Magewell Pro Capture Quad HDMI Video Capture Card

Magewell Pro Capture Quad HDMI Video Capture Card

Why is this shit so expensive? $899? For WHAT?

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Scam card. Use a fucking gaming GPU.

cry more faget

Show me a cheaper alternative that isn't ching chong garbage.
Boom now you know why it's so expensive.

>use a GPU to capture video
youre pretty stupid tbqh

Why the fuck are you shopping for quad-hdmi capture cards?

enjoy your botnet

Modern nvidia cards do this well, retard

not him, but do "what"
modern nvidia cards have video-in?

I'm using a 1080ti and I can record my gameplay losslessly in realtime without a performance hit

you're dumb. please stop posting.

do you even know what a fucking capture card is?

I think you are a confused retard

You`re either baiting or being a really big stupid faggot, you`re capturing your screen, not capturing FROM the fucking HDMI.
The card the OP posted is intended to capture shit from another device, not producing video output and capturing in the FUCKING COMPUTER.

Nigga that's not what a capture card is for.

>* t. retard

How is HDMI a botnet?

No one's answered my questions. What chips are on this card that warrant a $899 price tag? It's a scam, it's bullshit. A capture card shouldn't be complicated.

the subject of hdmi being a botnet has been discussed extensively on Sup Forums for years. This is clearly your first day on Sup Forums. please lurk more; we are not here to spoon feed you

Okay, then take your ass over to Amazon and get yourself a cheap Elgato if you think you have all the answers. Leave it to professional broadcasters to worry about what chips are on it.

Just point a camera at a TV. Works perfectly fine. No need to fall for the meme.

This thing is a semi-pro device that has has to deal with a shitton of bandwidth and has some pretty heavy duty image processing on board. The reason it's so expensive is only partially because of the hardware on board, the real reason is the amount of features and software support and the fact it's meant to be reliable being able to run for years on 24/7 use

you are completely clueless. capturing high resolution digital video is not some simple task. the card you posted can do 4 streams simultaneously.

please explain what you need a quad-hdmi capture card for

>the only purpose of a capture card it's streaming gaems
True Sup Forums poster



>HDCP is restricted to HDMI
that's not how HDCP works retard, HDMI can run without HDCP and nearly any digital interface supports HDCP even display port.

It's proprietary

I know this isn't bait because bait would have been more cleverly constructed and not built up.

thats only one of many reasons hdmi is botnet

>calling other people retard
I bet you're the same literal retard who thinks his nvidia gpu is an hdmi capture card
enjoy your botnet, loser

How can HDMI be a botnet when HDMI doesn't have an internet connection, storage, or processing power? It's just a display connector standard and protocol. How is it more proprietary than USB?

>calling other people a loser
I will continue to use the most widely supported A/V interconnect in the world unlike you who just keeps spouting the botnet buzzword. I won't be the one losing out on anything

Keep losing those freedoms loser


Q. What are the fees - annual and royalties - for a low-volume HDMI Adopter agreement.

$5k/year fee + flat $1/unit administration fee + variable per unit royalty Designed to lower up-front barrier to entry cost for customers until higher volumes. Royalty is device-based and not dependent on number of ports, chips or connectors

$0.15 no HDMI logo
$0.05 HDMI logo (requires compliance testing)
$0.04 HDMI logo + HDCP included on product

wtf I hate hdmi now

You can fucking switch the signals with it, pretty handy if you ask me

I'm going to report you for being a waste of life

Thank you for your time! That's all I needed. Merry Christmas, friend.

>not knowing how to strip HDCP without a stripper
protip it isn't related to OBS

You can work around anti features and freedom limiting bullshit, but you're still supporting non free stuff even if less than the average faggot

You guys are all fucking dumb, HW video capture is fucking trash. Just SW video capture.

ok ill be sure to download the capture software on my gaming console/TV

are you even 18?

or you can just use something that isnt a botnet to start with

>any software or hardware
>not a botnet
pick two

>Literal brain dead retard doesn't understand video-in

>>Liberal brain dead retard doesn't understand video-in*


at least my fucking monitor connector isnt a botnet

you done yet, hdmi shill?

.t the corporate shill in the thread

I don't even recommend recording shitty tv/console stuff. Just saying that guy was a hardcore clinically brain dead liberal.

>at least my fucking monitor connector isnt a botnet
no need, the actual control boards in the monitor are. so is the electricity you're pumping trough it.

no i replaced all the pcbs in the monitor with custom designed ones, fuck off

>he thinks the solder he bought was not botnet

I was just pretending :^) thanks for (You)s

But they're female HDMI?

Ignore this post, it's dumb

8K capture card only $645 available in January

>no hdmi

Leave it to an nvidiot to shit up the thread.

>"I was merely pretending to be retarded"

Niche item with niche item prices.

The daughterboard has HDMI.

average Sup Forums user

Niche market you dunce. Capture Cards are not devices that end up in everyone's tower pc

SDI connections aren't meant for consumers.

>SDI connections
I have those connectors on my old CRT, but they use the old BNC interface instead.

The Insensity card seems better for general users.

I'm pretty such it's using BNC to transmit a different signal, say component.

Hella cheap aswell.
That's pretty swell for a 4K video-in card.

Doesn't say if it support HDCP 2.2 but I guess it does.

Yeah, it's not digital like the SDI one, it's using Red, Green, Blue, HS (Horizontal Sync), VS (Vertical Sync).
It's a Samsung SyncMaster 957MB that is stated to run 1920*1440 but it has no problem running 2048*1536 at 59Hz

just ignore the troll

Stop saying "We", you don't fucking speak for everyone on Sup Forums.

what's with the threading at the bottom of the coax connectors? is that not normal BNC?

You're mistaking RF connector for BNC. It's a locking mechanism so the connector doesn't slip away when pulled. Look at the top two in the picture. Left is BNC, right is RF.

Professionals don't use botnet connector

This only supports HDMI 1.4 which means no 4K 60FPS recording, it's shit

HDMI 2.1 cards not available anytime soon, so no 8K capturing until then, hence why SDI connector is used

So DVI and DisplayPort is botnet?

only DVI-D