Remind me again Sup Forums why we hate Pajets so damn much?
Remind me again Sup Forums why we hate Pajets so damn much?
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Leafposting outside of Sup Forums should be a banable offense.
Fuck off back the the shithole you came from.
We don't hate him user! He's merely trying to restore the internet back to how it was before that satan worshiping, queer-loving obama took over!
abysmal education system coupled with a culture of pathologically idolizing commercial success
this leads to a gigantic fucking army of incompetent deluding themselves into thinking they're professionals when in reality the average high school kid knows more about technology than they do
there are competent Indians out there but in a country of well over a billion people, there should at least be a fucking couple
Do meaning the war against torrent?
I don't want to the ISPs baning torrent promote their own streaming services.
Only 1st level support pajeets are abysmal. When you have to work with the pajeets on escalation calls, they are the ones who know their shit. Wish they didn't have such stupid fucking names though.
Yuge wealthy websites will pay for internet fast lanes.
Poor old Hiro will only be able to afford designated shitting street.
Because they are more intelligent, more attractive, more wealthy, and more popular than us.
he seems like a genuinely nice and caring guy its a shame everyone doesn't like him especially considering how hard he has worked to keep the internet open and free
they're all too young to remember when Maggy Thatcher stopped the British Telecom Fibre roll out and we stopped the AT-T merger and had to sell all our tech to the Asians due to anti-monopoly laws where the US and GB were leading in internet tech. But no, according to your average Paiposter and redditor it's actually under regulation that caused this shit internet and the formation of oligopolies :^)
On a sidenote, Net Neutrality is cancer
incompetent, rude, and won't recognize a mistake even with a gun to their heads
the holy trinity of a good coworker...
>poos in your internet
Is this supposed to make me mad?
He just looks fucking retarded, and so do you.
Because he is changing things that do not need to be changed for the sake of change.
That shit eating grin... why can't the serial killers and general nutcases of the world target this guy...
Since we're on the topic of deregulations, why not be like europe and have all the cable lines for broadband be open to everyone who wants to start an ISP rather than exclusive rights to certain companies that can pay. Government shouldn't have the right to select the winners by the price tag in local municpials.
Pajeets run America
- their code is shit (buggy, bloated, inefficient).
- they smell like shit.
- their food is shit.
- they drive down wages.
- they have zero creativity. they only do what they're told and no more.
- they see no problem with lying to get a job.
- they're just annoying to be around.
- they're some of the most racist people on the planet, yet they will cry racism if they don't get something.
They can all go back, including the faggot in the pic.
>implying repealing net neutrality was a bad thing
go back to plebbit
Hey Sup Forums, merriam-webster's #1 word of the year is "feminism".
How is it a good thing
>We need a wall like this.
It's really not. The simple truth is that the lack of NN in the early days didn't matter because the internet was just developing, but now, the internet is much more than just muh AOL. Regulations must be set in place to prevent the consumer's rights from being infringed upon. We cannot trust for the invisible hand to guide the market, because the market in this case is flawed (see EA). Business practices that stop startups from providing competition undermine the invisible hand that guides the market. Thus, it is imperative that we remove such obstructions to restore the internet, and give the power to those who truly need it.
This repeal returns the law to the 2014 state, which was significantly worse than what preceded it. There will be zero regulation. No-one will prevent major ISPs from fucking everyone over.
The "free market" argument does not apply where there is no competition. You can pay more for less, or you can opt out of having internet access.
Sup Forumstards pls go