What distro did you begin with?
What DE/WM did you begin with?
What distro did you end with?
What DE/WM did you end with?
Started with manjaro xfce
Ended with Debian Dwm
What distro did you begin with?
What DE/WM did you begin with?
What distro did you end with?
What DE/WM did you end with?
Started with manjaro xfce
Ended with Debian Dwm
Other urls found in this thread:
Started with Ubuntu unity
Ended with Ubuntu i3
Linux Mint/Cinnamon
Just say xubuntu lmao
Started with CentOS GNOME
Currently using Void Dwm
May end up on Gentoo
Ubuntu with Unity, then they tried to replace the Linux kernel with their own brand and make Ubuntu a different OS, and that was when I jumped ship and started using Debian Stable with GNOME. Haven't trusted any kikes since then.
Start using Ubuntu
Ended using Antergos Deepin
You live under a rock.
lmao roflz
Ubuntu Unity.
Used a ton of shit and come back to Ubuntu Unity.
I will probably move to Devuan since I don't like gnomeme desktop.
started with steam os
ended with gentoo i3
Ubuntu, Gnome2
Debian, MATE
>What distro did you begin with?
>What DE/WM did you begin with?
Gnome2 i think
>What distro did you end with?
>What DE/WM did you end with?
Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity7 on my laptop
Debian Stable with no graphical environment on my home server
Android on my phone
Android TV on my media center
Linux Mint
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB
Started with Ubuntu.
tried a whole lotta distros over the years, ended up back in Ubuntu. Hardware support just wasn't there. I understand that other distros have improved in that respect but I've become too used to this, I'm past my dicking around with tons of distros phase and just use Ubuntu as my daily driver.
Redhat/Gnome at the turn of the century
Now on Debian/Pekwm
Red Hat and Slackware
Ubuntu Mate
Arch KDE 5
Here's your (You)
debian 6.0.4 in 2012.
5 years later, tons of distrubutions tried and In the end I'm still on debian stable.
Guess I just don't like when shit breaks.
Downloaded Debian on floppies over a 14400 bps modem. Installed it on a 386 I got from a school, no DE/WM whatsoever.
Debian with xfce on a Intel Core i7 8700K Coffee Lake with 64 GB RAM and a 1080ti GPU.
what kind of things you used to do on Debian without a de/wm over 15 years ago?
Learned Linux from absolutely scratch. I read man-pages and just poked around as much as possible. This was before everything was readily available on The Internet(tm) as we know it today.
How old are you now? And try dwm oldfag
Ubuntu & GNOME
Arch & i3-gaps, but thinking I should move to a full DE
I'm 40 years old.
Will look into your hipster-tier trash.
Started with Red Hat and gnome
Now using Debian FVWM-crystal master race
Don't call it hipster. It's pretty solid. i3 is pretty hipster in my opinion. Once you install it, you're done. I don't even rice it or modify it.
Ubuntu 8.10
Arch (since 2009)
Was using GNOME until this year but I'm trying KDE now
Sorry for hurting your feelings. Will check out dwm :-)
Started with Ubuntu 8.04.
Have tried a bunch of different distros.
Using Ubuntu because it just werks.
Ubuntu for desktop, Debian for server.
I'm looking for a dad.
Started with Ubuntu Unity
Ended with Manjaro KDE
OP here, i did make a thread about how good debian is.
does debian have 'tweak' tool in the software downloads centre
Started on Ubuntu 10.04 gnome
currently on Debian 11 i3
Debian KDE
Fedora Gnome
I honestly like gnome. even though it eats a ton of ram after long use I find it comfy
Look for yourself
>End distro
Currently using Antergos
>End DE
could be that
>What distro did you begin with?
>What DE/WM did you begin with?
>What distro did you end with?
Debian, just because my internet is too shit for Fedora updates.
>What DE/WM did you end with?
Xfce because 4 gb of ram. If i had more ram i'd rather use GNOME.
Started with Ubuntu and Unity.
Ended with Arch and KDE Plasma.
I'm still not completely happy with DEs though. None of them are perfect.
>There actually people here running Gnome willingly by choice
Ended with Manjaro deepin.
>What distro did you begin with?
>What DE/WM did you begin with?
Still using it to this day
I'm on Xubuntu right now and I'm very much thinking of either switching to Debian with XFCE or go OpenSUSE for fanciness and KDE integration. Hard to choose.
>and I have no idea what XFCE is or does sorry
What the fuck
And they say there's no divisiveness in Linux.
>But they all run the same kernal bla bla
If there's things like "Gnome apps" or "XFCE apps" there's clearly something fucked up.
thanks. Now I don't want to use this anymore
Gnome devs live in their own world where Gnome and GTK is the entire Linux world. As far as they know, every Linux computer runs Gnome, every application is written using GTK, and every application is intended to run on the Gnome desktop. It's all part of Red Hat's plan to completely take over Linux. See what they're doing with systemd (which Gnome of course has a dependency on). They're working with the NSA and are trying to put Linux users at risk.
