post poor design ITT
Post poor design ITT
whats so poor about it? the sensor is on the front. do you put the whole mouse on the mousepad or something?
Probably has to do with ergonomics. Never used that mouse - the low profile and short length probably make it a pain to use regularly and leads to cramps more easily.
death to anyone that does it
Why the hell did they put the power button right there?
>le negro meymey
so fucking funny
Are you pretending to be stupid or something? It's a cordless mouse that can't be used while it's charging... Windows mice plug it at the top so they look like an ordinary wired mouse while they charge. Apple ones intentionally put the charging port in a place that makes it impossible to use if you also want to charge it.
Are you pretending to not have reading comprehension?
And that's the same kind of key as the rest, with the same pressure needed to recognize a press? Jesus fucking christ....
thats the most autistc fail ive ever seen
what? That mouse and trash can literally caused people to stop buying apple computers.
A few hours of charging last for over a month. Poor design would be to put the port anywhere else you fucking mongrel
lmao, are you actually defending this massive engineering failure?
Remember apple trying to make a fucking map app? Didn't that literally fucking kill someone? lmao
Apple's map app is now literally better than Google's
That's not a poor design because you shouldn't be using the mouse while the charging cable is plugged in or you will induce more wear and tear
It's intentional so you are forced to use the mouse wirelessly in order to preserve the Apple experience
Sure it is, must be why my whole family uses google maps on their iPhones lmao.
You can't deny it.
what the fuck is that thing even supposed to be?
>not being able to charge your device while using it
appletoddlers have really hit a new low
>t.g700s user
Literally (as in actually) the only reason to use Google Maps was because you could add multiple stops. Now that that's gone in the app version there is no reason to use it over Apple Maps
lol too late, now my family probably forgot how to use that piece of shit.
I use personally use waze, don't see any reason to switch to the shitty stock app
Is that also why they designed the pen the same way. Next thing you know the next iphone is going to put the lightning connector on the front of the phone and call it courage.
Dam, it's almost as bad as the iNotch 10
I don't think this is where you belong
I was designed poorly, why you might ask? Well I don't have the features the women want.
Apple's logo is breddy good design
Psst... your new is showing
Oh lord, please tell me this is forgery...
whew, that'll go well for 1 day before you clip it with your wrist and break the port, connector, or both.
They need to die off before they kill something else essential to a phone.
My pen is hard.
>anal bead
at least with macbooks, you actually have to hold it down for it to do anything. don't know about other laptops
>Be white
>Go outside
>Skin cancer
Ok bud
trignigs lmao
Pretty sure that's default behavior on both OS's. A single press brings up the option to shut down or whatever
of course the white man is ruining everything.
why do we wait until white people destroy the world? when are we going to kill white people to stop them?
>when you want to use a PC but could only afford a Mac
What the fuck is the point of leaving out all these connectors on the laptop if you gonna have to attach this butt-ugly piece of shit to do anything?
what's wrong with this?
The fuck am I looking at?
To make it "aesthetically pleasing"
People bought and used these.
>People bought and used these.
Save money, sell attachments, immense profit at the expense of your customers.
the future
It's a boy iPad
>Remove port
>Make laptop 0.00001 thinner
>Remove a fan for good measure
>Call it innovative, and groundbreaking
>Fanboys defend you
>Sell laptop for higher price
>Sell a dongle to get all the ports back
Windows makes it sleep on momentary press. So yeah.. It's fucking aids.
This thread is for poor design. The negro male will outperform any other race in every physical metric.
Like clockwork.
>Power Button: Do nothing
Is that why there are so many negros winning strongmen competitions?
The mouse literally charges in about 1 minute.
That's a full days use in 1 minute. I actually have one and the fucking thing is great.
It was great until the scroll ball gummed up
its a wireless mouse you dumb fuck.
Looks pretty wired to me
keyboards that have a standby button top left. ESC should always be top left
>laptop switches on a desktop keyboard
Into the trash it goes.
Jesus christ those transparent mice were so fucking aesthetic. How did you scroll on these though? I last used one maybe 10 years ago, and I remember that I just didn't scroll.
everything about this keyboard is bad
My father has an Acer laptop with a keyboard similar to that, doesn't have the buttons on the side though
>all these fags defending this torture device
I have used it and it is the least ergonomic thing on the planet. All of you fags will do tendon rearranging in the future.
the main problem with it is that it collects a lot of dust and whatnot, given that space around the keys, and trying to remove the keys to clean it is a guaranteed method to break it.
it's a solution, but clueless users probably don't know about that
True. But Apple experience sucks.
i made the mistake of buying this keyboard at one point
you didn't, they had no scroll wheel
This thing has to be the worst design of the century.
You think you can carry this thing on a key chain? Forget that the plastic thing comes off very easily so you might just loose the usb key.
When you use standard USB-3 connector and you want to unplug it from computer, the plastic thing just pops off into your hand and you have to wiggle out the metal usb key from the usb3 socket.
The absolute state of ADATA design in the year of 2000 + 17.9
More like
>Put a male lightning connector on the bottom and have the charger be a female lightning connector on a fucking brick commenting directly to the wall
>Having your only means of charging snap off of your phone is innovation
nigger detected
>cant be used while its charging
another design fail
*teleports behind you*
looks fine to me
They aren't even trying. Should've made the battery detachable, a special charger for it ($99.95 before taxes) and lock the mouse in with that particular battery so you couldn't just swap it with another one. To prevent counterfeits, of course, that, uh, ruin the apple experience, yeah.
Now that will make people angry and not the smalltime faggotry they did that almost looks like they were just trying to save a couple extra cents on the pcb.
Guaranteed replies
>poor design
Actually, that's good design on apples part.
With everything on the bottom you don't have any bumps or holes on the part of the mouse that you use.
Given that you only charge the mouse every few months, that makes it superior design.
Sorry. Apple knows what they're doing. You don't.
A mactoddler has defended this.
How does it feel knowing you're too stupid to work at apple?