Should Hiroyuki Nishimura, the current owner of Sup Forums...

Should Hiroyuki Nishimura, the current owner of Sup Forums, be physically inactivated given the insertion of Bitcoin miner scripts into Sup Forums?

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This faggot should be fucking castrated.

And how would you go about that? He's a dumb gook that did this to the last site he owned, has to do this to buy more ramen and rice for his micropenis.

>physically inactivated

Can he actually be sued for this since he actually did this himself and not an outside group?

not that i would do it

hmmm? I got nothing now. Didn't even bother applying the "anti-cancer" patch you guys made.

I had it for some time and it moved out when I reinstalled uBlock on top of uMatrix.

worth looking into

disable javascript

that just seems to break the webpage. seems blocking requests from the bad sites on the DNS level is the best approach.

Sup Forums works fine without javascript
except the catalog

Will this be what finally sets me free after nearly 13 years of being trapped here?

No, you're here forever

If you are implying we should kill him... no.

Just keep making fun of him.

Guess the whole malware outrange bullshit came from a bunch of paranoid freetards. Oh well, I think I'm safe

sure, that's why there eere 4-5 active threads for the past 24 hours, right?

Enjoy your literal botnet.

whenever I disable every script, it keeps giving me pages with only the most basic HTML visible (white background, text and formatting). must just be a firefox problem.

Nice try hiro.

should i be worried about this pinguiqproxy thingies?
also how do I block them?

have ublock on, then also install umatrix and disable all the sketchy shit on there. works fine for me now. What's worrying is that if you just try to disable it on ublock, it periodically crashes the site's css.

installed node script and it seems to block them automatically.
Real sketchy.

Are you sure your site doesn't periodically crash all css?

>must just be a firefox problem.

Top-tier browser when you're concerned about malware.

not for me at least.

Hiro has been sued before and all he does is just never show up to court and not pay anything.

Wow, a website that does creepy stuff and looks like a website from 2003 might do shady stuff? I am shocked

>hosted in the Ukraine

What could possibly go wrong?

>data mining

it's happening to ne and i use chrome

I'd be fine with a proper js miner instead of fucking malware adds

what if I noscript though?

anyone have the script i need to block in ublock?

Since late November-ish Sup Forums has been eating some of my posts at random (like, I post something and it looks like it went through but actually didn't)and whenever I open a private window some shit like opening images bugs out until I refresh the page.

Could it somehow be related to this? Or is it likely on my end?

Why hasn't a mod stickied the new Gorhill filter?

I heard that it's this.

Only tried it 30 minutes ago, but it seems to be working.

Nice sarcasm based humor. Where can I like your FB page?


Mine looks like that too.
Maybe my pihole is blocking the domains before they get to me?

You don't need to add any manual script. Just update the filter called "ublock filters". Might have to update it a few times for it to work because for some reason it sometimes doesn't add the script right away.

>all he does is just never show up to court and not pay anything.

The police don't just kick his door in and drag him in for dodging court?

There is a newer one than Sup, String.fromCharCode, /[0-9a-f]{40}..$/) ? That one still seems to work perfectly fine for me. Haven't updated the filter list since yesterday.

that's kinda what the purpose of the script is

Is this what actually happened? Thank God I run uMatrix and block this. Reminder that you should too

Where is that screenshot from?

If I was infected what should I do to prevent bullfuckery? Should I just do a full backup or abandon my computer and wipe it all?

Why do you need this new script? I don't see any ads and the fishy domains are still gone. I use this filter in the regular ublock filter list that Gorhill added yesterday.

>new script
The two are almost exactly the same code.
His pic came first however.

Wipe it all, of course.

delete system32
rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
remember to report Sup Forums

I heard that he escaped japanese courts by escaping to France in the luggage compartment of a private flight. No idea how true that is lol, but I think for sure he is living in France.

Fuck, thanks for the heads up then.

Dumb question, is this shit something I should worry about if I have a Sup Forums pass?
And before any of you fags give me shit I got the pass back when moot was still around and I thought I was supporting him and the site. Of course he teleports behind me and stabs me in the fucking back and puts gook moot in charge and now that slimy fuck has had my card information since day 1.

thats bullshit
it would not be possible to do that
no one would escape Japanese law and i definitely not live by French

It doesn't matter if you have a pasa or not.
We're all fucked equally.

So Gorhill's script in my post blocks this mgid domain too? Because I haven't seen that domain pop up even before the fix, so I thought it might have been a new one that wasn't there yesterday.

I figured. Fuck.

How were things like before moot abandoned us to slimykikegookmoot and fled to jewgle?

He did what?

Even people with passes still get the ads.

It was a gay anime site with terrible opinions everywhere.
But it was our gay anime site.

Shit from incompetence rather than deliberate efforts to rape you.

For what it's worth, it's actually very unlikely that it was any coin or data mining thing. From what we know, it was a really scummy anti-adblocking attack that intentionally broke the site for people with script blockers and for the ones who didn't block scripts, they got to see some dodgy russian ads that bypassed regular adblockers like ABP or uBO in default mode, which were no doubt malicious if you clicked on them, but harmless if you didn't. This wasn't a zero day security leak that could install or do any harmful shit on its own. Otherwise this would be a much bigger deal right now, especially considering it affected every browser equally.

Why are people suggesting this js script will allow people to install RATs or keyloggers?

