>your browser
>1 good thing about it
>1 bad thing about it
Your browser
>it's clean
firefox beta
it's highly customizable
it can't love me like a woman could
At least post the updated version faggot
>Google integration
>Google integration
Just werks
unless werks is defined as playing webm
>Respect my rights and my privacy
>Does not have a lot of addons
>god tier
>pale moon
They're corrupt, the main dev censors addons he doesn't like.
>pale moon
>all of the options of the classic firefox with modern support
>slightly slower than firefox quantum
Go back to your """telemetry""" (spyware) browser then.
it just werks
>Native UX, integrates with everything, lightweight, decent dev tools, doesn't eat up memory like fuck
>Rendering engine is a little eh, lags behind on cutting edge features, small extension community.
No """telemetry""" (spyware) on Brave.
>brave doesn't let you install your own extensions
>only allowed to use a small, preselected list
Your browser, their way
Fucking slow as hell, not to mention slower & crashier than shit with Sup Forums X.
I can't enable and disable extensions on the extension page.
The button doesn't work, same with the trashcan button.
It's iridium ver 2017-11
What do?
The lack of compatible extensions is a price I'm ready to pay in order to use a browser that respects my rights and my privacy.
Waterfox is fine, they're not run by mozilla
Oh I totally get the privacy thing, and I honestly kinda hate when people start crying botnet or scam about brave. It's a solid browser.
I just find it ironic that you're complaining about the palemoon extension block when it's just an about:config change to disable, while Brave requires you to do all this shit to MAYBE get something to function.
The fact that extensions do not work on Brave is (afaik) only for technical reasons, not ideological ones.
It's more a matter of principle.
>brave not in the botnet tier
>if you _want_, you can watch ads, and use crypto to support websites and stuff
Is there something I'm missing?
>ligtest goddamn full feature browser eve
>still heavily indev
>Cozy n clean
>Nothing from a user standpoint, but botnet :(
>good thing: tree style tabs
>bad thing: everything else
pale moon
>objectively the most riceable browser around
>takes forever to receive updates because it has a dev team of like five people
>>takes forever to receive updates because it has a dev team of like five people
And the main dev is ideologically possessed too.
I can't even begin to imagine what kind of man he can be in a professional environment.
>It's Chrome without Google's spyware
>No automatic updates
iridium has been shot dead if im correct
>fire fox
>nice and fast along with customizable
>bloated and eats my data like fucking candy thanks to windows 10 being trash and bloated this is a fucking plus
Comodo used to be decent, but it's either shit-tier or botnet-tier. They try to install a bunch of extra crapware all the time. It's reminiscent of the loads of Java updates that did the same thing only a few years ago
>This fucking Sup Forums tier browser list
These threads have really gone downhill over the years
More like (((telemetry)))
You got a source for those allegations, I presume?
I don't think he's insinuating that Brave has telemetry, but instead that telemetry as a concept is jewish or something
pro: it's not chrome
con: it's firefox
>he thinks there is only Firefox and Chrome available
Good goy.
What? Iridium shot dead?
Tell me more.
>memory whore, literal botnet
Its alright
I use FF dev because the toolbar and tabs take less screenspace than standard firefox. Otherwise I'd switch because I get annoying updates like every day
>chrome extension support without chrome botnet
>memory hog
>no cyberfox
pro: Is Firefox pre 57
con: is Firefox pre 57
I'm not able to install Icecat on Arch, makepkg's Aur gives me errors.
Looking for qutebrowser, worth it?
>cutting edge
>no privacy issues
Low quality bait
Is Dooble a meme or a real alternative ?
Depending on the activity, I go
Bad thing : Didn't understand the drama between Opera and Vivaldi
Good thing : Runs smoothly and doesn't use that much resources
>Comodo IceDragon
Bad thing : Nothing so far
Good thing : Comodo layer, not sure what access they could have
>FF dev
Bad thing : Add ons are chaotic, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, randomly. Reboot once, the addon is accepted. Reboot twice, it's refused.
Good thing : Has integrated screenshot and easy access to the debug tools
keyboard driven + EXTREMELY customizable interface
but browsing Sup Forums threads where I want to look at the pics is a pain (wallpaper and porn threads mostly). idk if theres a good way to implement hover image, so I use firefox+4chanx for that.
there's greasemonkey support now
oh neat. I'll look into that.
same as pale meme then
>it's not new firefox
>it's not old firefox
I'll get used to the differences eventually.
> pro
Wide variety of addons
> con
Not cutting edge due to being a derivative browser
(Also Soros hate is a Sup Forums meme. I'm happy to use products he's involved with because I don't hate Jews or Philanthropists.)
