It's nearly 2018

>it's nearly 2018
>4th gen haswell is almost 5 years old
>businesses that bought $2000 i7 workstations are now retiring top of the line i7s that are barely much slower than current ones except in power efficiency
>uses older DDR3 RAM that isn't being jewed to 200% prices

Is there any reason to build a "budget" system with new parts for spares/family/HTPC ever again?

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop shilling Optiplexes you fucking retards, you're going to drive prices up like you did with Thinkpads. And yes they're excellent bang for the buck.

Problem with those dells are they often have non-standard motherboard power plugs and they for the most part, come with 290 watt power supplies. Upgrading them to any sort of graphics card that can handle 3d workloads is very difficult.


Not wrong as I am in a company that sells dells that used to be owned by the Oslo kommune right now at the work place we have multiple different optiplex from 2012 to 2014

Also that link is for Lenovo ibm machines.

>too dumb to use google

>hey let's just nigrig these wires to run 2x more current than they're rated for nothing bad will happen!

Wait, I dun gt it..
>$150 cpu
>$20 ram
>$25 gpu
>trashteir psu and mobo

>$220 + shipping

I mean, it's not bad... but you could do better.

absolutely fuck the stagnant market

but yeah also don't let the normies know that what they have is worth something

The price is already going up I got the same model with 16gb of ram for 80 bucks less. Blame all those gaming on a budget channels they're making the price of the good deals go way up .

You'll pay for it with your electricity bill

Optiplexes have 80 plus gold antec power supplies in them
t. it employee who throws them away :^)

Yeah, that 10¢/kWh is really breaking the bank

theyre excellent bang for the buck you say?
Im about to buy 10

the difference would be around 80W top, 10-30W on average

jesus christ i just checked and the prices more than doubled in my country, fucking "budget gaming" channels

I went to check out youtube get get a look inside the case and all I saw was a chink kid with a single slot graphics card whining about it not being able to pass some test

not him but my electricity is free.
Thanks oil money.

The cpu is very worth it tbqh.
i wud get this pc if i lived in the states considering i still run a shitty i3 from 2012.

i thought this was a bitcoin symbol. ignore me.

>proprietary PSU
>proprietary motherboard
>proprietary front panel header
woooow such a deal

i paid that much for an offlease optiplex 7040 with skylake i7 6700, 8gb ddr4 2400 and r7 360 with 2gb ddr5.


>something released only a year ago

I bought these parts used on r*ddit.
I7 3770 for $110, b67 mobo (or whatever the fuck it is) for 35, and 16gb of 1600mhz for 60. Optiplexes are alright but you can always just part shit out.

> stop shilling you retards you're driving the prices up.
This. Used xeons go for 6x the price now then they did a year ago.

optiplex + no power pin gpu has been the budget gaming set up for years

it's overkill, but I always take out the optical drive and replace it with a filtered bay fan intake, positive pressure helps with the dust, and the filter makes frequent cleaning easy and helps with temps

is this recent?

I mean, in the case of businesses the power efficiency probably makes them worth it alone. That could very well end up saving millions of dollars a year when spread out over thousands of machines

get them while they last, I just bought an HP Dual Xeon machine for 800 bucks, made in 2011 or something but still a beast. building new PC's in 2017/2018 is at an all-time hight price, but if you go back a couple of gens and especial back a couple of gens to retired hardware, you can really score. scoop em' all up before they are gone!

> throwing them away
> not siphoning them off to Sup Forumstards for ezbux

the prices for mid range stuff (which is adequate 99% of the time for most people) are fairly reasonable


> tfw you fell for the cheap 48GB 2×6core Xeon meme

>drive prices up like you did with Thinkpads
u w0t m8
Thinkpads are cheaper than ever.

what do officecucks need new computers for? they could do their work even with some old pentium 3

>runs great
>good support for throwing beefy GPU in
>Tool-less design
>was half meant to run Linux

What Meme?

>computer cases still look either like this, or like autistic spaceships
When will we have tasteful cases

I think something like pic related looks pretty good. Also, Dell's been doing case design like that for literally forever, its kind of their thing. They're meant to be shoved under a desk and never seen again, not really displayed. No one in charge of buying computers for an office or company cares about what they look like, as long as its not distracting.

That does look pretty good, thanks.

And they usually have good psus (>800w, instead of the

I actually haven't checked if the psu's were ATX or what wattage. When I was disassembling them to destroy hard drives, I just noticed the label which said Antec 80 plus gold.

The ones I was destroying had non K i5 sandy bridge CPUs. How do I know? I may have tried salvaging them at work for an ez 2nd pc but noticed the cpu in it was even worse than an 8350

This is a consideration
>work at college with 3-year-old Dells
>power supplies start failing
>Call Dell rep for parts
>"Well, user, Dell doesn't sell parts. You could try ebay or sumtin?"

yeah the case can be a tricky work around for some people but if you dont plane on adding anything crazy, its fine, i think the design is great

Yes, because the tower versions aren't cheap at all, your OP pic is disingenuous.