Did anyone else never actually see these ads?
I have ublock and NoScript installed but apparently even people who also use those had them.

Everyone is overreacting, nothing is getting automatically downloaded, there is no proof either.

All that's happening is that ads are bypassing adblockers by being obfuscated etc. and depending on your blocker and browser, the manually blocking the ad domains will crash the css.

Nothing will happen to you or your computer.

Literally if this was the case, at least a couple anons would have posted proof as well as logs.

it's still trying to open but gets shut out a couple seconds later.

Dunno I use like almost all adblock lists and got 0 blocks on Sup Forums...

>Bitcoin miner
so with 10 opened tabs I get 0.2% cpu usage. He must be making mad dosh.

If you weren't here during mootykin's reign you don't belong here at all.

I never saw the ads either, but I did get a broken white page most of the time.

Nice try user, but you don't know how sophisticated modern browser-based JS injection attacks are. You think nothing has happened and then suddenly boot-up takes at least 3 seconds longer.

Normie verdict: didn't even notice (normies don't time their boot-up with a stopwatch)
My verdict: compromised system, full wipe-down is required.

I lost my fun-machine by going on [s4s] (where hiro tests all his malware, because nobody there gives a shit) accidentally.

How the fuck can you lie through your fingers like that

>if this was the case, at least a couple anons would have posted proof
Take a guess why you're not seeing any. Because we're being fucking watched that's why. So far Sup Forums is the only board that is freaking out and all the mods have to do is selectively allow posts but give you the illusion that you have posted. Probably dozens of anons out there have posted logs and are wondering why they're getting ZERO replies. I wonder myself if my post is going to get through, as an illusion that we are still in control. Polite sage.


What's the difference between Gorhill's script in the official ublock filters: Sup, String.fromCharCode, /[0-9a-f]{40}..$/)
And this one: boards.Sup, String.fromCharCode)* ? That some people are spreading

I have never seen this mgid domain and I don't have any ads, does Gorhill's script block it as well?

>js script installing ransomware
In what shitty browser?

Use your brain for 2 seconds

Literally ALL of Sup Forums has smartphones.

You with me so far?

If their computers get hit with ransomware, they can take a picture, and then post it with the app or mobile website.

Sup Forums is better than this. Yes there is shady sketchy ads, but there is NO PROOF of infections from THIS WEBSITE

>it's a paranoid schizophrenic gives advice episode

Seriously, this. There has also been no proof posted (that I've seen) on various Sup Forums-related Discord servers or on the Sup Forums archive.

>has no points, posts with anime-avatar, insults and character assassinates.

Are you a 3rd worlder by any chance?

Do you in all seriousness think if there existed a zero day security leak that affected ALL browsers equally, fucking Hiro would be the first one to make use of it, unbeknownst to Mozilla, Google and Microsoft? Zero days that execute Javascripts are no longer a private internet security issue but would be the top priority for every company affected by this.

newfag detected,

Are you going to explain why or just look stupid with a baseless statement like that?

You're a retard for thinking Hiro has access to js that can blow through modern browsers and install ransomware.

I wonder what the unobusfacted code is.

Not him, but it's a time honored tradition on Sup Forums to freak out visitors who flock to Sup Forums for advice whenever stuff like this happens by making things sound completely off the rails dangerous and scary when they aren't all that bad. I personally hate it because it keeps derailing discussion about a still very serious issue.

are you sure this isn't just a shill tactic being carried out by some 3rd world poo in loo firm or shitty botnet?

got it here.... shhhh get it quick kappa

It blew through mine and I barely caught WannaCry as it loaded into memory. I wasn't visiting anything even remotely shady for the month and I just did a fresh install this fucking month, just youtube and this shithole. Just as he rolls this "update" out and my captcha breaks, I decide to loosen the bonds just to post here and here come the ransomware alerts out of the ass. I'm probably risking again by posting this, given that a single script isn't enough to purge it.

Moot said in his ted talk Sup Forums had 7 million active visitors
Not posters, visitors.

Let's assume that even half of those users stopped coming and we are left with 3.5 million visitors alright?

Are you going to sit here and tell me that with Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums and all the other high traffic boards being as popular as they are, and also "infected", that millions of visitors wouldn't post at least a single iota of proof of ransomware?

Even wannacry had proof, this doesn't, this is just a meme based off ads

yes, slowly and on film. has the subhuman fuck even acknowledged it yet?


Wannacry was acquired because of a microsoft vulnerability in ports and had the ability to spread through local networks without manual downloading. Not only that, but people posted proof within minutes of it going viral.

Are you going to tell me that just by having obfuscated ads, people are getting ransomware? Is Sup Forums this stupid to believe in this without proof?

You can mock me all you like, it's not gonna change the truth. This place is fucked for real now.

>93 posts
>55 posters
>0 images of ransomware proof

Please, someone screencap your infected pc showing the ransomware, or take a picture with your phone

That's right, you can't because it's fake


You're accusing us of this being fake. The burden of proof is on the accuser you dumb cuck. Get a life you dumb fag

Come to , i'll not add any ads or malicious scripts

If you are actually infected with ransomware and you believe you got it from this place, what are you still doing here? Go format your HDD, reinstall windows and never come to Sup Forums again.

>Browsing the chon or any website you don't trust on Windows
Jesus Christ