It is now Day 8 of absolute silence from Hiro regarding the ad fiasco...

It is now Day 8 of absolute silence from Hiro regarding the ad fiasco. The adware scrips are continuing to break the CSS, which explains why we're not getting Santa hats this year.

What ads do you shills keep crying about?
What scripts?
Did you fall for an 8pol shitposting campaign? Yet again?

They implemented a tiny script to try and bypass adblockers, it doesn't work very well, and if you browse the web at all without noscript you're a tard.

I agree that there should be a thread about this up at all times until Hiro responds but I didn't have any issues with css or ads since day 2.

uBlocks added a filter and it blocks the script. I'm also using Sup Forums-x but it works without it too.

A white man should own Sup Forums.

Is clover safe?

Why are you defending him?
The fact that it's easy to fix doesn't make it not a shitty move

I'm pointing out that you're all full of shit.
There have been dozens of threads, on multiple boards, full of disinformation
>theres malware loaded on your machine!
>hurr hiro is giving you sekrit viruses
>Sup Forums is infecting all of you, PANIC!!!!
>theres impossible to block adware!
This was part of an 8pol raid to spread this nonsense here. They did it once before when Moot first sold the site.

The site maintainer, who is not Hiro, implemented code that does something thousands of webpages do, which is try to prevent ads from being blocked. You can disagree with it, but they still have a right to do it. If Hiro wants the site to run at a profit thats his right as an owner.
Buy a pass and quit bitching or stop using the site.

>t. Hiro

t. Hiroshima

Moot said the site wasn't operating at a loss when he left where the fuck did the server costs come from?

You do realize Sup Forums traffic grew explosively with the whole Trump thing right? Of course this doesn't justify malicious ads, but comparing the site now to when moot was around is not fair.

The script is still on the site. The santa hats can't be added because its fucking with the CSS. Hiro is the grinch who ruined Christmas

Theres a big difference between making a pittance annually from J list ads, and actually having a solid stream of revenue. Every website owner has the right to monetize however they wish. If you'll remember Jlist pulled ads from here because it wasn't long term worth it on their end.
If you don't like it don't visit the site.

>actually defending malicious, third party ads that break the site and datamine you
Hiro fuck off and sell the site

The fact that you can do nothing other than make infantile shitposts really says a lot.

>datamine you
Better consider why you're using Chrome then.

>It is now Day 8 of absolute silence
Were you seriously expecting it to be any different?

The ads that break peoples css you fuckstupid nigger.
Damn did you fucking idiot even read the opening post?

Most likely they're janitors user

but where are me santa hats?>

Theory is that the ads that are fucking with the CSS are making it impossible to do

>not using ublock and ublock origin
>not clicking the unblockable ad
i don't fucking understand you people

Did you miss the part where just loading the ad is enough for it to inject code?

How about you shut your fucking mouth.

there are santa hats on Sup Forums

Don't try to bring facts in the discussion. Didn't you hear the lying shill claim that CSS is broken!

>If you don't like it don't visit the site.
Or i could just keep blocking ads or phoneposting with clover :^)

Nice try Janny, we all know Hiro is a scamming, lying, little cunt that should never be trusted with a dime.

Why is Sup Forums so special they get santa hats


Hi hiroshima nagasaki.

Keep shitposting and lying. It'll really accomplish a lot.


You're the one cucking yourself by being gas lit and believing your own lies.
Wheres the broken CSS, user? Your faggy hats work just fine on Sup Forums, in normal view, and catalog.
Why is it that the only arguments you all can launch are total disinfo and outright lies?
You wouldn't be an 8pol autist would you?

I wish the fags complaining about the broken CSS would just leave.

But it was a white man who sold us out in the first place.

B-but what about clover?

jews aren't white, user

Clover is fine because it loada content via the api and thus doesn'treceive executable content.

Sup Forums pls, at least read a bit

Moot was a faggot but he treated the website with love, Sup Forums needs moot

The ads do not break people's CSS. Only improperly configured adblockers/noscript-like addons do. Ublock Origin was updated within 24 hours to block hiroshimoot ads and does it without breaking anything.

With the traffic Sup Forums receives, donations would be one option. Or enough users buying Sup Forums passes

Day 8 of my on clover and nothing has change

thats because its not hiroshima. the cia took over this website a long time ago dumb fuck

Isn't clover written in electron?

Please don't be a brainlet anymore.


Shills from 8shit are scamming anons into their site.

Hiroyuki Nishimura was tricked by Jim Watkins, a former military, who owned 2ch servers but not the forum itself. Watkins made a silent coup on Hiroyuki and took over his domain, then the 2ch owned by Watkins was hacked and was revealed he was selling data AND that Hiroyuki wasn't the owner anymore. Later on, Jim Watkins offered free hosting to eightchan's former owner, hotwheels, but during a mysterious DDoS to the website he deviated the traffic to a domain of his own, nobody noticed. He is now the owner of eightchan, the wheel guy is no longer the owner, just a janitor with high privileges (or not so).