You fucking moron, the i5 2400 is comparable to an i3 6100 or an r3 1200

and i have no use for something that low end

Which is why you should be selling them, you goddamned moron.

Not really about Dell but in general, unless your a gamer or doing video/photo work (even then depending on games you play,etc) what's the point of dumping your current system? I mean hell at some point your gonna hit a wall of diminishing returns far as performance boost and cost ratio go. Say your hitting 100 Fps+ in your games with everything maxed at high res, what would be the point of upgrading the graphics card/cpu/or ram? Nothing,unless you like wasting money. Do you really need a 8 core chip if all you do is internet/e-mail/facebook? Fuck no. And if you doing video work, wouldn't it be cheaper just to get an old tower computer say AM2 or better and just have it dedicated to that task, just RDP into it and let it chew on the video while your on your main rig doing other shit?

im not so cash starved that id go through the garbage and sell old hardware and risk getting fired

You fucking idiot, at least sell em for PROFIT.


ur really angry at my own life choices. id bet ud also be really angry to hear that I also disposed of several elitebooks and latitudes :^)

Certainly, functional computer hardware should always be given another chance at life. Plus there's the fact that you're throwing away free money

well I actually agree with you there. Id personally keep it all if I could but its not my decision. Company's pretty large with a massive budget so they just don't care I'm sure. I did salvage some SSDs and ram for my personal use but I don't want to take anything larger to resell. Jobs too comfy to be fired for petty change

Just call a friend with a truck and tell him what dumpster to go to

it's picked up by a recycling company in a locked room. For all I know that company could be reselling the stuff

the cases are fine, IF you do not plan to upgrade, using an older xeon optiplex or precision as is, is fantastic

if anything, I would get a newer off lease with at least an core i5, and use all the parts except the case, mb, and psu, for a gaming pc. If you are content with 1080p gaming on lower settings, you can get a screaming deal. Get a refurb with a windows 10 pro license.

this could be a fun little project

>it's picked up by a recycling company
Why do companies do this shit rather then gutting the storage drives, and selling the systems off to a refurbisher?

Probably too much hassle. It takes quite a lot of manpower to disassemble a hundred computers. Also, optiplexes are pretty annoying to disassemble. I've cut myself several times just removing hard drives

Why not just sell to a refurbisher that also handles secure data wipes? Why give them away for free completely?

Well in my company's case, it involves donor files and hospital files. Way too sensitive. Also several thousand dollars means nothing when u operate on millions

>Way too sensitive.
If that's the case why hand the drives to a 3rd party at all? Those should be wiped on-site before it ever leaves the premises.

Heard of the company iron mountain? Iirc they're the ones who handle data destruction and they do destruction on site. Saves the cost of owning your own destruction machine and paying someone to operate and clean up I suppose

Honestly, the people making the decisions (MBA's) have no idea how computers work, they think they have to destroy the "entire computer" to get rid of the sensitive data. So they sign off on a service that just destroys them. Many government and educational organizations are sometimes bound by law to to this, as lawmakers are clueless as well. Sometimes, the guy in charge of the computers doesn't want the hassle, and is not incentivized to save the company money (I get paid the same either way syndrome), and doesn't bring up this option to his boss. To be fair, at this point, most of the computers are effectively worthless, and would cost more in labor to disassemble and sell for parts, with a data wipe.

Throwing away functioning dual xeon systems is straight up retarded though.

>>it's nearly 2018
this meme is dumber than >2012, which was ironically very dumb

Bump cause it’s good to get the normies aware and raise the price so poor wittle nu/g/ can finally get a job


>> Search this on EBAY:
(1245v3, i5-6500, 4820k, 1231v3, 1226v3, 1270v3, 6700t, 4670s, i5-7400, i5-4590, 2787w, e5-1650, 4790s, 1240v3, 6600t, i7-4771, 7350k, i7-4770, 3770k, i5-4670, 1241v3, 3570k, 1286v3, 1275v3, 1246v3, 1650v2)

Or just go on userbenchmark and input any of the top 100 cpu into ebay search bar, filter to the Desktop/All-in-one category, sort by lowest to highest price and have fun boys

Get yourself a cheap i5-4590 dell with 8gb ram + mobo/case/gold psu for under $140 Shipped/BUY IT NOW!!

