Fluent design

>fluent design

Wow gee guys, you finally got your shitty Windows aero back. Are you fuckers happy?

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It's great, I love it.

>Windows Aero
Pick one, faggot.

Looks like absolute shit
Flat design was a mistake

>windows aero
>not shit
Pick one. That was the absolute worst ui design era.

you mean the best, most aesthetic?

there needs to be a subtle border between those too imo

why microsoft fails to hire godtier designers

because it's a beta

>thick, useless borders
>rounded corners
>need to check the blurred areas every time you upload a screenshot to make sure nothing incriminating is hiding in there

huh, the selected item and surrounding items seem to light up depending on where your mouse is and how far away it is


>thick borders
that's a good thing
>rounded corners
that's a good thing
>need to check the blurred areas every time you upload a screenshot to make sure nothing incriminating is hiding in there
don't store pedo shit on your computer


>>thick borders
>that's a good thing
I'll concede this if you have parkinson's and can't accurately put a mouse over a smaller border.

>>rounded corners
>that's a good thing
Name just one benefit.

>don't store pedo shit on your computer
"Incriminating" doesn't necessarily main illegal.

>I'll concede this if you have parkinson's and can't accurately put a mouse over a smaller border.
I just like to have thicc borders for my windows
that's all

>>rounded corners
>Name just one benefit
looks really good

>"Incriminating" doesn't necessarily main illegal
then just fucking check the screen if you left up any gay loli porn window
it's not that hard

Insider build 17063

thick borders were forced by Currysoft's complete ineptitude to copy the good bits from other operating systems like Alt/Super+mouse to resize and move windows around.

I didn't care about transparency then and I still don't care. I focus on the usability not the looks.

while it is an improvement over bozo the clown it's still fucking disgusting. there's nothing aesthetic about it
translucency is stupid

>translucency is stupid


>me like shiny goo buttons!

> muh thin fonts on transparency + blur


> it's ugly as fuck
> it's much less readable
> it's very wasteful of screen real estate
> it's distracting if the window below has movement or strong colors
> it means the legibility of your current window depends on windows below it, what the fuck

Who the fuck is behind this name, in what way is this "fluent", it's no different than the previous design, are you telling me that frosted glass was the key to fluency? Oh I just couldn't understand this UI when the background was a solid color, but now I say wow™!!!

Its not even close to fluid design yet, this is what awaits:

kys weeb

>late 90s early 2000s
>user interfaces have praticality in mind built exactly for mouse and keyboard, still manages to look pretty good

>user interface in a permanent flux between touch and mouse, inconsistences riddled throughout the entire operating system
>wasted space, an attempt at aesthetic focus but still manages to fail

Where did it go so wrong

Wow that looks like fuckin shit

More like Fluent-Why.

>Where did it go so wrong

The real problem with windows 10 UI is that it's not consistent at all. Windows 7 was at least somewhat consistent but in windows 10 i have the feeling that i'm using windows 7/8/10 at the same time, this is disgusting.
Even on Linux with gtk/Qt and terminal applications my UI is more uniform because i can easily theme everything easily without bugs.

>Latin American keyboard
>Japanese microsoft IME

>it's distracting
get on my level

what DE or program is that?
is there blur behind the window? can't see because low bitrates

>all that wasted space
absolutely currysoft. for what purpose?

Just window transparency in KDE.
Can toggle the amount by scrolling on the titlebar.

in my opinion your setup would look much better with blur enabled
I'm currently working on completely revamping the KDE blur
see pic
and get this
the blur you see here requires around 10 times less performance than the currently used maximum blur amount on latest KDE
4k images get blurred like this under 0.2ms on my vmware
it's almost finished too
what do you think?
would you use it for your theme?

>wasted space
lmao bitch where

is dead

It might work for different windows like terminals, but for a video backdrop, blurring kind of defeats the purpose.

The taskbar/start menu used to have a subtle border and it looked dumb.

Man....Win 2k really was the best. I used that as my primary OS FOREVER. Never a problem with it. Art, Games, Porn, everything. So good.

the border must be very subtle though.. yesterday played around with editor theming, and without borders it looks shit..

also, I'm on os x, and they have borders everywhere (they are just very subtle)

it'll just be a "subtle" shadow to create depth, they already use it in the store

You know, I actually kind miss how simple everything looked in the classic windows XP (by which I mean windows 98 style)
The design just worked.

this is what i mean, look at apples finder sidebar (which microsoft obviously tries to rip off, but without the borders)

fluent reminds me of people who say turrent

I didn't realise you actually watched the video behind it
I thought it was for aesthetics only

which is funny because people keep calling it fluid design

How do I make wangblows 10 look like this?

It's on the insider preview, so you just have to wait