+ customizable enough for me
- updates sometimes can break some add-ons
Not really a problem for me, but I had to turn off auto updates on my mom's PC and update it manually every time I visit her. It's kinda inconvenient because we live in different cities pretty far from each other. I'm thinking to maybe set up remote control.
>the good
It's fast and easy on my cpu
>the bad
Can't play shit on /f/
>the ugly
Nothing, the logo looks cool.
unlimited free VPN
Chrome reskinned by the chinese
It's not. There was an updated version a few days ago, but there's an issue with alt+tabbing where it'll just close the program entirely. I'll just going to keep on ver58.
>It's not nuFirefox or Chrome
>Its basically just old Firefox
I can't really complain beyond that.
Firefox stable
+ 57 is actually fast and good
- I going to murder someone for taking away the classic search bar
>Pros:Sup Forums project collab
>Cons:It doesn't exist
Seriously though, what happened to it
Firefox 28
Everything works the same as it did four years ago.
It doesn't fully support HTML5 and CSS3.
Firefox 57
They give slightly more than half a shit about privacy, compared to Google, who give slightly less.
Still slower than Chromium on Linux with Mesa.
Why weren't there any threads recently? Seems like they stopped midway
That's the autism version and it's not even correct.
Fug, I was on the not even on the list-tier previously, but now I need to find a new browser
>your browser
Chromium 61 (nik's build)
>1 good thing about it
Still faster than any other browser
>1 bad thing about it
Images load like this for some reason
(in case the gif isn't clear enough, when the thumbnail is completely visible on the page, the expanded image will load dropping down normally, but if the thumbnail is outside the screen borders, it expands upwards and outside the frame)
Best browser
Not best performance
This. Never forget the man behind the curtain pulling the strings
just werks
nothing really
>it's fast
>it's still version 56
>TFW dolphin ded
now how will I get flash porn on mobile? Don't recommend those browsers that stream flash content
>these browsers are modern yet will never get above 0.01% marketshare
And why do I care about that? I use Linux even though it has 2% market share. Opera actually has a higher marketshare than that.
Absolute shit. Use sane websites which upgraded from flash.
- Vivaldi:
- Good thing
- no rendering issues
- Bad thing
- botnet
This Hiro adstravaganza has finally sold me
I was fine with being part of the Chrome botnet and I don't even care if people have my data, but don't want malware. I've heard Brave has in-built adblocking, but limited addons/extensions. Is it compatible with Ublock Origin?
Botnets are everywhere and I learned how to deal with it. I ain't gonna use some slow shit because of safety.
Live fast, die young, my nigga.
it's still showing ads on android
>nice tab management
>still chromium underneath and so hogs memory
And if I could include small niggles, it'd have to be the constant "Oh how's Vivaldi/What browser is that/Weird Firefox skin" comments whenever I post a screenshot. It's not even that bad but ugh it's grating.
Oh and uh, I use Edge as a secondary browser so:
>better on battery than anything
>not good for anything other than a fanfiction reader
Pale Moon
>Forked off from when Firefox was still great
>Add-on compatibility issues
>your browser
>1 good thing about it
They finally made the URL dropdown box not look like shit, and you can have a transparent scrollbar without an extension
>1 bad thing about it
Everything else
>it's chrome
>it's chrome
>no one remembers Wyzo
Good: UI in Resource Monitor, etc
Bad: Not too many add-ons
>it lets me go on Sup Forums
>it lets me go on Sup Forums
>it's Firefox without the botnet
>still in version 56 but there are no big differences so i don't care that much
there is no alternative to swf porn
>pretty fast
>runs inside a browser
I'm on a dying Windows XP install, phoneposting.
Works on my machineā¢
Fuck CSS
No one is stopping you from going to the add-on github page user.
Moonchild just did not want to host the add-on for HIS software on HIS site.
Firefox beta
>Fast and customizable
>Mozilla is sketchy as fuck
>Lets me install other shit
>Preinstalled on Ubuntu
Am a Linux baby, pls no bully
honestly, the project should be forked to keep it away form that kind of shit, especially after the adnauseum nonsense. From a privacy standpoint, I can understand not letting extensions spam your ip everywhere by default, but the way it was handled was poor.
It's still the least bloated, least botnet, and most "suckless" browser around though. Just wish it had an actual OpenBSD port already.
>unironically recommending Firefox as an alternative for a privacy-focused browser
>chromium still calls back to google
>FF nightly has telemetry enabled by default
>no privacy issues
>iridium calls back to google just like the chromium it is based on
whats a good browser for having around 100 tabs open and can restore previous session if i lose power
>placebo tier.
>The only browses who didn't get CHINK'ed by gookmoot malware.
I don't have enough smug loli pictures for this post.
>iridium calls back to google just like the chromium it is based on
iridium, PaleMoon, and Basilisk are the best at handling large tab loads, and they all have session management extensions available.
whats wrong with Chrome?