Post yours, no cleaning.
Downloads Folder
Other urls found in this thread:
Not OP
it's hard to stop downloading JAV since they are interesting even if they are shitty porn
Stop watching porn
Alpine is great!!!
You all disgust me.
I tried to liveboot it but it asked for a login, I couldn't find the login on the wiki, though I could just be a brainlet
>This is how Windows Explorer looks now
Damn, MS really took the Fisher-Price pill hard.
Just type root then hit enter.
Clean your shit, for fuck's sake.
rate me
Oh, oops
"This folder is empty."
Did my best to show the most content
pretty good if the 'she' folder refers to the artist
a good downloads folder is a clean one
Seek professional help for your pr0n addiction and hentai before you turn into a sicko weeaboo pleb.
You've obviously gotten lost on your way to Sup Forums silly weeb.
why would i bother doing that?
where did you get the nekopara ova from?
is that way if you want an anime-free subreddit
>folders inside downloads
that joker show kill yourself
Don't worry I already have 8TB of JAV and 4TB of anime
Anime website.
But its not just an animefag site anymore, so grow up and accept it.
Windows + Utorrent
user who touched you
Or better yet, accept the fact that the majority of the people on this site watch and like anime/manga and don't make a fuss of it yourself if you don't like it and take your own advice and grow up
you have to go back
My man
>Rick and Morty
removed things that could dox me
I liked the show before the cancerous fanbase was established. There's nothing wrong with the show itself.
Here you go
>complains about people disgusting him
>uses fucking windows 10
No. kys weebfag
Am I the only one who doesn't have a "download folder" and just saves directly to the propper destination? I save to desktop for misc stuff but clean right afterwards
fresh install that's a never been cleaned download folder
owo is this the new desktop thread
I immediately sort things up after i download and delet if not needed
yes i want to clarify I had all the big stuff on different hard drive thats why theres no esports things in the download folder. and i didn't save the firefox executable i just executed it
>porn for Christmas
i was surprised from all the trash people leave in what's meant to be a temp folder
ignore the prons just trying to get my ratio up on pornbay so got some things with high leachers
1000 ways to die is a pretty comfy watch desu
this desu, i let mine build up and clean like every two months though although most things i move into where they should be stoared as soon as dl/seeding is complete
the rest
that windows crack looks sketchy as fuck desu pajeet just inseminated your pc
It included revloader so I used that instead.
I have a very large downloads folder. I shan't be posting the rest though, far too many screenshots.
>itt degenerates whom'st'ed've don't use the desktop as default download folder
merry xmas !
michael@carbonite ~ $ ls Downloads/
'2017-18 SCH EXMT Properties 13-95.pdf' kali-linux-2017.3-vbox-amd64.torrent radiolab_podcast17trolleyproblemupdate.mp3
DeEdv2.5 LANDHCPLog.txt~ 'Rick.and.Morty.S03E09.720p.HDTV.x264-BATV[eztv].mkv'
'( Rick and Morty S03E09 (HDTV) (720p).torrent' learn_ide_3-amd64.deb 'Rick.and.Morty.S03E10.720p.HDTV.x264-BATV[eztv].mkv'
'( Rick and Morty S03E10 (HDTV) (720p).torrent' logs 'Star Wars The Original Trilogy 1977-1983 Despecialized Editions 720p x264 AC3 5.1'
ID-5100_Full-Inst_Manual.pdf 'MetaMask Seed Words'
kali-linux-2017.3-vbox-amd64 radiolab100417.mp3
michael@carbonite ~ $
Torrent downloads don't end up in my download folder on my desktop system.
>desktop.ini inside downloads folder
What did Satya mean by this?
I see you're a man of taste as well
My laptop that I barely use. My desktop downloads folder is probably around 250gb+ of junk dating back to 2011.
You fucking bet
Thought I was the only one
>Windows 10
>That drive name
Post the gif of amerika
I usually sort my downloads almost immediately anyway
Don't know how much of it you want, but here it is at default window size for finder, if continues mostly that way with a fuck ton of pdfs unsorted images and webms of random porn and shit, plus other random bullshit that for one reason or another got downloaded.
I'm amazed at how many of the same files I have in common with Sup Forums. I'd demonstrate, but I sort and move everything to my file server almost immediately.
Why do you have a folder dedicated to Zoe Quinn?
>saving samples
My folder's still pretty empty since this Windows install is still only a week or so old. Don't think any of these files are new, it's all shit from my old downloads folder.
do you have a degree in EE?
what do you do with Processing?
what does gravitational dynamics have to do with formal verification?
This intrigues me too
meme sci-fi fedora/10
This one?
Then I'm sure you know what my webm is from.