AMD CPU + Nvidia GPU edition, Speccy Thread
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>2013 as fuck
why tho? I traded my Fury for the 1080, no regrets.
suck my dick chris
I got lucky as fuck. I'm not sure what happened but I ordered this 580 from amazon for a good price and was put in a queue. Then something happened in between and I got the card for 120€ 3 months later.
why i3 over bspwm
Out of the way poor plebs
For some reason my 1st monitor was detected as 144hz, but it's 60hz
i3 is super out of the box and i've been using it for a few years.
what advantages do u find with bspwm? i've tried awesomewm but i3's documentation is pretty good and actually accessible
>DT01ACA series
Just replaced my dying 1st gen barracuda, from the previous rig, with a newer one (M008), hopefully it'll last more than 6 years.
Surprisingly enough, all data was recoverable, even though it took me a week because it read from 0byte/s to 2mb/s max.
Still going stronk. I'll only need to upgrade GPU when those fabled 2nd gen VR headset come out.
DESU I don't think I'll need a new CPU anytime soon.
core2 bros ww@
this comfy shitposting machine is an old HP business desktop I got for €10 around two years ago, beefed it up over time with some spare parts I had laying around
Next year I'll upgrade to a 1440p monitor and GTX 2070 and it will be complete.
I thought all 1080s came with atleast 8GB of vram
>correcting RAM readings
I hope AMD does well in 2018
He's not correcting them. There's nothing wrong with those readings.
it does, speccy is being a cunt
Debating on a gpu up grade / upgrading to Coffee lake / Ryzen or buying a Nintendo Switch, i have some disposable income form working a shit ton of overtime.
I really want new monitors, these early IPS panels aren't cutting it anymore. Hopefully something from CES
how the fuck do you even use that monitor? You can probably find a 1080p display in the garbage nowadays
>AMD CPU + Nvidia GPU edition
Sure why not.
Fuck current ddr 4 prices.
Rate my lite gaming / htpc rig?
Ryzen 2 when?
What theme is that?
Guess what model. Also should i change the thermal paste?
got my first pc for about $225 from some dude off craigslist, thoughts? I'm not sure if I should be happy with this or not.
the fuck do you have on all those drives user?
Did it come with any peripherals, or just the comp itself?
Either way I'd personally be pretty happy with it. The CPU is decent, but a decently solid GPU and a good starter monitor. Like I said I'd be happy with that purchase, can't really do better for that price.
Odd combination. What do you use 32GB of RAM for?
just the build itself, got a monitor from a buddy and i already had all the other peripherals.
i don't have any issues with it I just expected the gpu to be able to handle recording games a bit better, day of infamy for example runs near max settings but the frames are from 30-60 but it could just be the source engine.
perhaps it's the fact that storage is almost half full, IIRC as storage goes up shit slows down I think. Maybe it just needs a defrag to bring the frames up a bit. Who knows I'll just get a new graphics card as I go on
Well not much, sometimes I run a few VM's for testing/playing purpose. At the time ram was cheap so I was like why not max it out. Now I'm glad I did
>10 pro
>10 home
Yeah, they're a real pain. I can survive off 8GB for a while but I'm going to miss the 32GB DDR3 ECC I had before.
1 of 3
2 of 3
>thinkpad x201i
traps are gay
Cheap pile, I threw a cheap 1050ti ssc innit
So are winfags having pissing contests with their specs.
3 of 3
>C2D HP NX7400
>house fire edition
Love all my Pc's all 3 of them.
being a poor cunt. oh boo hoo. I'm
My PC is a turd, but I don't play any games on it other than Dota 2 once in a blue moon so it suffices.
get a switch you dont need a new cpu
>cuck lake
>ram @ 2133mhz
Cool winter temps edition.
>buy the cheapest ram speed
>buy the most expensive cpu/gpu
You could have had 32GB ram for ~$100 few years ago.
>Single Channel
Fix yo shit.
Christmas Space Heater reporting in.
Best pc in whole thread coming through. Thats a lightning Z btw, clocks to 2050 and ram at 12.5 ghz no prob.
Yeah, RAM has got to be stupidly fucking expensive. I'm on a 2500k atm, and looked around at upgrade prices for the first time last week - it was ridiculous. Even worse is that, given how much better Ryzen performs with fast RAM, I'm going to have to spend a fortune.
I hate how it doesn't show clock speeds and correct vram.
Video card never ever