Fell for the 1440p meme

>fell for the 1440p meme

Holy fuck, i wish i had paid for a 180-240hz 1080p monitor instead of this shit.

>too poor to afford 1440p @ 144hz


and not achieved those frames? are you a cuck?

1440p is great

I bought a 165hz 1440p lol

I can, but it's too large.

>it's too large.

what are you 12

>I love seeing blocky pixels, and have no need to have a good screen workspace.

Op, are you a fag by any chance?

24-25" 1440p is perfect.
Too bad you can only get them in TN.

>too large

There is literally nothing wrong with TN.

Using a 28" 4K TN panel, and the color distortion at the top or bottom of the screen is very noticeable even when looking directly at it.