Started with some old version of Slackware I think.
Currently on gentoo with xfce
Started with Unity Ubuntu
Ended with Xfce Debian
I've used OpenSUSE, Gentoo, FreeBSD and OpenBSD in between but with the exception of Gentoo, they were all too unstable or didn't have enough of the software I needed for work. Gentoo was alright but compiling everything was kind of a pain. I might install that on a spare laptop someday, but for now I'm on Debian testing.
Debian stable + Xfce -> Debian testing + i3, Debian is literally the only distro I ever tried in about 3 years of using linux.
distro I ever tried in about 3 years of using gnu/linux.
Started with slackware
Soon switched to debian and been using it or derivates ever since (almost 20 years now)
What's wrong with Antergos?
Ubuntu 6.04
Windows 10 + WSL
Red Hat. Before that just the bare Linux kernel.
These days I only use Debian for servers.
No DE/WM. If I need to use one I use a very bare bones one.
started with ubuntu 12 with cinnamon
had an arch linux phase
ended with debian + i3
Started with ubuntu 10.04 + gnome 2.
Made a long stop at arch + i3.
Ended with debian 9 + xfce. I am still using some of the shortcuts from i3 like to move between workspaces
My wife don't care for tech at all and hates me spending time with my computers. My daughter is only 2 so no real interaction there.
I might just adopt you and have wonderful evenings of config tweaking and desktop ricing with the son I never got.
Started with Arch
Ended with Void
I've tried nearly every distro.
started with fedora / KDE 3
now using Debian Testing / Plasma 5
Fedora 11
Debian Xfce
Fedora 7*
why the fuck do I always do that
Started with Ubuntu Unity 10.10
Ended up with Debian Xfce
tried source mage? tried duzeru? tried big linux?
>What distro did you begin with?
Ubuntu with Unity
>What distro did you end with?
Arch XFCE on desktop, i3wm on laptop
Started with Debian XFCE
Ended with windows
They say men with high testosterone get daughters.
Ubuntu 8.04 with GNOME
Arch with xfce on desktop, Void with i3 on laptop.
why would anyone use debian as a desktop distro? it is intended to be a server distro
Debian is a universal distro, newfaggot.
Nice to see the old fashioned use of the word get
if you want old ass software then yes lmao
Debian has new packages. Like what else do you want?
debian 9 stretch as a server (command-line only)
> OpenBSD
> too unstable
are you retarded?
Would openbsd work on a Dell XPS Laptop?
I began with Kubuntu
Had Manjaro for a good while, and then I tried Debian. I then slowly installed Debian on my computers
I ended with a Debian netinstall with Gnome, and yes I removed systemd
Mint Cinnamon
Gentoo LXDE
>and yes I removed systemd
Doesn't GNOME depend on systemd? Also why GNOME? God i hate bloat fags so much.
Start: Ubuntu with Gnome
End: Lubuntu with LXDE
slackware 3 cli
gentoo xfce
Kali + gnome
Alpine + i3
> mint mate
> kde neon
just 3 years being into gnu linux
>Alpine + i3
post desktop. I thought you couldn't use alpine as a desktop
3years and still using bloat. Just go back to windows
started with kubuntu
ended with ubuntu i3
Its been a long and winding road nigger. I started in around '05 with Fedora, then I moved quickly onto things like Damn Small Linux, Mepis, Puppy, Antix and the such, on an old Thinkpad T22.
I couldn't install Ubuntu due to a lack of RAM.
Anyway, as time went on I began to buy newer machines, and I got Linux Mint running, and I tried stuff like gOS, and Ubuntu Hardy Heron and such like. I also used Debian and stuff like that.
Of course like all Linux Faggots I began to try things like Arch, and REALLLLYYYY got into it, like I've used Arch for 3 or 4 years now, having it on my system for months at a time. I've used Antergos, Manjaro and stuff. In fact up until 2 days ago I had Arch running.
But of course, I use Ubuntu MATE now. on my x220 It shits all over Arch, everything is better...sorry Archfags but I've fallen for the justwerks meme.
> they were all too unstable or didn't have enough of the software I needed for work
Did you just selectively read that sentence faggot or are you retarded?
started with ubuntu gnome
ended with fedora gnome
xfce + i3-gaps
pretty solid
I never 'ended'.
someone told me that Debian was the hardcore edition so I went right for it when I was 13. I used Linux mint after that. I think gnome or mate was the default DE/WM.
Very happy with it all. Now I use OS-X and I like how I get POSIX without dealing with drivers.
Started with Ubuntu 16.10
Ended with Elementary OS Loki
keking externally. the only thing it offers is pantheon which you can install on any distro