Blocking the creation of more boards, avoiding the purge from bad mods and the racist groups that landed on Sup Forums, making a coup in Sup Forums and silently sending people to the other chan are the strategies of these assholes.

This is not an accusation against Hiroyuki or is talking about Sup Forums been redirected, the real scammer is Jim Watkins and the redirect was long ago done in 2ch and 8ch, not Sup Forums.

I would be okay if they promoted some other chan, BUT THEIR CHAN IS A HONEYPOT!


You're thinking whatsapp. I find them quite similar as well.

You're fucking deluded, they don't want us there.

t. cuck

Don't bother counting the days, you're going to strain yourself. He's never going to address this. Rather, keep the site checked for further attempts at JS fuckery.

Good one

Enjoy your botnet.

It is fair, because as the site grows, ad clicks grow and pass subscriptions grow. There's also the fact that he did the exact same thing with 2chan, hiding popular boards behind a paywall and claiming the site was in dire straits financially when it wasn't. He then proceeded to fuck everyone over by cloning the site and selling their personal info.
Don't fall for this bullshit, he's attempted this before, but never with a site of this size or with so many autists.

Holy shit, the quality of this board is abysmal.

>and actually having a solid stream of revenue
You mean passes? You have nothing, apologist. Stop playing devil's advocate for attention.

t. 8shill

There is no limit on how much a person can make from their business, you retarded shill.

Thanks for your contribution

You want more?

The fact that you defend shitty behavior displays obvious attention craving and lack of self-esteem.

nntpchan > Sup Forums >>>>>> shit >>shit

Calm down, Hiro. Your english sure does improve when you're throwing a hissy fit.

Projection isn't an argument, and you still have no facts whatsoever. Just lies and shitposting.

Fuck off Jim Watkins

>all these faggot complaining about non-existent scripts,

I see nothing on umatrix so fuck off

I wish you'd stop using controversial subjects to get attention, you spoiled little turd.

Enough users are buying Sup Forums passes, otherwise the site wouldn't even be up. If you think this cheeky jap fuck would even consider sustaining the site for one day without profit you are delusional.

I am not in favor of ad scripts if they exists, but FUCK OFF 8SHILLS

Seems like ublock is blocking them now, but they're still there.

Who is he and what does he do?

There are legitimate ways of attaining this without pissing your customers off, you moronic attention-whore.

>mfw I notice there's no hats
>mfw its because of this fucking shit

Projection is also not an all-purpose argument when you have no rebuttal ready. Apply yourself, find healthier ways to get people to interact with you. You're not 4 anymore.


Hats work just fine, its just that they're only enabled for Sup Forums.

You're a moron

Eat shit, Ivan.

Hiro: The Grinch who ruined Christmas

pressure him

Hiro is a cool guy

>Doesn't care
>Posts on thread anyway

Not having Santa hats is the best thing to come out of this.

t. mahmutt

This debacle has affected me even as a NoScripting passfag (CSS broke), so I am deeply concerned.

Isn't that what we do all day?

>giving money to Hiro
Kill yourself

are you kidding? m00t giving his easily triggered SJW girlfriend mod powers during gamergate was one of the most retarded things ive ever seen in any online community of any type. i got banned like 10 times during that simply for asking what was going on

she'd put lady gaga videos on the front page, then when someone started a thread asking wtf she would randomly ban people in it. this went on for over a month

also thats where most of the userbase to came from as people left, so to see those faggots shilling with the '4chunz not walcum' screepcaps in this thread pretty ironic.

tl;dr this thread is filled with newfags and mook dindu

if anything base mallory was cleaning up Sup Forums of all the triggered 14yo mongs that thought videogames journalism was ever anything but shilling just like all journalism is

>m00t giving his easily triggered SJW girlfriend mod powers during gamergate
This is all complete bullshit that gaymergays made up in sheer and utter impotence. He wanted Sup Forums to discuss videogames, you somehow took this as a personal offense.

Hiro is a the realest dude. Don't be mean to him

it was on every board on this site
over half of the threads on Sup Forums were about it. again it went on for a month or longer. your new is showing (or you have a terrible memory)

That doesn't change the fact that you have nothing to prove he gave her any mod powers. /r/the_donald nonsense is also on every board of the site now, it doesn't make it any less retarded.

Moot used to care before he later became a normalfag


>lolol wow shes triggered
>user has been banned for this post
whatever you say, clearly you werent around

That's not evidence of anything, you're clearly a child who started visiting in 2015.

so whats it evidence of?

the amount of shilling your doing for her is amazing. She fucked this site over and cheated on moot with a spic

You tell me, salad boy.