more about how shitty everything is only makes my worse
I feel you. They got the worst passwords and use it on all sites even banking. They also download a lot of malware and they still use internet explorer
I have no hope for them
My best friend tells me stories about women all the time. I fake to be impressed and ask him for advice even though I know he is lying through his teeth and is still a virgin.
JS is the only programing language I'm somewhat proficient.
Nah, unless you count scanning the pc once every 6 months with malwarebytes as anti spymalware
Another confession. I don't know shit about tech and I browse Sup Forums
I didn't like Gentoo and came back to Arch.
i5 6XX here. You are sinless as a lamb, my NEET child.
i once thought sony was cool
You fell for the Sony meme.
>using passwords
Lucky you
I plan to keep using 8.1 until computers can't run it anymore.
I use windows 10
I own a bright LED gaymer setup running zorin KS and i use a razer blackwidow chroma and razer naga and love it all, i also own an old amiga and raspberry pi , a t430 and I'm pretty sure I'm everything Sup Forums hates, you guys still chill though
Your CPU temps
97 degrees C
> 97°C
I unironically think Windows 10 is the most polished. Windows 7 needs a bijillion libraries to run vidya, Windows 8 is kneecapped by the horrible design choices (full screen menus).
I use Arch linux because I'm too dumb to compile from source (AUR) and I use linux in general because I'm too dumb to get FreeBSD running on my laptop.
if there is a way to block ALL the spyware that micro injected in his OS i would upgrade desu.
>I have windows 10 and Ubuntu dual booting on my PC
>I have no preference over either Windows or Linux
>I buy proprietary software and services
>I use Emacs Evil Mode to develop web applications
>I partake in Unity game development
>I have partaken in the cryptocurrency fad, but I'm momentarily out (I believe it's gonna crash soon)
>I have never installed Gentoo
>I think Manjaro is the best distro, but Ubuntu is way more convenient
>I have an XBOX360
>I have fooled women into having sex with me and discarded them afterwards
>I have masturbated to pixels on the screen and felt the taste of my own seed
>I have partaken in ill-talking to my own parents
>I have been ungrateful to those whom have done me well, and treated them unproperly
>I have made promisses I did not keep
>I have wondered how does it feel to lie down with other men, and considered it, but I have not partaken in it
>I have coveted and adultered the women of other men
>I have made children cry
>I have made my mother cry
>I have made my father cry
>I have made my grandparents cry
>I have made friends cry
>I have physically, emotionally and rationally offended others for the sake of my own pride
>I have desired to make others suffer in many ways non-physical
>I have desired to lead those I dislike unto suicide
>I have manipulated others into doing what I want, despite their own well-being on the long term
>I have stolen software as an adult to profit upon it, and have stolen candies as a child to feel their flavors upon my tongue
>I have worried excessively
>I have not adhered religiously to my spiritual practices
>I use ram memory of two different manufacturers
>I have been, in mind, unfaithful to my woman
>I have been let conversation with women impure of intention to last longer than they should
>I have looked down upon others
>I have judged others for making the same mistakes as I have
>God, before thee I am as the most criminal of all men.
Hey if it doesn't shut down on me it's cool enough.
Get an enermax liqtech 360 radiator dude.
those are signs of psycopathy.
>liqtech 360
That does not fit in my case. I will stick with my H100i.
It's a family thing.
Literally pick any of the things in this video that fits in your computer but please stop using something that doesn't cover the entire TR4 socket.
If you don't soon you will have to buy a new CPU.
I unironically enjoy macOS. I hate windows 10 and only use MacOS and Windows 7. But after 2020 will use Mac exclusively
Fuck I forgot the link like the retards I am.
I use and will exclusively use iPhones for the foreseeable future. I'm sorry father, but I have my reasons.
This is what happens when you don't put on enough thermal paste
>I dualboot windows 7 and fedora 24 mate
>I like using windows and it's what I primarily use
>I like the PS3 and own 2 of them, I have no shame in buying hundreds of games for it new
>I don't mind using PS/2 keyboards and mice but I don't have a preference between PS/2 and USB
>my LCD monitors are underused compared to my shitty CRT monitors(currently using a 5:4 Trinitron monitor while typing this)
>building a pc for gayms isn't a bad thing
>I'm still using my shitbox with a X4 965 BE because I don't care for more modern parts
>theres is nothing wrong with ASRock mobos
>Windows 8.1 was alright
>I still use flash for /f/ videos and shitty porn games
>I don't like Gentoo and Arch despite using both as daily drivers at one point
>I prefer AMD cpus
3 years later, I'm still not sure what's the correct way to apply thermal paste thanks to all those memes.
Switch from GNU/Linux to Windows 10 and like it
One little dab, enough to thinnly cover the CPU. Press the heatsink down firmly onto the CPU with the thermal paste on top. You know you have too much when the thermal paste oozes out from the CPU. When in doubt, go with less, not more thermal paste.
You now know the tools to see the light, user.
that wont be for long with those temps
Same. I own a MacBook Pro 2015, iPhone 6s, and use a proprietary password manager to secure and sync my randomized and encrypted passwords across my many devices.
