Minimal as fuck

>minimal as fuck
>doesnt use systemd
>still easy to install/use

why isnt this more popular?

because it's shit


No documentation

Can't play my linux gaymes on it, too mich of a hassle

Not as much documentation as other decent distros and package repos are probably not up to speed.
I'm giving it a go soon, though.


Please try again kiddo
There is eneugh documentation outthere and if something really doesn't work just hit them up on irc
Are you a social outcast or something??

hipster shit

This. Very gay

is linux in general just hipster shit?

How is it hipster?
Do you aslo consider devuan hipster?
The only gay unix system is freeBSD

Do you aslo consider devuan hipster?

Nope because all hipster trends are unusable to some degree.
Having a good understanding of linux can give you a descent job in IT.
Enjoy your systemDick faggot

There's already Clover OS, which is basically gentoo for babbies.

Enjoy your hipster spic distro faggot. Just USE GENTOO YOU FUCKING BRAINLET. YOU STUPID NIGGER

Sorry user but I've no time to sit all day infront of my computer.
We all know gentoo is a
bottomless well of time.
For me anything is okay as long as it runs emacs

>Sorry user but I've no time to sit all day infront of my computer.

we get it, you don't go outside kiddo. lmao

Pardon me sir but are you implying that I've nothing to do whole day and am a lazy human being.
Well, I like reassure you that this is a completely false statement.
I'm a very busy man

Yeah, but can I play solitaire on it?

Who cares? Just use whatever is popular and has decent support - Ubuntu, Debian or Fedora. Any other distros are just too hipster or too specific, they are not bad but using them comes with some sort of risk, they lack testing, QA, developers support and what most important money. You can end up one day with fucked up system or files deleted just because someone made stupid mistake.
There is Arch and Gentoo, I think they are exceptions from this hipster shit. But it's the most obscure kind of distro you should use as they lack only money and maybe a little QA, aside from that they are pretty good distros.

>Are you a social outcast or something??

i use linux, what do you think?

>rolling resease

Is this some kind of Arch faggotry?
Or is it stable?

I tried to install one but 2 min in I gave up
I couldn't find any

>daily reminder that everything but Slackware is bloated hipster shit

>arch faggotry
Yeah it is but surprisingly it's more stable than arch in most cases
I've run it for almost 6 months

I stopped using gentoo after spending an hour resolving portage conflicts for the hundredth time.
The benefits of source builds aren't worth the hassle outside of a select few cases that almost nobody actually has.
>everything but Slackware is bloated hipster shit
Slackware is many things, light is not one of them. Plus not having dependency resolution or abi tracking for source builds quickly becomes a pain if you need to install a significant amount of packages that aren't in the base install. That being said, I use it on my laptop.

i am dumb so i need a main distro for ultimate support when things fuck up

void has systemd
It's just optional, which is how it should be.

Slackware may seem deprecated in 2017, but man, it's so fucking comfy I can even... sounds cold as fuck at first, all that manual management of dependencies and rc files but I love it somehow, maybe because it was one of my first GNU/Linux distro so it's kind of nostalgia.

because they learned how to install Arch and feel cheated that the superior distro is so much easier to install and maintain.

Both arch and void are easy to maintain user.
i've had more porblems with debian unstable than with fucking arch and void combined

>The only gay unix system is freeBSD
Debian would beg to differ

Lesbians ain't gay user
They are hetero af

I discovered Slackware pretty late, after using Ubuntu and Mint for years.

You are right, it IS comfy. Even though it is weird for the first few days. I think Slackware is like Vim:
If you use it for the first time it looks strange, but after a short while you'll wonder how you could use anything else before.

I also think the installation routine is gorgeous. You should really take your time, chose the "verbose" installation routine and read through all the nice explanations what each package is doing, it's worth it. You'll know your system like you never did before (unless you are a Gentoo, Arch or BSD guy, of course).

But thats wrong, It has a steam package and everything works as expected

Oh and of course:
It's SystemD free (unlike Arch).

LiLo is love, LiLo is life.

>Running steam on gahnoo/lenux

Removal of the installer is one of the reason I stopped using Arch.
Let's make the user do more pointless busywork because the devs are too lazy!

>Complains about no games
>Complains about steam

Antergos is a thing, you know?

I'm not complaining user I've tuxracer
It jsut takes like >10 min to install base system on a SSD

You don't learn shit by using a guided installer, scrub. No, to fully master the world of GNU/Linux one must manually enter all commands. NO copy and paste allowed!

Slackware still has a pretty decent community, especially with Alienbob churning our packages and slackbuilds. Even with manual dependencies being pushed through, there are some decent auto dependency tools (i.e. slapt-get, sbotools)

I'm a BSD guy, so I can appreciate the whole 'nice documentation" + 'compile from source' thing, but even I get annoyed at how long ports take to compile, and that's with their dependencies already figured out!

But the arch install is pointless anyway, its not like it's gentoo where you compile your own kernel and such

Lesbianism is a meme.

Only script kiddies waste their time compiling from source for their extra 1% placebo performance


But it does make more sense than installing arch, which is complicated only to make you feel smart.
That was the point.

That seems to go into the other extreme.
I don't want hand-holding, I just want things to not waste my time for no good reason.

A simple installer script like Arch had, like Slackware or OpenBSD has is all that's needed.

on modern systems... on old systems it totally makes sense. Gentoo was my first distro only because it was the only one that even ran smoothly on my old ass win98/xp laptop at the time.

You are of course right, but compiling on my old dual core is suffering

Never had a problem on my i7-4700mq

That's not the point of gentoo.
The point is to be able to easily customize build time options of your whole system, that's why you have USE flags.

Enjoy your botnet.

Yeah my 1800x is fine too, but we were talking about old hardware

I don't know who's gayer, who says that word improperly or who acts like that

Already much more popular than it was 1 year ago and that's enough