>old utorrent versions are the only way to go for private tracker competent users on windows

When fuck is freeshit going to natuve port rtorrent to winblows or make something not useless as fuck

>inb4 le qb
Literally 0 seedboxes in the entire fucking world use it, not even freetards with no brain issues want it and is useless for anything that is not casual leeching from public trackers
>inb4 delulge
>deluge is broken outside linux

Other urls found in this thread:


tons of seedboxes use libtorrent wtf you talking about.

You could be the first one.
Make it happen.
What everyone is doing wrong is using a shitty library like lib torrent.
Start over and make one.

>>deluge is broken outside linux
werks on my machine

Add 500+ torrents and see it idle at 100% of one of your cpu cores use, fucking retard


I haven’t noticed anything wrong with qbittorrent, and I have hundreds of torrents on Windows. But using rutorrent on Linux works fine

Why the fuck would I ever have more than 10 torrents in my client?

qb works fine.

You clearly aren’t on any private trackers

I am I have over 8tbs uploaded on one and I got there never having more than 25 torrents in my client.

Yeah now return to whatever 50 0 users tracker you was in and leave the fucking thread, retard

This is a thread for proper private tracker users fucking subhumans, leeching on nyaa is fine even using the opera 12 integrated torrent client


>can't be more broken on windows
>last update over a year ago

>being this assblasted

Merry Christmas. It’s Ipt btw.

fuck off retarded autist, if you like rtorrent so much why dont you port it yourself? thats right youre too dumb. real private trackers dont even accept wangblows users

I came here to laugh at you

Just use utorrent 2.2.1 as any sane person would.

>use grossly outdated software in 2017
>when there are actual superior alternatives available
Utorrent tards never cease to amaze me.

It just werks though.

> outdated
It does everything it should as it should without any problems.
> but muh updates every day! muh version number!

Use linux and stop crying like a bitch.

it werkz

Its piss easy if you aren't retarded. I've been on PTP and BTN for years, and neither requires you to seed a large number of torrents.
For PTP, just download a few high activity torrents, farm for points, and delete the rest. BTN doesn't even give a shit about ratio.

jokes on you when a vulnerability fucks ya

What's wrong with qbittorrent? Why you people using -stalled-

>implying all those new "features" and constant meddling with the code just to show that project is not dead is not adding much more vulnerabilities every day
Show me one working vulnerability for utorrent 2.2.1 and then we will talk.

I just use uTorrent :3

The only issue I have with it is that I find that I get slower speeds that with uTorrent 2.2.1. The STALLED meme is shit, I agree.

imo transmission is the best, if you don't need some fancy settings that it lacks (i don't need any, but some anons have complained that transmission lacks somefeature)

Running Deluge 1.3.13 on Windows 7, seeding 15,254 torrents. Learn to enable the advanced settings and optimize it. Deluge is the best client.

You know torrents are too complex for the average people? The average people pay $100 USD/mo for download movies in 200 .rar pieces

Are you from year 2005?



>competent users
>on windows
Good one

Picotorrent is literally perfect

>private tracker
Depricasted shit.

Non issue.

Move on.

Ok, pajeet. Enjoy your yify


>enable the advanced settings and optimize
Are you using aero?
The 100% cpu use seems related ted to ui

What did he mean by this?


Is transmission decent yet?
A lot of people reported fake reports to trackers and bans

I think that he meant depreciated. I think...

I don't even know. I'm using the Madobe Nanami theme and it changed a lot of shit in weird ways. She doesn't stop saying "CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN! CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!" every few seconds, but everything else looks great and works properly. Also she wishes me goodnight and welcomes me back; she even calls me goshujin-sama.


Why is the torrent p2p network not anonymous?


>the only way to go
Maybe if you're an idiot with complete disregard for basic security concerns. Running software that connects anywhere without updates is downright stupidity.

He's trying to convince himself that running outdated, unpatchable closed source software is somehow a good idea, by lying about its usage. Clearly signs of some mental problem.

Where do I find uTorrent 2.2.1 that ins't the version with full of malware?

He's obviously a brainlet who can't build a buffer efficiently and has hundreds of dead torrents seeding, just for the chance that one of them will upload 100MB overnight

literally the first google result

why is Tixati bad again?

I use qBittorrent, it just werks.

>private trackers
Look at this fucking retard.

One day your tracker will die, and everything will be fucking lost.
Use TPB, like everyone does, and torrents will live on forever.

Don't use µtorrent you low IQ man.
Use Deluge or qBittorrent or something that does not want to fuck you in the ass without your consent.

Just use Transmission for windows, simple client that just werks. I hope that utorrent will get banned on private tracker soon, fuck this outdated shit.

Here you go, if you use classic instead of aero deluge rapes your CPU

9gag ansd memecenter aren't here

>the client that works worse than a fucking pre alpha on windows on eternal 2.92 version and had rasomware on the official site twice


Can deluge run autodl plugins like rtorrent?

I barely use windows but I would like to have something able to run anywhere

So, how broken would r/rutorrent over docker to do serious (over 8TB seeding)

If you shoot yourself in the head while jumping into lava you die. What's your point?

That is not a 100% chance either

seriously, is there any reason to use utorrent 2.2.1 over qbittorrent or deluge?

Private trackers and being on windows


>broken outside linux
I don't see a problem.

Let's see the arguments:
>It just werks
>It werkz

Surely private torrent trackers never get taken down.
And yes, you don't have to reinvent hot water to get an account on others.

I have over 400 Torrents in Deluge on Windows and it's running absolutely fine.

A what.cd admin saw some of their proxies go down, so they killed it preemptively. They were never raided.