No regrets
the proper way is a tiny drop, less than the size of a pea, spread it evenly with a q-tip, but make sure you don't add too much or else it will overflow on the sides.
Depending on the socket you either make a small pea sized glob or a thicc line in the middle in case of big rectangular cpus like the threadripper.
Any extra shit will get pushed anyways just don't use thermal compound that conducts electricity.
Anything else is autism because proper coverage and even pressure across the plate is more important.
How much did the devil pay for your soul?
none he was prob tired of unsupported drivers and the autism requirements to do basic daily tasks..never underestimate the convenience factor
I and my brother destroyed a 486 by spraying it with water while it was switched on
you poor soul
I haven't booted my Windows install in months because I noticed that when the rj45 cable is plugged in, it takes more time, and it scares me.
First Sup Forums, then /ck/ and now Sup Forums?
I stuck with the shareware version of WinZip back in the day and got excited about the counters of "days used" and "archives opened" climbing higher and higher with every passing day. I was too young to understand those were meant to shame me into finally buying their software.
I'm still using the current version of WinRAR with a license obtained in 2009 from a CORE keygen. I'm part of the reason you couldn't get a discount on the RAR for Android app as a paying WinRAR customer, because there's so few legit ones.
I installed CloverOS over my sister's macbook
me too, i fell ashamed, luckily sold my ps3 before the price plummed.
I'm tired of typing "______ on ubuntu"
i play hatsune miku project diva all the time
emmm this is not Sup Forums user
confession:: shut the heck up!
Do u really believe that he fooled woman to have sex with him? Hah
My 12 year old HP membrane feels better than mechanical keyboards
The new full sized Mac keyboard feels better than any mechanical I have used.
I have a MacBook, and an iPhone. I like them for the things they do well. I also have an Android. I haven't had the time or inclination to build a new desktop, I built it in 2009. I feel old as fuck and out of place here, I'm 31. It bothers me that I've been playing around with computers since I was 10 but somehow am only now just starting to learn and understand the very technical and hard parts of computer science. I don't know how to program, and I only recently started trying to learn python. So far I can barely understand how to structure something simple with variables, loops, and functions. I feel like I have less time to be autistic about this stuff because of having a family. I feel like I wasted my 20s when I joined the army as infantry and broke myself physically and mentally. I didn't start using Linux until it started not sucking around 2012. I still barely understand simple Linux stuff except for basic terminal commands. I honestly am jealous of you younger guys who can program, and know all this stuff I don't know, I've struggled with community college because of home life and my broke brain. I know I can do this shit and I know a lot more than I give myself credit for, but I'm jealous of you young autistic dudes because at least some of you have made a career out of your interests. Maybe I should have stayed in the army, I was good at fighting and shooting. I came to Sup Forums because I've always been a nerd, but I feel like an alien and not nerd enough because the army changed me. I can talk with army buddies about guns and war stuff and death metal, but they don't care about or understand my nerd shit. I can try to talk to you dorks but I feel like a brainlet most of the time, and honestly I just feel like the grandpa in a room full of kids who scream dumb shit 90% of the time but then are fucking brilliant the other 10%. Every other person in life I just feel like an alien to.
I use stock Ubuntu because I like the theme.
I vacuumed my computer.
I use some proprietary software and seldomly Win10. RMS wouldn't be proud.
I pirated templeos
>i use windows as daily driver.
>I like c#
>I smashed my x230t in a fit of rage
My mom and older brother provoked the shit out of me. In the middle of a league game as well.
>I used to play league of legends
>peaked at diamond 5
I personally use Windows 10N and just installed the codecs on the side. No ads here, you can also try LTSB or Enterprise (same thing).
I only buy Dell because dude we're getting a dell
Media codecs, things that allow you to play videos/music. Windows 10 N is used by office computers in the Chinese/Korean government I believe.
This hits hard
You already know it :)
>AIO radiator blocks PCIE1 and half my RAM slots
>too lazy to move it
>been 2 years
the "safely remove hardware" -feature is useless altogether and i fucking hate it.
if you have any storage device connected for more than a couple of minutes, in that time some windows service has left a file handle open on it and it's impossible to remove it safely
That is the real sin here
You can actually force dismount in the file explorer if you right click on the drive and then eject, but fuck that.
My RAID Array is my only backup
Oh right, excuse please.
>buy massive fultower++ case designed for watercooling
>put in an AIO
There's nothing wrong with AIO.
might as well just unplug the damn thing because doing that will display a warning of it being in use
im really not on board with eating your own cum
i shill for thinkpads but actually use macs
I'm a nigger.
I'm that guy.
I still use Google Search and have not flashed a custom ROM on to my Android.
I work for Comcast
I use Ubuntu.
I fap for cute programmers
I fap and love Anime.
I have win7 notebook for hentai games.
I'm currently burning a windows 10 ltsb iso to my pendrive, because i can't stand the state of linux nvidia drivers anymore nor the state of linux. I'm going to use an outdated version of ubuntu with vmware player unity mode enabled.
*nor the state of the linux desktop