ITT: Shit software

ITT: Shit software

Anything written in c++

anything that uses the linux kernel

there was this robotics software that we had in highschool. In order to draw the path you had to write the coordinates as A to B points, then it would convert the DPI on screen to inches in real life.

oh wait, that was actually a really good tool.

Anyway, the moral of the story is fuck you bill gates.



>What does a kernel do?


yea, really shitty program

Only scrubs use eclipse

The fucking worst.

extremely low effort bait

Adobe Flash, Adobe Shockwave, Adobe Reader, Silverlight, Java web plugin, Java in general, iTunes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Uplay, Origin, Safari, most security software, Ubuntu (for spying), Windows 10 (for spying), macOS (for spying), Microsoft Office, and Java again because it deserves it.

really sucks


Most software is shit, but specially in-house software. I used to work for banks and had to deal with shit clobbered together in access by some random guy 20 years ago. Now I work at one of the big tech names, and it's the same thing. Unbelievable how shitty the internal software is.


internal software is always awful

android in general

Real men use Notepad++ like me!

Piece of crap always crashes. I should move over to Blender, but I'm too used to Maya to want to move.
In general, Autodesk software is buggy.

>paying for haproxy+centos

>goes from $200 pay once to "pay $80 every month until you die, goyim" in one year

t. BSD fag.

thanks autodesk, the student license is no longer infinite but only lasts 1 year now


That's because they release a new version every year and they want you poorfags to beta test their software

>always crashes
>inb4 pirated copy
>inb4 retard tries to tessellate 2 million polys on 4GB of RAM

Damn beat me to it.

Needing this POS to send files to a third party app .. Fuck that thank god for Linux and ifuse and libimobiledevice and a few other unsung heros !

T. Debian blue bubble dude since 2008

but i'm a student

thank goodness real media files died an awful death (can you imagine an internet littered with rm files like mp3 nowadays???)

Specifically the Windows version. I've seen the OS X version and it's good like mpc-hc on Windows or mpv on Linux. rumor is Microsoft cripped the Windows version on purpose.

I still use 4.15, its pretty infuriating how fast they ruined a cool software.

how would microsoft alter a product made and distributed by a completely different company?

can anything kill this already? html5 is here, but it's taking way too long to supplant it.

side note: amazing how flv killed off streaming windows media, real media, and quicktime overnight.

they didn't alter it, but they just never made the middleware APIs available to Apple developers. knowing those hidden function calls would supposedly have tremendously increased quicktime performance.

I'm not saying anything about the language because there's a world of people out there harping about its greatness.
I specifically dislike the JRE plugin/add-on for browsers. I have never seen it perform well or fast on any browser except maybe back when Microsoft had its own java plugin for IE (Microsoft J++).

Name 1 reason why without nentioning ms office compat

You getting 0 matches doesn't mean the app is shitty

Got em.

Better than FL




Flash player - the abomination

nostalgia'd hard


3D artist here.
Maya crashes on PC, Linux and MacOS.
It crashes on brand-new hardware and on ancient hardware.
It crashes with a cracked version and with a legit version.
It crashes when you do something and when you do nothing.
I once earned 1000$ more because Maya was constantly crashing and i had to spent hours per day 3 days in a row on the customer hotline for a job which could have been done in 2 days.

But at least Maya 2018 is more stable than ever. ( crashes only 5times per day )

I wish i still could use XSI (RIP)

Everything that's wrapped in Electron.

I use eclipse and I'm fine with that

Curious, I've heard mostly good things about it. What would you recommend instead? I've been wanting to learn how to design basic PCB's for a while now.


/threading yourself is like sucking your own dick for being so awesome
Gay and retarded

Just use bitwig2 lmao. Are you goys even trying?

whats wrong with c++ anyway?

Not previous user, but it is slow and LO just recently got to fixing that.
That said, why is OO even on display? It'S dead.


Learn to use Vim and then we'll talk.

I would suggest using KiCAD for schematics.

Blender has out of the box support for Maya keybindings. Thank me later.

Not OP, but KiCAD is the defacto FOSS software for that.

Based *BSD user

push brand new stupid feature every release

never fixes bugs

haven't used it for 2 years. haven't seen a site with it for a year.

You must have 15TB of RAM to spare.

Atom and a few other Electron apps run great for me, you guys probably just need to upgrade from 512MB of RAM and a Pentium 4.

If you're gonna use it, get the version before the autodesk buyout


your post screams phoneposting redditor

Who cares?

me, for one

Suicide Adjuvant Program

Oh yes, a web browser for my text editing.



Said the phoneposting redditor


u r gay lol

It doesn't really crash unless you are a retard. You have an issue with gpu drivers or something. There is no need to use blender. Just use Maya. Most people don't know how to use Maya properly and then they cry "it's shit" and "it's buggy". I have used Maya since 1.0 in my work and while... these days it's better to use Houdini for effects Maya is still great for animation and pretty much everything you can imagine. When you do stuff at home you don't work with huge datasets or complex pipeline, everything should be working 100% smooth unless you are clueless. Maya is best used in conjuction with scripting. Learn Mel or preferably Python and write your own scripts and customize the UI to suit your workflow.
Most people just "model" something stupid and as such, they could use anything for it because it doesn't really matter. But if you want to rig or animate or create effects or anything else than just model Maya is great solution even now.

Problem with Maya crashes are most often related to the QT library issues. The interface has been coded using that and it often causes a conflict and the shit crashes. Especially on Linux but this can happen on Windows as well. But as such it doesn't have that much related with the software itself unless you overload it with memory intensive stuff or be stupid and keep saving that 5+ gig file instead of using at least somewhat smart referencing setup.
Some people at my work were having lot of issues and cursing that it takes 20 minutes to save a file but you know, they used lidar scans as collision geometry and kept saving those 5 gig files which is retarded.
Just clean up and keep the hierarchy clean. Most people don't understand what actually is happening inside maya but their node network and scene graph is a constant mess with overlapping shaders and duplicate useless nodes.

I used both, ms office on win10 and libre on linux
both have their flaws, technical and visual ones
Now I only use them for the occassional excel table

I couldn't handle either word software anymore
now it's texlive

Atleast Libre doesent crash as often as Openoffice does

>Indefinite license
>4 years to last your degree license
>License every year.
Looks like they are copying PTC

Ares fucking regular

>need external hardware to easily mimick what you can do in FL

Anything made with QT or GTK on Windows

I'm looking at you Inkscape and Gimp

B-B-But qBitTorrent looks good!

We all know you'd suck your own dick if you could, user.