Add a cheap ssd and maybe a gtx 1050 ti or lower and you got a 1080p 144hz 144+fps esport ready (low setting Overwatch, low setting CS:GO, League of Legends, low setting PubG/PLAYER’S UNKNOWN BATTLEGROUNDS and FORTNITE)


Gents relax. i7 are a unicorn in the business desktop world. Prices will be higher on them. With that said there is a complete surplus of i5 3rd gen 3.4+s. Myself? I am rocking a 3570 i5 3.4. Now instead of power conversion for HP 6300 sff board I just bought a motherboard/case for $30/$40 (Spare PS from older PC). In the HP Lineup look for the 6300/600 series and you can get the power adapters for ATX and a case. For me, I find PCs that are dead and "retired" and see the internals. If I find a solid CPU. I am gutting it. Most of the time the issue is the PSU or motherboard. Most of the time the Ram is 50/50 and as long as they retire the serial number and hard drive all is good.

Now toss in a single 256 SSD and as above said a a TI series Nvidia or AMD in same range and you have a solid power house.

Yeah, I was thinking about getting a newer Dell, but the Extra Ram and cores help since I do lots of VM work. i threw my Old 1050ti in it and i play 1080p High setting no problem.

>$53 shipping

LOL Fuck that



>barely much

Pick one faggit

Prices on eBay were never that good anyway, people know what they're selling. Recycling centers will give you its price in weight.

This user gets it. Optiplexes are fun and all but their PSUs are too shit to put decent cards in. Get yourself a T3500 and a X5670 (on par with i7 2600) and get way better price/perf even if you nab it off of eBay.

Little thing called productivity. If i'm not spending 10% of my day waiting for programs/documents/websites to load, that's easily $10,000 in value per year to my company

Optiplex and Precision lineup are actually gold rated PSUs with low ripple and noise.

The Inspiron consumer desktop lineup uses the cheaped out psu and skimpy wires

>buy office desktop with shit psus
>buy workstation with good psu with no PCIe connectors

You're gonna replace that shit either way.

Stupid question

Concerning the PSU problem.

Can't you just leave the old one and use a second one with a switch just for the GPU? Like in a external GPU setup just with the difference that you make some space in the HDD cage for the 2nd PSU?

I don't see why not, as long as the GPU receives enough power it should be fine

but they can make new phones from them when they are recycled so more normies can come here and post their consumerist threads.

I stand by my statement.

A 290W PSU is more than enough for a GTX 1060 if it has a 6 pin power connector.

>Intel Core i7 4710MQ
oh shit, I remember buying my laptop like it was yesterday
time goes too fucking fast

>thinking normies use desktop PCs anymore.

these PCs are from 2013, what is your point?

Really? I can still get parts for 5 year old HP Elite desktops

Lenovo Desktops (not SFF cases) use more standard parts, so you can get way with just a psu/gpu upgrade. But in this case the mobo will be the first thing to go, then you will need a mb/case to transfer everything into. The Windows license should transfer as well as the old case will have a sticker with a code on it. But because of this, these usually go fast.

You can save a lot of money, but know this going in, you will be replacing the psu, motherboard and case withing the life of this purchase to get full value from it.

old intel workstations are cheap as fuck because threadripper is what actual productive people are buying. enjoy your waste of electricity.

lol this thirst trap doesn't even have an ass. i'm so sick of girls purposely developing lordosis so thirsty betas get conned into thinking they have a big ass. retards.

>the cheapest of this shits on yurop is 400 bucks

i'm not lying the bourgois doctors in my area cycle out their gear yearly or biyearly at the latest. many of them just give it to their employees to take home, who then turn around and offload on kijiji

u wut? black and gray and minimalist as fuck. they are cleverly engineered too to make servicing them easy as fuck. toolless and super tidy. their current gen cases are pretty handsome imo.

does dust get in the case through those front panel holes?

Just take it out once a year and blow it out with compressed air.

>it employee

toppest of keks, is this how cuckadmins cope?



>tfw my Threadripper with 128GB of RAM has the performance of ten of these HP machines

nope. even going back to the sandybridge optiplex days (optiplex 990 and it's ilk) the cases and cpu heatsink exhaust provide pretty good negative pressure. really good engineering. some of the cleanest low maintenance cases you will find anywhere.

Fucking this.

>be bong
>butter my toast with a spoon because bobbies dragged me away to an enrichment camp the last time there was a butter knife on within 100m distance
>TV License death squad comes in through the window to smash my computer as I might be using it to commit TV watching terrorism
>turns out I only need to replace my 3 year old CPU as Lead Justice Television Judge Expert Emperor God King of Scotland Who Owns All Cathode Rays and LCD Crystals Under The Sun only spilled his soy pumpkin spice latte on it while breaking his finger trying to press the power button as PCSO Braheep Sendlasagnabazuka was beating me with an enrichment tube
>go to Ebay, see pajeets and professional Ebay shit hoarders and scalpels sell old used hardware at higher prices than when it was new because it's either impossible to get now or I would have to import from US/CA paying 300% its worth in shipping and customs
Brexit will surely save us at any moment now